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Actually August

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    Greetings friends!

    No one stopped in since I here yesterday? I hope everyone is OK.
    I enjoyed my lunch & catching up with friends yesterday.
    My girls decided they want to come out today so we'll find something to do. I'm thinking a farmers market or two

    Thinking of you Star & everyone.
    Have a great AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I crossposted with you Lav on the daily thread but figured I'd say hi here cuz I was headed over this way next Star,I hope everything is ok,just know that we're thinking of you,Dill,I've never been to OH,I've only been to, CA,Utah,Ariz,and Idaho,isn't that terrible! I'm not much for travel I guess and I refuse so I'm pretty limited to where I go I guess, day off today and not much planned except taking Brady to Kohls for school clothes and watching Louie,thinking about looking for a cheap steak to grill,just sounds good, haven't had one in a long time, hello to Cyn and Papmom, let's all have a nice Friday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!



        Lav, I looked in early this morning but got distracted before I posted! I was worried when I didn't see Star, but I am guessing that she made the trip to Florida. I hope all is well with her. I know it will do her good to be able to be with her dad. I'm glad you had a good time with your friends yesterday. Today was my day to meet an old colleague. We had lunch at Applebees and it was delish! It just so happened that today was the first day back for teachers and lo and behold a group of school teachers came in and were seated near us. I was greeted by a couple familiar faces from when I worked in those schools. I was glad to be at the retirees table! LOL!

        Pauly, that's not so bad getting to just 4 states. I'm not much for travel either, but I am a good deal older than you so have had more opportunity and time. Plus, living in the midwest gives you a chance to go more directions! I've been to Fla, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Louisianna, Boston MA, Maine, New Jersey, New York, (Niagra Falls, and NYC), Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Washingon DC, Virginia, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and even the Netherlands! Wow! I never stopped to think about all the places I've been! Today I took my grandson's school supply list to Walmart and the total came to $50! How do young families with multiple children afford it?!!!

        Star, thinking of you.:hug:

        Hiya Cyn!

        Well back to work I go. I've been cleaning up my herb garden. The weeds had gotten so ahead of me with all the rain and hot weather! But I've got the upper hand now!
        Last edited by dill; August 14, 2015, 01:47 PM.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          I love Applebee's Dill a side note to self: NEVER TAKE LOUIE TO KOHLS AGAIN!! I've never been so exhausted
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            I had lunch at Applebees with my friends yesterday Dill
            It just happens to be exactly the halfway point between where they live & where I live!!
            It's so nice to be able to sit & actually talk to people you've known for so long. We never ever had time to just chat at work. We watched each other's kids grow & I remember the day some of them were born!!! Talk about feeling old, LOL
            One of those kids is starting his last year in med school & another has just graduated from high school & joining the Marine Corps. Unbelievable!
            I always felt a major financial pinch getting my kids ready for a new school year & it's even worse now I think. Nice to help the grandkids out I think

            Pauly, well - did you get your steak?
            I was in Kohls a few days ago with my girls & my granddaughter had a small meltdown while we were checking out. Other than that, she loves shopping!! Boys are not good shoppers for the most part unless you are buying something they want!

            Hello to everyone, have a peaceful night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Good morning!

              Lav, funny we both went to Applebees! I love their pick 2 lunch menu. I know what you mean about feeling old tho. I was with a colleague whom I have known since her son was 4 years old. Yesterday she told me about his graduation from naval "boot camp". He wants to become a SEAL. He's gotten a late start in the navy because he went to college first but found that college was not really his cup of tea. He's 24 now. Where does the time go?

              Pauly, Kohls with a two year old is not a good idea! Ha! I have that right, don't I? Louie is 2, almost 3? I do a lot of shopping at Kohls too. I was thinking about my list of places I've travelled to and realized that Nevada was not on it. I know lots of people who have been to Las Vegas but I myself was never attracted to the notion.

              Looks like we might be in for rain today. I hope not all day. I had more work left in the herb bed. What a big job that turned out to be! I don't think I'll see the grandkids for an overnight this weekend. It will feel a bit lonely I think. But they will all be here tomorrow for a grill out. Have a good AF Saturday!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning friends, happy Saturday!

                I am sitting with my coffee & not motivated to do a darn thing. I haven't slept well this past week, typical me. I think the lack of decent sleep is catching up with me. Unfortunately today apparently is day 1 of yet another week long heat wave. I seriously just don't cope well with this excessive heat & humidity. C'mon FALL!!!

                Dill, the Applebees where we meet for lunch is in Kennett Square, the mushroom capital of the world, ha ha & is very close to my favorite place Longwood Gardens. It's a twenty some mile drive for all of us to meet but we always have a blast

                I have absolutely nothing planned for the weekend so we'll see what happens. My oldest grandson is on a trip to Williamsburg, VA with his other grandparents. I'm sure his curiosity is at an all time high, ha ha!!

                Greetings to Star, Pauly, Cyn & Papmom. Hope everyone is OK.
                Have a wonderful AF day!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Morning friends, now I wish I would have gone to Applebee's haha,no way, Louie is worse in restaurant's than in kohls,he just doesn't like to be still,typical at that age,I'm dreading work I really hope someone is there to open with me cuz the lady who usually does went out of town and the other girls always run late,I won't open alone cuz ofsafety reasons aand my anxiety peaks being up there alone when it starts getting busy,so much I shake,not good when you're cutting hair,hello to all and I hope we all have a super Saturday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Aw geez Pauly - I hope your day worked out OK for you!

