It is going to be in the 90's today. Ugh! It was too hot to be outside yesterday too. Cyn, I can't believe you were out bushwacking in this weather! I agree with Star, you are a warrior!
Star, your yard sounds perfect. I still have such a large yard and it needs mowing again! I can't believe it is September and the grass is as green and growing like it is Spring!
Lav, I went to my doc yesterday for a physical and med check. All is well. I did tell her tho that my back issue (degenerative disc) is causing me pain and or numbness in my left foot and leg which has been ticking up. She suggested a medication called neurontin so I'm going to try it. Have you any experience with it? Her other suggestion was PT but I think I can just pull out the suggested exercises from my last go round and start doing them a few times a week.
On the way home from the doc I got pulled over for speeding! 71 in a 55 zone. Sheesh. You think that at 63 years of age I would know better! Ha! Oh well. Have a great af Friday everyone.