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ogist the first...white rabbits!!

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    ogist the first...white rabbits!!

    mornin all are we today?all good hopefully..tis raining here ...and Im out early doors tomorrow.....took a couple of pics yesterday which I will put up at the end..well the story has finally broken bout what I found...its hit one of the big city papers last night..there will still be a lot of work to be done before its all sorted out..but here you go...but first a brew....

    Archaeologists found two skeletons buried in the walls of Halton Castle in Runcorn.

    Claire Broadhurst, of Norton Priory, revealed today that the duo are believed to be a man and a woman, enclosed at least 400 years ago.

    They were found in a lying-down position.

    The find left archaeologists 'surprised', said Claire, as they were not expecting to find any human remains.

    She said volunteer digger ……………. is believed to have discovered the first skeleton before alerting the professional archaeologists from the University Of Salford.

    The reasons for the skeletons' presence remains unexplained but more analysis could shed light on their origin, Claire said.

    Archaeologists reported the find to the police and coroner before obtaining a licence from the Ministry Of Justice to continue excavating the skeletons.

    Other finds in recent weeks included an array of mysterious artefacts including animal bone, pottery, clay pipe, musket balls, glass and coins.

    Norton Priory said the skeletons were ‘the most intriguing find’.

    The dig was carried out by the University Of Salford with backing from Norton Priory and the help of more than 300 schoolchildren and nearly 100 volunteers.

    Claire said they devoted a huge amount of effort and enthusiasm, doing everything from turf-stripping and excavation to cleaning finds and even backfilling and re-turfing the trenches.

    The archaeologists and volunteers excavated several trenches, one of which explored large sandstone debris believed to be from collapsed walls.

    The other revealed features cut into the natural bedrock indicating different phases of activity spanning the castle’s more than 900 years of history including a three large post-holes and a drainage channel.

    Nearly 100 volunteers plus more than 300 schoolchildren helped with the dig at Halton Castle.Nearly 100 volunteers plus more than 300 schoolchildren helped with the dig at Halton Castle.
    As well as various bits of green-glazed pot, the site also showed evidence from the medieval period in the shape of a substantial wall running inward from the outer castle boundary.

    All the information will now be pieced together and reviewed in the hope of creating a clearer picture of what has been found this summer.

    Tom Fildes, of Norton Priory, said: “The dig was an emphatic success and we can’t have hoped for better.

    “The volunteers were absolutely fantastic and without them and the University Of Salford we wouldn’t know what we do today – that something rather peculiar was going on at the castle some 400 years ago.

    where the dots are thats moi .....the whole article has appeared in a newspaper Ive just chopped it down a wee bit..but in a nutshell..Ive always been interested in history..when I left the prison service gave me more time to do this so I go on archaeology digs helping out as a volunteer..Im not too bad at digging and found some pretty interesting stuff so far..not so long back I was involved in digging out the first prison in Manchester and was all over the county news with that one..on this particular dig...I was going through some supposed nothing ground....the objective was to follow the line of the bedrock which was about 6 or 7 ft down ..we had already found post holes for buildings etc..when I was down about 6ft,I came across a mate then got one of the supervisors..and I moved over a bit ..and yep found another skull!!at this point the area was shut down and the professionals got to work...thats when it was discovered it was actually 2 bodies..there are a lot of details that have to be looked at yet,and the remains are now at Liverpool university...what is interesting is the history of the castle ...and what isnt mentioned in the newspaper report is .it looks as if both bodies may have been bound hand and foot,also their necks broken ..indicating that they had been prisoners and hanged..and yet they are very well to do people..their teeth are in excellent condition,and the male I believe had a leg break that had been put together professionally indicating a person of some there you go folks...obviously there are pictures but until its all sorted out I dont think they are for disclosure ..especially on an open website!!so thats what I do during the week at times ..NOT sundays thats different you can see I do keep occupied..many moons ago I was into scuba diving and one of the things I did was underwater archaeology but I had to give up diving but kept the digging interest!!! watch this space when the report comes out ..probably bout 6 months...anyways enuff yakking from me....took these pics yesterday..highland cattle...mummy n baby..wat do you think?





    hope everyone is well...time to start getting the christmas deccies you think???? have a great weekend

    Politicians are very concerned about the situation in Calais.

