hiya SF;..you sound good..yep the world is full of people that think they are irreplaceable..but so are the graveyards!!anyways glad to hear that things are working out for you ..as I've said before ..make the most of it ..cos life is like a toilet roll ...the nearer the end the quicker it seems to go!!:welldone:
hiya Lav ..and hows today then?you minion watching today?yes must say Ive grown some weird toms too...best ones I like are called Roma..kinda like plum tommies..heres your brew..so whats on the cards today..?you started any Xmas orders yet?passed a pub yesterday ..big sign out side "book your Xmas meal now"..a its only September and b no bugger goes there anyway!!.you can get an all you can eat carvery during the week for £4.95 so a sudden bump in price to 30 notes just for Xmas seems a bit extravagant to me!
ho ho ho
hiya ppqp ...how did the eye check up go ? any improvement I hope so..well did the 3 wise monkeys rolled into 1 turn up (hear fk all say fk all do fk all)..can you guess who?
hiya pauly..hows you then?hows tommy the turtle ?as for your toms..if you do plant some next year ..plant more than one..they always do better....now as for the cat all over your house plants .....put some pepper on the leaves!!
hiya pie..well did you get anything yesterday?what does your Wednesday assignment entail?
hiya ns ..hows you today ?what are you making today then?
hey bear wheres you ..when you were cleanin out didnt mean for you to chuck us out too!hope you are doing ok ..remember that goal ..the jolliday!
Sam the fiddler..nah thast doesnt sound right ..well not in this day n age any way!!hows you my friend?you working today?
hiya det ..you doing ok mate?
right folks time to exit stage left..off to spend money ..going to poundland in another town!!

have a great day
an obviously todays jokes are about......
I see David Cameron is Hogging all the headlines today.
So, David Cameron is alleged to have molested a pig.
"It was the most degrading thing I've ever done and I'd rather forget all about it,"
the pig said today.
David Cameron would have got away with it if the pig hadn't squealed.
After asking David Cameron for his autograph, he asked me if I had a pen he could borrow.
Blimey he's really into it isn't he?
With all these allegations of historic sexual abuse against politicians, it was only a matter of time before Peppa Pig spoke out.
I told my psychiatrist that I've been hearing voices.
He told me that I don't have a psychiatrist.
I think someone should check David Cameron's Twitter account for Spam.
Excerpt from David Cameron's biography..
It was on that day his political ambition was born. "If I can do it to a dead pig" he thought, "I can do it to a whole country"
Instead of going to Eaton, David Cameron should have gone to Hogwarts
I have just bought some noodles from the shop.
They're the "Completely Fcking Broke" flavour.
I was playing my X-Box when my mum said, "Why don't you go out and play in the sun."
I said, "I would but we don't have a long enough extension plug."
"I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!"
"Fck off David! I won't fall for that again!"
My mum asked me to get her a cold drink.
So I got her cough syrup.