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Saturday, June 9th

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    Saturday, June 9th

    Good morning!

    Breez, Congratulations for your wedding anniversary. I hope you had a great day and night out celebrating!

    I'm feeling stronger in my resolve than ever... I feel great! Relaxed - happy and content. Day 6 for me now. Tonight we are going to Mick's business partners house for dinner with his wife, and Mick and I will be bringing the mineral water.

    Last night I had one of those drinking nightmares! I was at a restaurant and someone poured me a glass of white wine which I chose to ignore. A few hours later to my horror I realised that I'd had some. I was devistated... and woke up feeling sooo relieved that it was just a dream.

    Rachele & Prest, stick with it. Irishlady has shared so much of her experience and introspection... I thibk we can all really draw so much from what she's shared, so for me, if I am in doubt, I'll be reading more of her philosophical posts as one of the tools to maintain my sobriety.

    Popeye, it's so good to hear that you are soldiering on. You sound really happy!

    Hugs all 'round. I'm really happy for this Monthly Abstinence sub-forum.

    Scoobs xo
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Saturday, June 9th

    Morning Scoobs,
    I know what you mean about the relief of waking to find it was just a dream, then getting up and finding no empties to clear away, and no half-empties to hide for later on.
    I hope you and Mick will have a good night tonight.
    70 days AF for me today.
    Thank you all.:l


      Saturday, June 9th

      Good Morning,

      It is just the most beautiful day here. Now why would someone want to be hungover and feeling like s@%& and waste a perfect day like this?

      I'm so happy to have six days behind resolve is growing stronger. I am not giving this up for anything, I feel great!

      It's like "why didn't I do this before?" It really hasn't been as hard as you would think. I have had fleeting moments of feeling like I'm missing something but those moments are dim in comparison to the moments I'm actually enjoying being a part of. Conversation in the evening, imagine that? A meaningful, unslurred and remembered conversation from the night before with my kids!

      I've seen or heard a saying from a weight loss advertisement. It goes something like this "nothing tastes as good as loosing weight feels"

      Let's try to come up with our own sober slogan.......what do you all think. I'm drawing a blank but I bet all of you could come up with something awesome.

      Scoobs, congratulations on your AF days:happy: I hope you and your hubby have a great sober time tonight!

      Popeye, thank you for being our pillar of strength. Seventy days is stellar

      What ever happened to Youngatheart?

      Happy Saturday
      :h :h :h :h


        Saturday, June 9th

        Morning Scoobs!

        Hope you had a nice dinner.

        Congrats ! That's awesome! You the man~.

        you posted while I was typing. Congrats on your 6 days! That's great! Enjoy your hangover free day. Treasure days like these-they are our motivators.

        Rainy day here...waiting to see if daughter's softball playoff game will be canceled.

        Have a peaceful AF Saturday everyone!
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/261903=1088-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/261903=1089-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/261903=1090-attachment.gif[/img]
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Saturday, June 9th

          I'm unworthy.....
          It's a group thing.
          I love you all.


            Saturday, June 9th

            Rachele you are positively beaming Positive and focused. WooHoo! Ain't Sobriety Grand?
            Popeye congrats on 70, lots of quiet strength behind your words. Thank you.
            Morning Breez --hope the rain lets up and Scoob enjoy dinner!

            Swimming laps, washing car and laundry for me today..actually can't wait to do it all. Feels great to be AF. Hubby and sons are home, might go catch a movie later. have a great Sat. everyone.

            AF 21, March 2010

            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


              Saturday, June 9th

              Rachele, a slogan sounds like a fun idea to me. It's something we can bring with us anywhere, when we're away from this forum. I'm really uncreative... anyone got some ideas? Keep it simple, I reckon. Great idea Rachele!

              Well, we just got home from dinner and we had a fun AF night - now that's the first time in 2 years that I've been to a dinner party and not ended up drinking more than is healthy, let alone no alcohol at all! It was a bit strange when we first arrived, and I noticed the wife, Karyn with her glass of wine and Micks partner with his beer, but I adjusted in no time and was quite candid about my (our) reason for drinking mineral water by telling them in a short version that I over do it on weekends. They didn't question anything further, and just talked about their own drinking patterns.

              Rachele, I absolutely agree with your notion "why didn't I do this before?". I am sooo glad to be out of that rut. Earlier this week, I realised that psychologically, I had felt like a mouse on a wheel, running around in circles but getting nowhere. No more!

              Padme, sobriety is absolutely bl**dy Grand! I hope you enjoyed your Sat movie too!