    It's slowing down their supply of prostitutes and cocaine.

    BBC NEWS: Immigration control to use fencing and dogs for immigrants at the Channel Tunnel.

    Surely giving them Olympic disciplines and a meal will only encourage them more.

    Teamwork is essential, it allows you to blame someone else.

    The judge told me to expect a long jail term.

    And then he hit me with it.

    "Penitentiary" he said.

    David Attenborough has been filming a rare large white wading bird in Africa.
    Customs discovered the footage and arrested him for Storking.

    I feel really sorry for all those immigrants in Calais.

    It must be fcking awful living that close to the French.

    "Can I still be the guitarist I used to be?" I asked the surgeon before my operation.

    "You'll be the same as ever." he promised.

    "Are you sure, with no hands?"

    "Trust me," he said, "I've seen your band play."

    Bin Landen?



    On a Ryanair flight to Spain, a woman stripped completely naked and had to be restrained by flight attendants.

    Ryanair immediately charged all the other passengers a £256 'entertainment fee'.

    Just invented a time machine....
    I'm going to call it a watch
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Yeah, I thought that's what you were doing, Mick :wink:

    For real - what an amazing story and how cool that you are a big part of it! That sounds like a fun hobby (along with all your other talents!). I'm not sure your Sunday activity can top this!

    I've never seen highland cattle -the baby is cute.




      Last edited by Mick; August 1, 2015, 07:58 AM.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        haha,secret squirrel mission finally out!Exciting stuff - and the baby cow is super sweet.
        12 hours sleep last night after deep massage, off to see friend for tea, see her OH's band play and then come back home.feeling tense but am remembering my breathing,and that it will pass,zero temptation to drink.Dirty ciggies and choccy tho - that is an issue - put on 3lbs,altho being sober is biggest priority so is getting healthy.
        Going to have 200 cals per day for a treat that i will enjoy slowly in the evening,and cling to my e cig and also start doing 10 mins of breathing meditation each morning.
        Other than that - thank f**k I'm not drinking as I would feel so so awful and I'm not sure I could quit again.Feeling all my emotions atm,trying to remember if I do,rather than numb with booze that they will pass through me.
        happy Saturday everyone
        Have a good day everyone
        one day at a time


          Good morning Abbers!

          Thanks for the startup Mick or should we now call you "DIGGER"?
          Congrats on your amazing find :welldone:
          We don't have anything nearly that old around here of course. History can be quite fascinating & now you are a big part of it, good for you!
          Nice cow pics - kind of cute & fuzzy looking
          I ended up having my very own minions here for most of the day yesterday - oh boy!!!! You get the idea of how annoying they can be, ha ha.

          Hi there NS & everyone!
          Wishing for a great AF Saturday for all. I'm off to figure out what I need to do today!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            morning all
            wow, that's quite a story and quite a hobby you got there, Mick. Did it feel just a bit spooky coming across the first skull?? Did to me just reading it. Look forward to seeing pics when they become available. No wonder your back goes out of whack! I like the pet store cartoon! Cow pics are very good. Hopefully for them it stays rather cool your way. That's a lot of hair for a hot summer clime.

            Bear, how's you be? Sounds like you have a plan in place. Ice cream won't give you a hangover! and booze is fattening too. Embrace your new life and forget the old and be thankful for not feeling like shit the next day!

            Hey NS, how's your weekend shaping up? Any travels?

            Morning Lav, if you're looking for something to do, come on down, I gots projects!

            Howdy doody to all good friends stoppin in
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Very cool, Mick! What an interesting thing to be part of, except on Sundays...

              Morning NS, Bear, and Lav.

              Think I'll laze around for a few hours, then attend a gathering of volunteer friends late this afternoon. Not a drinking crowd, so no challenges expected along those lines. Afternoon heat index is ranging in the 110 degrees vicinity, so staying inside air conditioned spaces is a top priority.
              Last edited by Pie; August 1, 2015, 09:26 AM.


                Hi Sam!


         was quite weird was exciting that I had found it ..then strangely enough it became kind of what right have you got diigging up something so very personal and private,but then it just goes out of your mind and you carry on..if that makes sense
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    MAE ALL....

