but firstly brew time...so here we go ...
hiya bear ...hope you are feeling better today...try not to let work get you down..yep I appreciate that we are all different and look at things differently, but personally I wouldnt give a monkeys cuss what the staff member thought ..mebbe its an age thing I dont know..dont let it ruin your well being or your fun in life!!have a great time off
hiya ppqp...you still there ?hope all is going your way ...
hi pie..as opposed to lo pie

hiya pauly ..nice to see you back...what have you been up to ?
hiya ns..didnt realise that you worked away from home.. bit fick me! hope all is well.....
hiya Lav..and how you bee today? buzzin?...no I didnt think it was funny either! so hows the chestnut butter making going then?a nd hows your little apprentice doing?I taped a telly programme the other night..someone looking at the Amish way of life...far removed from the tv series ,and its so simple and down to earth..I often look at the places and roads and wonder if you have travelled down them or is it just another stage set..anyway brew for you..are you family free this weekend?
hiya Sam the man and hows you today ?youre feeding bees and Lavs letting them sting her ..what you feeding them? did yoou get the sweet potatoes dug over?do you grow much veg?Im sure that furnace could heat water to pipe round your polytunnels..Ive come to the last of my toms...they are yellow and some green ther is not enough heat in the sun to ripen them
hiya Mary Jo..how are you today?any plans for the weekend?
hi Det you home buddy?
right peeps be well ...have a good one...
I've created a website selling and delivering sausages over the Internet
I'll send you the link
Did you know that if every British citizen all lay side by side across the English Channel-
they would all drown?
A woman was in the bath when the doorbell rang, so she got out, put on a bathrobe and went to answer the door.
At the door was her husband's golf partner, Jim.
"I'm afraid my husband's not in" she said.
"Oh well!", said Jim, "Say, you look very nice in that robe. How about giving me a quick flash?"
"No!", cried the woman, "What would my husband say?"
"Oh go on!", pleaded Jim, "Just a quick flash and I'll give you 50, no, 100 quid"
The woman is tempted, but still refuses.
"Ok, Ok, my final offer. Flash me for 10 seconds and I'll give you 200 quid"
The woman thinks about it, nods, opens her robe for 10 seconds and closes it quickly.
Jim smiles and hands over £200 in cash, before walking off whistling.
Later that evening, the husband asks "Did Jim call round for me earlier?"
"Erm, yes.", replied the wife nervously.
"Oh good - did he give you that £200 he owes me?"
I think the dipstick in my car is wearing out.
It doesn't reach the oil anymore.