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Its the friday fred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Its the friday fred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mornin all...and hows the world today then?all good ...excellent...especially seeing there are only 75 sleeps till Chrimbo...leg is kinda playing up a bit today..thought it was on the mend ...but obviously not as fast as I thought...had to pick the outllaws up yesterday..plane was delayed ,so theres me just bimbling down the motorway..plenny of minute gets an autotext to tell me the plane had landed..and theres me still 19 miles from the we went a leeetle bit faster..and I was still there waiting before they cleared customs!!its def an autumnal morning here..but are we all set for the weekend?
    brew we go

    hiya Mary Jo.....hows you then?glad to "see"you on the fred....yep like you Im an expat...................Scottish living in England!!whereabouts are you originally from?good result with regards to the vino...well done to you...have you anything lined up for the weekend?

    hiya Det hows you this fine day sound a bit chirpier..keep it up ...

    hi ppqp..if youre there ..hope all is well.....

    morning are you today then?anything hapning in the world of happy hairkutz?

    Hey Sam the are you ...hope you can see this to you buddy

    hiya are you today then?anythin doing in pieland?

    hey bear...enjoy your time at the seaside etc...nope you dont need el vino to enjoy yourself either you say they are just thoughts..we all have them....but we all know you wont cave!!enjoy your fish n you go....did you know there is a dispute about the pairing up of fish and chips?first chippy they reckon opened in 1860 in London...but the dish become really popularised in 1863 in Mossley ..Manchester...amongst the working classes...up till that point fish workers were kind of demonised because of the smell..but chippies brought them to the chippy I have been to is in Whitby in NYorks.....history lesson over!!

    hiya Lav..def not a selfie...too handsome pour moi! if I dont shave end up with a grey(silver ) beard!brew what are you up to today ?do you get much busier towards the chrimbo season?have a good day whatever you are up to ..

    hiya NS...hope all is well with you...

    right folks for the offski..take it easy and have a great weekend....

    The best thing about the 5p plastic bag fee is that the cupboard next to my sink is now worth £655.85

    You can lead a horse to water but it's pretty crowded there because of all the men you taught to fish in that other proverb.

    My wife said she's leaving me because I think I'm a supermarket cashier...

    I said, "Would you like help with your packing."

    I said to my girlfriend, "Hey, you coming to the midget party tonight?"

    She said "Don't say 'midget party', it's not PC".

    I replied, "Okay, they're having a 'little get together' tonight, you coming?

    will try and putsome more up after on the puter!!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    I bumped into an old friend and said to him, "I hear you lost your job as a Geography teacher?"

    "Yeah, I've no idea why but it doesn't matter now as I'm moving to Australia to teach."

    "Why go all that way for a job?"

    "Because apparently Toronto has some of the best schools in the world."

    An amateur magician accidentally turns his wife into a settee and his two kids into armchairs. He starts to panic. He tries every trick in book but none work so, in desperation, he decides to take them to hospital.

    Once at casualty, the magician spends a sleepless night while the medical staff run numerous tests on the unfortunate woman and children.

    Finally, the head doctor comes out into the corridor to speak to the magician.

    "How are my family?" he asks worriedly, "are they alright?"

    The doctor replies, "they're comfortable..."

    Trying to sell a television on yet no bids ..but 27 cheeky feckers watching it!!

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Mae everybody, I hate going to the airport Mick! Last time we picked up Bobbi we had to circle 3 times cuz the security guy was on our ass to "keep it moving" irritating, I know I've asked this before but what time do you guys go to bed? I'm curious cuz I hate my sleep schedule and I'm wondering if I start staying up later it'll help,I get 8 hours maybe 3 times a year Hahahaha! Maryjo,good to see you posting here I'm in Vegas so we're in the same time zone,and yes a small victory but actually pretty huge when you think of it,not drinkin you're able to actually remember the shows you watch Sam,miss you,I actually got a low data warning on my phone yesterday, usually it automatically picks up the WiFi but we switched servers and I forgot to put in the new password, not much planned today 99 cent store of course,some cleaning and probably just be a bum,hello Lav,Det,Bear,SF,NS,Pie hope we all have a nice Friday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good morning Abbers & happy Friday to all

        Mick, your in-laws probably don't know how lucky they are to have you as their personal transporter. Getting to & from an airport from my current location is a giant pain!!
        Keep resting that knee, give it a real chance to heal. Do you want me to send nurse Stella??

        Pauly, hope you have a good day, don't spend too many 99 cents, ha ha!
        Getting more, regular sleep was a big priority for me. My system was super messed up from working shift work for nearly 30 years, menopause & of course the wine years. Now, I swallow my herbal sleep aids at 10 pm & go to bed at 11. Can't say I actually sleep thru the night but I try. Last night a sick dog had me up from 3-3:45, ugh.

        Greetings to everyone, have a great AF day!
        I'm heading to Curves then back to get some craft work done - hopefully, LOL

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          pauly depends...usually bed about 11..and most times up at 5.30/6
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            I think I'd die if I stayed up til 11! Plus I'maafraid I'd still wake up at 3:30 or 4
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Happy Friday Friends. No kidding, Mick, 75 sleeps until Chrimbo? Doesn't sound like much at all. That joke about chocolate making clothes shrink is actually a true story, IMO.

              Hi Pauly, what is it that you buy at the 99 cent store? There's one next to the grocery I shop at. (The one with Tom & Jerry outside.) Last time I went in it was to buy superglue. The price seemed close to what I'd pay at WalMart, and surely not 99 cents.

              Hi Lav, how's the craft work going?

              Today is my niece's birthday; she's in her late 20s. About 4-5 years ago I sent her an email telling her I thought she should get rid of her loser boyfriend. Of course this was after several glasses of wine, when that filter between what I think and what I type had completely stopped working. It's been a tense relationship with her ever since, and incredibly the boyfriend is still around. Now sober, I still have the same opinion of the boyfriend, but expressing it wasn't worth the damage done. Huge regret. Gotta live with it.

              Greetings to those yet to stop by, and special congrats to occasional poster TT on three years!


                Pie,I buy junk haha! $53 today! Halloween decs,light bulbs,plastic sandwich bags,plastic forks and spoons,etc,yes congratulations TT,I seen that in the meds section, 3 years is truly amazing oooh,Pie,I know that filter that gets ripped off while drinking soooo embarrassing! They say being drunk brings out the truth but I'm calling bullshit cuz I've said off the wall things that I certainly didn't feel,however sometimes the truth did slip out after liquid courage, I hope you guys get along ok now
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Alooooha Friday ABerooooos!

                  thanks for the kickstart Mick and hope all goes well with the outlaws.

                  dang... really craving fish and chips now.....

                  whew! very busy week and glad it's Friday. Also super happy to be 'happy' if that makes any sense. a couple weeks ago this paperwork would have had me in deep trouble but I'm managing my coping skills and work boundaries quite a bit better. I just have to be conscious of how I feel as I was so disconnected from my feelings for so long. Dx really helps me with this.

                  Lav, hope doggy wasn't sick on any nice carpet.

                  I went into the 99 cent store and asked what I could get for 99 cents and the lady told me '20 cents'.

                  har deeeee har

                  off to eat some watermelon

                  be well peeps
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Pauly your answer made me smile! Got any pics? Would love to see your Halloween decorations.

                    Aloha, Det. Enjoy your watermelon.