                    Mick...thanks for kicking us off. Wow, what a tale. You must be right chuffed. I can't believe we didn't guess archaeology digs....then you had to throw in not on Sundays though! Geeze, the games still on! Good visit with my Dad today, temps up in the 30's so we didn't stay outside too long. Monday is a civic holiday here so I've got 3 days of no responsibility. Going to do what I want when I want. May have to take Nessy out to the mountains.

           could have let us in on the secret. LOL Now to figure out Sundays.

                    Bear...12 hrs sleep, wow, you must have needed it. Good to hear you have 0 temptation on the drinking. Enjoy your day.

           probably don't need to do anything today. Take the day off. LOL

                    Sam...hoping you have a super Saturday.

                    Pi...110 I agree with your priority. Hope you have a great day.

                    Going to figure out something for lunch and then see what I feel like doing. Have a Super Sober Saturday all.....:smile:PPQP
                    Last edited by porqoui; August 1, 2015, 02:38 PM.


                      Mae everybody, Mick,how awesome!!but I agree with Sam,I'd be spooked,never would have guessed archaeology digging either, late check in for me cuz I had to figure out a different exercise schedule this morning cuz someone was stabbed to death on my usual walking path yesterday at around the time in the morning I usually go! Damn Vegas getting too violent, everywhere really anymore hello to all and hope everyone is enjoying their day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        HI PAULYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Sorry to hear about the violence in your neighborhood! :-( Scary, indeed. I am glad you are here with us because you're a caring and lovely person.


                          Yes I am Rusty haha,I'm always paranoid on my walks as it is,cuz I like to go before the sun comes up and I'm alone,plus there's been some scary situations that have come up in the past,this one was a guy who stabbed his dad over a disagreement about who knows what according to the news and of course they were up at that hour drinking all night! I figure people who are out and about at that hour are probably up to no good anyhow
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Mick....yes I certainly was sure you were out digging up dead it all makes sense....kind of scares me to think what you are doing on Sundays

                            Bear...on chocolate....recently one of my teachers had us take a Hershey Kiss....did anyone else know the white paper is actually used to open it? it with the white paper, unwrap it, look at it, smell it...then have a small bite....and we could not have another bite until that that tiny bit had melted in our took me 30 minutes to eat one Kiss....and it was almost torture

                            Lav---really enjoying working at the Amish Store. So funny that we have "notherner's" come in and tell us....we have been to all these furniture stores and all they are selling is crap! So they are more than willing to lay out 6k for a dinning room table.....get a southerner in and they go WTF....6k for a table that will last 8 generations. I love it though....a very low pressure job. And I really have a good time there. And such an awesome family to work for. They are southerner's and they are amazed at how easily I connect with a "northerner"....and sell them a 6k table in 15 minutes or less

                            Sam...I am so glad that you are liking the new job. My hubby is still clocking about 60 hours a week at his "part-time" job.

                            Pie---I am still amazed by "heat indexes"....when I lived up north all I was used to was..."wind chill". The heat drained me this week.

                            PPQ-so glad that you had a nice visit with your dad. You will cherish these times.

                            Pauly....yes, a stabbing may stop my morning walk. Stay safe.

                            I recently have become irritated by friends who post on FB of parties they are attending. Not because they attended it....because I was never invited. Most don't really know about the relapse....and just assume I am sober....and don't invite me. I had me a bit sniffed this am, but I am realizing that I need a new group of friends. Over the 4th of July we had stopped at several houses....walking in the house smell like pot and they were out of it when we were there. I don't my age...I don't feel like having to go out and make all new friends.....although I do see those emerging. So I suddendly today felt extremely isolated. But, then I remembered it was me that really backed off from these friendships. They are nice people.....but, they really are not the people I need in my life. Most are not drinkers, but smoke pot all day. I think this is why I did gravitate to the "recovery groups". But, again I was not accepted as most learned that I am not one who thinks you need to be saved to get into Heaven. So, that is big thing.....just realizing that I have to have to stay sober and if that means losing a few friendships.....they were not friends to begin with.
                            Last edited by TheSunFlower97; August 1, 2015, 08:36 PM.


                              SF,I think that's one of the hardest parts of sobriety,wakes you up to finding out who your friends are,in my case I've got none,its hard to make friends as an adult,can't just walk up to someone"hi,let's be friends" they'd run off into the hills or call the cops Hahahaha!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

