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the monday after sunday fred

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    the monday after sunday fred

    mornin are we today then?all good?nice day today here..except we had a frost this morning!!..rabbits are out playing,madam is away to work and I have stripped that drain hopper back to cast now..all I need is to get some rust inhibitor on it and then spray and seal it...yesterday wasnt too bad..found some Roman coins and a traders token from Lincoln dated 1666...also Julie picked my computer up from pc world...and guess what..its the same!!!they took it back to original settings, windows vista,and also changed the dvd player....eventually got connected to tinternet here..but it still times out with dns error messages and yet the Samsung notebook doesnt nor does the computer upstairs!! so I havent gorra clue!!knee is a bit sore today...but I packed it in yesterday aft ...only did 6379 steps,just couldnt/didn't want to do more...heres the hotel we are going to..dont know if this will open ..but there are some cracking views

    Hotel Los Gigantes (Tenerife, Spain) - Hotel Reviews - TripAdvisor

    right on with the show....brew time..

    hiya pauly....brat here ...hows you today then?all good in haircuttin land? hit on a good point in your post with not drinking...people do sometimes get the perception that you think you are better than them...and its quite easy to fuel that belief...when I talk to someone about not drinking ,I tend to not launch into it ,which I quite easily could,but let them do the running.Im always conscious of the image of the wild west temperance men standing on their soap boxes....

    hiya you had a full day yesterday didnt you ..gardening,then looking after a houseful of kids too!!and the jube jube tree too ...boy oh boy...and you talk about tying me to a chair??heres a relaxing brew....Im going to take a couple of inches off the foliage on my parsnips today..tends to make them grow down as opposed to up...

    ghiya bear...glad all went well despite the ups n downs..good for you sticking to your guns..its quite easily to get sucked in by subconscious emotions...Whitby is defo our favourite place in Britain...followed by the Isle of Skye...mustve stayed over in whitby at least 10 times....if you are after a curry ..the Indian in the old railway station at the harbour is great too..also love Robin Hoodoos bay..looking for jet...never found any tho....

    hiya ppqp...hope you are being good to yourself..and that you are ok...

    hiya pie are you today then?a burst of energy on the horizon?as long as you are happy ..thats the main thing

    hiya Sam autumn...same colours here did the furnace fitting go?all tickety boo?

    hiya are you doing ?all good how the grandchildren?spoilt?? have a great day

    hi Mary jo there? hows thingz with you?

    hey Det ...a wacky Monday?....glad things are doing good...dont be throwin stuff out ..ebay!!!!one mans junk another ones treasure!!!have a good one mate

    right folks..;.have a good day one and all

    I asked my little boy if he wanted me to buy car insurance with to get him a Brian toy or buy my car insurance from Compare the to get him a meerkat toy.

    He told me to drive without fcking insurance to get him a PlayStation 4.

    I was totally looking forward to going to Glasgow today, to watch the remaining Red Road flats being blown up.

    Then I found out they're moving the residents out first.

    I rang my boss today and said, "I can't come in today, I'm not feeling too good."

    "Alright, Dave," he replied, "At least you don't give me silly excuses like some of your colleagues do here to get out of work."

    "Cheers mate," I replied, "I'll get back to work once this paper cut clears."

    Report: Mobsters in Moldova sold radioactive material to terrorists.

    Authorities fear they could make a dirty bomb.

    Or a Volkswagen.

    When I first met my wife, I was in a restaurant.

    She asked the waiter for something simple, so he brought me over.

    Money can't buy happiness but it will get you a better quality therapist.

    I was on the train today when the inspector asked to see my ticket. He said, "This is yesterday's ticket."

    I replied, "Yes I know it's yesterday's ticket; that's when I got on this fecking train."

    I went up to Mr. T and said, "I'm going to cook you a dessert."

    He said, "Try fool!"

    I said, "No, strawberry cheesecake, actually."

    The instructions on my insect killer:

    'Do Not Spray Near The Eyes'

    not that particular,..... I'll just spray the whole wasp.

    A bloke phoned me up about the car I was advertising on Auto Trader.

    "What does the clock show, mate?"

    "Well," I said, "It says 3:27pm."

    Actual Medical Chart Notes

    *Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.

    *Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

    *On the second day, the knee was better, and then on the third day it disappeared.

    *The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.

    *Discharge status: Alive, but without my permission.

    *Healthy-appearing decrepit, 69-year-old male, mentally alert but forgetful.

    *The patient refused autopsy.

    *The patient has no previous history of suicides.

    *Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital.

    *Patient's medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40-pound weight gain in the last three days.

    *She is numb from her toes down.

    *Occasional, constant, infrequent headaches.

    *I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.

