Still feel jittery - I plan to call the work counselling line first thing and sit and have a chat.
I have neglected my aromatherapy at night and deep breathing time in the morning,I think smoking is another stimulant/source of anxiety and I haven't been to the gym since Thursday.
I don't mean this in my usual 'beat myself up' way - more this is how I need to look after myself now.
Trying to 'get' the mindfulness thinking of feeling/watching emotions as they come rather than wrestling with them. I think I definitely react with fear and panic to 'bad' feelings and worry they will stick if I feel them.Resisting them/trying to work them out has been my pattern and will probably take a long time to break.I used to do that as a teenager for hours,and then live in my head in another made up life - and I'm starting to do that again,rather than being 'here'.
It's a form of escape,like extreme daydreaming to 'escape' and not be present - which is also what I used alcohol for,having ' naps' and attempting to think my way out of feeling bad.
I think this is some kind of painful progress being made here.
Think I may need to remember to put on my hypnotherapy 'shield' today as that has been missing recently!
I just wanted to add about my friend,she is a very dear friend who truly wants the best for me - she just doesn't 'get it' as it's totally different to her experience,how she has 'seen' my drinking from the outside - to be fair she hadn't seen me at the point of my heaviest drinking.
Have a fab day everyone,