We have NO HOT WATER, ugh!!
I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since we've already replaced the heater & AC units in this 12 year old house

I hope it doesn't take too darn long to get a plumber in here with a new unit, geez. Grateful I showered & shampooed this morning, ha ha!
I made this vegan side dish today & it was really good. I imagine you could 'unveganize' it if you wanted:
Easy Creamy Tomato Barley Risotto — Oh She Glows
I think I will also try this with brown rice sometime in place of the barley - I love both

Dill, once the kids see me with the ipad they get in line & wait for their turns too. I totally get that!
Pauly, you need some protein before you exercise girl!
I had to stop watching news coverage of the terror attacks today. I feel like WW III is on the way.
Peace to all tonight!