                    Everything quiet here today ~ not bad
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Good morning ladies...

                      I just had the worst experience of my life. It was horrible, my Dad, dying, was mean to me with any breath he could muster, and his wife wants his kids gone. So, I left. I have never been so hurt in my life. However, he created it and he seems to thrive on it. It is a nightmare. I am still trying to recover from this, so not alot of positive stuff to say.

                      Have a good one.


                        Star, I am so sorry. That must've been such a terribly painful experience. I wonder if it might be possible for you to speak with a counsellor from hospice, even perhaps a local hospice to work through this. Your story reminded me of a friend whose father was a widow. Another woman zeroed in on him immediately and they were married. Prior to that he had had a wonderful relationship with his many children. But the second wife set about driving a wedge between them and he allowed it. His daughter talked to me often about it. Shes was so hurt and confused. For years he did not communicate with his children, much to their pain and sadness. Things were not reconciled even on his deathbed, she kept them apart. But he never asserted himself to the contrary. That was such a sad situation to my gf. Only the love and support of her spouse, children and siblings carried her thru. I hope you can turn to the love of your childrn and Mr. S to soothe your soul. And pray for your father and try to forgive him. Oh, and I am not actually trying to say here that your dad's wife is at any fault. I know nothing of the situation. I'm just relating a story of someone else who experienced a similar pain to yours in case it may help.:hug:

                        Pauly, did you get your day started at the shop yesteray ok? How did it turn out? No, you don't want shaking hands when cutting hair! LOL! I remember I once had my hair cut by a lady who happened to be very upset and angry oversomething unrelated to me or her work. That was one of the worst hair cuts I ever got! LOL

                        Lav, I was thinking about all the travels I listed over my lifetime and realized I forgot to list Pennsylvania! Of course I have driven thru it a few times but I actually went to visit my brother there when he lived in Pittsburg! Mr. D and I went to see him and celebrate his 40th years and years ago. God rest his soul. Have you been to Ohio?

                        Hi Cyn, you must be almost home by now. Hope to see you soon.

                        We'll be having a cook out today after grandson's first peewee footbal game. Root for the Pirates! We won't be going to this game, because it is pretty far from here, but we will go to his home games and other away games if they aren't too far. I hope his team wins. I'll hear about it this afternoon.

                        Have a great af Sunday everyone.
                        Last edited by dill; August 16, 2015, 05:57 AM.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Good Sunday morning friends!

                          Star, I am so sorry you had a bad experience with your Dad. I actually had a similar one with mine the last time I saw him.
                          Please let me give you a few possible reasons for his behavior. He could be displacing his anger/fear of dying & that's really not unusual. It could be that his is still experiencing an unacceptable amount of pain & is acting out. His meds & pain level need to be evaluated & adjusted on a daily basis. Antianxiety meds are helpful & should be used to boost his comfort level.
                          Please read this page - it may help:
                          Please know that we are thinking of you :hug:

                          Dill, I have actually never been to Ohio. I haven't driven any further west that Johnstown, PA where my daughter did her first year of college. She didn't like living out there & transferred to a school near home closer to Philly.
                          My air travel has taken me to Chicago, Idaho. We've been to FL many times but only drove once, ugh. We've taken a few trips to CA. Driving up the Pacific coast from Monterey to Napa was awesome. I've been to Ireland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, northern Italy & the Netherlands. I still want to visit England, home of most of our ancestors but YB is not interested. He only went to Ireland with me. We've been to the Bahamas a few times but I've had enough of that, ha ha. The only time I spent in England was a 3 hour layover at Heathrow awaiting a British Air flight to Paris. As you can see - I love to travel
                          Enjoy your cookout today!

                          Hey there Pauly! Hope your day worked out OK yesterday.
                          Greetings to Cyn & Papmom.

                          I was just asked to take a ride to the outlet stores today so I guess that's what I am doing.
                          Wishing everyone a great AF day!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Hello friends, Lav,now you're just showing off haha! I would love to go to the Bahamas,London,Florida,maybe to NYC just to check it out,so far those are the only places I've fantasized about, Star,I was just thinking the same thing that Lav said,he's probably got anger built up at the prospect of dying, maybe in his mind he doesn't want youseeing him like that,maybe anger is a side effeffect of the meds he's on,I'm sorry you went through that,but I feel like that's not him talking, ((hugs)),Dill,peewee football is so cute good to start them early on a sport,my kids were so wishy- washy,none of the activities we enrolled them in stuck,they got bored,I caught a cold so I'm laying up today,hope everyone has a nice Sunday,thinking of you Star
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Hey guys,
                              I had a great day yesterday, but had nightmares all night. Back to work today and hopefully will feel better. Thanks for the support.


                                Hi All,
                                Star, I had trouble sleeping last night and bad dreams too. Not nightmares, but bad. When I woke in the wee hours of morning I had trouble getting back to sleep. My mind got caught up in endless worry. It took great effort to change my focus. Ugh. I was glad to see the morning come!

                                Pauly, my grandson was miserable at the game because he lacks self confidence and because they lost miserably. But, by the time he got here he had already begun to feel better and to feel the pride of having played in his first ever football game!

                                Lav, Wow! You win the prize for most travelled! There isn't really much to go out of your way to see in Ohio except for the people. I looked at the travel distance between you and I by car and it was about 8 hours and 45 minutes!

                                My jury duty got cancelled so I can make other plans for the day. I have none at the momet tho. Have a great AF Monday all!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