    *Skin: somewhat pale but present
    *The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    thanks for the start up Mick. Those Romans did a lot of roamin around in your parts!!Furnace folks were late getting there so we didn't get it fired up yesterday. Got a pic of it on my tractor about to set it down. Off visiting a few places today then going to see someone about doing a surveying job in the mountains, just in time for hunting season! This is first on my own since dissolving the business so hopefully I can get help and maybe it leads to a few more.

    be well good friends

    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Mae everybody, feel rubbish after a shitty nights sleep again,feels like I drank!think its the season change or something cuz I hear hubs up and down all night too,maybe cuz it gets dark so early our body clocks are morphed up,who knows,Mick,you got more steps in than me yesterday Sam,good luck on the surveying,always nice to have side work,much love to all and I hope we all have a great Monday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Greetings Abbers, happy Monday!

        Tis' Columbus day around here, does anyone actually celebrate? Apparently the schools do, they are closed today.

        Mick, I did indeed have a busy day yesterday BUT I dont have a broken knee like you
        I know it's time for me to sit down for a bit when my foot starts aching from that stress fracture I had last summer. Good reminder actually!
        I just came home from Curves with a box full of chestnuts. It was given to me to give to the chickens, ha ha. I'll have to research & see if it's OK to give them to the birds. Of course I can always roast them & use them myself I suppose
        Love that ocean view from the lounge chairs - fun!!
        No frost around here yet, just nice coolness.

        Sam, that's a really neat looking cooker you've got there! Good luck on the suveying job. Sounds like you will be busy too & that's not a bad thing!

        Pauly, it does take time for the body to transition from season to season. My hair always goes thru a weird few weeks with every season change. That's usually when I just go get it cut really short, LOL

        I have work waiting & more craft work to get done too. Better get going!!
        Have a great AF day everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Morning All,

          Mick, your finds make me wonder who might be picking up the coins we drop in a hundred years from now.

          Sam, what will your new furnace be used to heat?

          Pauly, no sign of season change here with forecast highs above 90 all week.

          Happy Columbus Day, Lav! Enjoy your crafting.

          I'm waiting for a lady and her pup to come by to meet me and my pack. She's got some travel coming up, and is considering the option of having her wee one stay with me. Hope all goes well; initial meetings with dogs can be chaotic. Fingers crossed.


            heya - quick whizz in,I love Whitby too,been going since I was a kid - will have to try curry place,I love curry.

            Today I have the man flu and am shattered,drove into the back of someone on way home tonight,combo of changed route due to closed motorway,sat nav and being over tired.
            Very lucky that no one was hurt,really makes me think,lost 2 years no claims but 1 left and just thankful no one was hurt,both cars look ok too.

            It's my 4 month anniversary tomorrow,longest I have ever ever gone, I have a friend over giving me a massage,not too bad a way to celebrate.Other than that very bloody tired and looking for bath and early bed,think my mind is just very distracted,lost 2 bank cards in as many weeks and now this. I need to rest!Luckily this week isn't too pressured at work,well it is, lots to get done but I have just started going slower - and caring less .

            Sorry this is so inward today,just very very tired
            one day at a time


              Hey Pie
              furnace is for the brick house in the background. It is a wood burning furnace. Right now it is heated by oil, which cost a furtune last year. Forgot to tell you my new avatar is my bull who is pretty friendly, as a bull can be.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                So this furnace sits outside the home, Sam? I'm not too familiar with how heating systems work, will look it up.

                Hello, Friendly Bull!


                  Pie, you still have summer & those of us on the east coast are being told to prepare for a huge drop in temps this coming weekend - uh oh! Good luck with your doggie interview!!

                  bear, sorry you had a rough patch today. Hope you feel better soon!
                  CONGRATS on your 4 AF months :welldone:
                  Get some rest now.

                  Sam, how can you tell that bull is friendly?
                  He looks kinda sketchy to me, ha ha!!

                  PQ, miss you & hope you are OK.

                  Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Thanks for hanging in with me. Not yet in the habit of posting everyday. Proud of myself. My triggers are the weekends at home by myself. This past weekend I went out every night. Once to dinner once to a movie once to a concert. Had fun and really expanded my horizons. Tonight it's Monday after a hard day at a very unsatisfying job with a whole week in front of me of the same crap. I have to confess that I have a wine glass in front of me. If this means I gotta go to moderation then I'll go. But I am honestly trying for abstinence. Just human. And sometimes lonely and anxious. happy Monday night to all,. Tomorrow is another day.


                      Hey Maryjo,hope you made it through,if not dust yourself off and come back

                      I found just not having the first drink,and not thinking about anything longer than that is possible, and tbh I still am using that.

                      Take care and keep posting - I am on my zillionth (and I'm aiming for) final quit here.It's ok to struggle - no judgements here I don't think anyone here decided to quit and just quit so please keep sharing.
                      one day at a time

