I'm planning to limit screen time to no more than an hour a day,I can read or do stuff instead.I realised that I use facebook to compare myself - negatively.
I have also realised that bad feelings pass,today after my breathing I feel more positive and clear headed.
Yesterday both members of staff off sick,one possibly long term - I caught up on all HR related paperwork

I also spoke to counselling line at work - helped a lot and we talked about how to support myself through all of this.
I stared worrying about potential job loss,then remembered lovely chat with my friend Sunday about holistic therapies,she has studied massage. I have always loved massage,reflexology and aromatherapy - potential idea of if i did get made redundant how feasible would it be to retrain/have a part time job to keep going/cut down on living expenses?
Could I combine it with counselling and make a living?
Anyway - much more positive bear here today and being sober is at the root of it all.
Los of love to you all - shower time.