              Popeye, when I first joined the forums in late February, you and Irishlady were the two members who really struck me as being the sort of people I wanted to become even though you were at different stages at that time. Not quite sure how to describe it. You have come even further than you had back then and I am sincerely so very happy for you. I've wached you slowly and gradually gain more and more power over this addiction, and you're only getting stronger! You've earned this happiness and your tranquility is really showing through. 70 days is sensational! Big cyber hug!

              I'm trying not to think too far ahead, seeing as it's such early days for me... so I'm sort of adopting a part of the AA philosophy of one day at a time but also daily reinforcing my unwaivering decision. Breez mentioned something in a slogan last week about finding refreshed motivation daily in order to achieve great results... gee it's so true, and so appropriate for beating something like this. Maybe we could use that or part of as our slogan.

              Lots of love and thank you for your genuine support. It means the world to me and I hope I am providing as much as you are offering and I am taking.

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                Saturday, June 9th

                See are creative. Sobriety-keep it simple.
                Because it's the simple things in life that motivate you.
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Saturday, June 9th

                  Dear Scoobs,

                  Thank you so much for your kindness.

                  You and I are on the same leg of our journey.
                  I'm only a step in front.
                  I've found the entire trip wonderful...full of wonder.
                  Everything has changed for me

                  I hope she doesn't mind me saying, but Irishlady is a force of nature.:h

                  I love this place


                    Saturday, June 9th

                    hey you happy and positive AB'ers! finally got back home now...whew! put just under 3,000 miles on the car this last 6 days. Our own bed is going to feel so grand. I'll be having fun in the kitchen tomorrow like a kid with a new toy, and getting our BGL (blood garlic level) up where it belongs Going to haul my muscle-cramped self to bed now me thinks. Be well friends!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Saturday, June 9th

                      Sobriety-Keep it simple... that's it!

                      Rachele, I hope you're having a great weekend. Thinking of you from Downunder.

                      Popeye... :l

                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                        Saturday, June 9th

                        My new signature!
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Saturday, June 9th

                          Well well, thanks Scoobs for all your kind words and I'm so happy for you and the success you had at the dinner party, you see, its not necessary to drink in order to have a good time... This last 8 months has been the happiest time of my life.. Its not been without its depressing side but that was just because of the craving for a drink during the first few months...

                          This feeling of happiness I have now is like the wind beneath my wings, it just carries me along every day, and every day I can feel my strength and confidence in myself growing.. I promise all of you, this is achievable, like Popeye, don't give up, keep on trying, and keep this thought in your mind, THIS IS THE REST OF MY LIFE I AM FIGHTING FOR....

                          As for you Popeye, you can be so proud of yourself for what you are doing. I'm sure that by now the effects of what you are doing are not just a benefit for you but have spread out to encompass your wife Susan, your children and your little grandaughter.. I firmly believe that you only get back what you send out into the Universe so hopefully you are now reaping the harvest.. By the way, I have been called some things in my time ( some of them not very complimentary ) but a force of nature, well thats a first, thanks Popeye, you've made my day..

                          I'm going to Milton Keynes later, there is a Buddhist temple there and its celebrating its 30 year anniversary today.. Lots of talks, meditation, music and dancing.. I think there will be some monks there from the main temple in Japan as well so should be a good day..

                          Must just say, I love the new slogan, SOBRIETY - KEEP IT SIMPLE...

                          Love to you all, Louise xoxoxox:h
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            Saturday, June 9th

                            Irish bobirish fe fi momirish!

                            Happy Anniversary!
                            :h :h :h :h


                              Saturday, June 9th

                              It was so nice to get on here today and actually see someone asking where I have been!! Thanks, Rachele, for remembering your YoungatHeart!:h

                              It is so inspiring to get back on here after a hiatus and read again about how great sobriety feels. I had been doing pretty well with a "modified" moderation plan, in that I was mixing alcohol-free wine with regular wine, so behaviorally I didn't have to "feel" like I was limiting myself, but I haven't been able to find it at for well over a month, so, of course, I have seen my consumption creep back up again, heading for those golden heights of overconsumption. For me, that's a bottle a day.

                              So I've decided to go back to Abs. My therapist wants me to go to AA, too. My quit date is Tuesday. I'm a bit discouraged with myself, but trying to be kind to myself, as well. Getting to sober is often a bumpy road.

                              At any rate, reading all of your posts is a great reminder of how good I felt when I was sober and what a burden is lifted when you take drinking out of the mix.

                              I salute all of you--you are going to be my rocks in the coming days! I hope you will welcome me back with open arms!


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

