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Natural November

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    Star, I can sympathize with you feeling bad bc of mistakes made at work. I remember how that used to upset me once upon a time. I hope you manage to get on some sort of exercise regime, even if it is just walking. I find that a brisk walk helps clear my mind and helps me to turn the page when something is bugging me. The weather is not good tho. I hope you got outside and got some air before the rain started!

    Cyn, I was up early yesterday morning and looked out the window. I saw the big dipper right away without even trying. Then I went outside and turned off our pole light so I could get an even better look at the stars. They were marvelous! I must confess that I don't know what a viking oven is. Perhaps I'll need to google. I bought my turkey breast and drumsticks today and then my gson came over and asked if he could see the turkey. He was disappointed that it wasn't a whole bird. You can't please everyone! LOL! I think his biggest concern tho was whether or not we would still have a wishbone. I reassured him that yes, indeed we would.

    Lav, I'm going to make my pumpkin the day ahead. I'm cutting way back on variety this year and really won't need the oven except for the turkey and the rolls. The rest will be done on the stove top. I think I'll ask my son to bring something besides his appetite this year! LOL.

    Hey Pauly, hope all is well in your neck of the desert.

    Back to working my puzzle with little gdaughter. Have a peaceful Saturday everyone.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Cyn, you can look me up on Pinterest & see my recipe collection if you like
      It's kind of nice having an online recipe box & easy to share recipes with other 'pinners'.

      Dill, Viking makes the big, heavy, professional type stoves.
      I was jealous when they put one in the firehouse in our old hometown, ha ha!
      Hope you had fun with your granddaughter today too!

      Where's Pauly today??
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        I was here,just didn't post cuz I actually got up and exercised decently and only had time to post on the daily thread real quick, Star,everyone messes up at work sometimes, glad your bug came and left quickly,Dill,that's cute your grandson was disappointed in the turkey not being whole,it'll probably be more tender cooking it like that though,I bought my el cheapo for $13,the Butterballs were double that price!! I remember back in the day we used to take the neck out and chase the kids with it to gross them out,stupid memory but funny at the time haha,my first year married I forgot to take that stuff out so there was the neck and bag of gizzards in my cooked turkey!hi Lav and Cyn,hubs drunk friend just showed up,think I'll be going upstairs now,hope everyone has a good dreamed filled night
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Pauly, you tickled my funny bone with your turkey stories! The neck story sounds just exactly what I can imagine Mr. Dill doing if he had thought of it! They were chasing thru the house last night with a dirty dish rag they were throwing at each other. I hid in the bathroom and had a good hot bath while they chased around like idiots. LOL! Then you told the story of leaving the bag of stuff in the turkey! I did that very same thing on my first turkey! Had the in-laws over too. Everyone laughed about that for a long time. Good memories, altho I was emabarrassed at the time.

          Lav, you always amaze me with your online prowess. I may just investigate pinterest. I remember hearing about it some 10 years ago now I think. All the girls at work were thrilled with it bc of the easy access to good ideas for therapy, as well as everything else.

          Hello Cyn and Star. I'll try to look in again later if I can.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Good morning...

            Lav, I saved the recipe, thanks so much. I am allergic to nuts so it will come in handy. I have Pinterest, but don't understand the ups and downs of it all. Regarding Thanksgiving, my daughter is bringing desserts, so I am off the hook for that.

            Cyn, I hate making mistakes, and some could get me in trouble, and I made a doozy. It was just a bad week, it is over,and this week I just work 2 and 1/2 days! Next Friday I will put up my tree, looking forward to it.

            Dill, I need to get outside and take a walk. I still felt kind of weak yesterday, so took it easy, mostly. Your grandson sounds so cute about the turkey. I know the weather is cold and we had some snow that melted, but where we used to live had 6-12 inches, I am sooooo glad I moved. I don't mind a little snow, but that is too much for me.

            Pauly, your turkey will turn out great, cover it with foil, then 45 minutes before it is supposed to be done, take off the foil and let it brown and cook. I have done this for years, told by my grandmother, and my turkeys always turn out moist and delicious. I realize everyone makes mistakes, but it still is humiliating and upsetting to mess up. My son had an interview on Friday, keep your fingers crossed.

            Today we have to shop, clean, watch football and chill out. I can do that. Have a good one.


              Good Sunday morning friends

              Partly sunny & 45 degrees at the moment, not bad!

              I wasn't too terribly interested in Pinterest until my daughter convinced me that it's simply a free online storage space. A place to finally organize all those awesome recipes you find online, LOL
              I have a board for recipes, one for embroidery ideas & another for odds & ends things for the garden, stuff like that. You can share it with friends or keep it all to yourself, whatever you like.
              Mind you - I haven't used all the recipes I've pinned but at least they are in a place where you can find them if you ever feel the inspiration

              I remember being at my Mom's house Thanksgiving 1976. It was about 7 weeks before my daughter was born. There was a huge turkey in the oven & my Mom wanted to take it out of the oven to test the temp. So we each grabbed one side of the roasting pan & carefully lifted it to the stovetop. Then when we were putting it back in the oven for more roasting somehow the whole turkey slid out of the roasting pan & ended up on the floor. Without saying a word to each other we just lifted it back into the pan & put it back in the oven. NO ONE EVER KNEW THAT TURKEY HAD BEEN ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR!!!!! I've never told anyone that story until now Thanksgiving memories!!!!!

              I need to do a bit of cleaning, a bit of work in my shop & other odds & ends today.
              I hope you all have a good day Dill, Pauly, Star & Cyn!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Morning friends, HAHA Lav,you bad!!! Honestly though,I'd have done the same,5 second rule right? Dill,that's funny that we both made the same turkey mess up,hubs is mad cuz he said that I was rude to his friend,Iddon't care! He's a nice guy and we haven't seen him in a while and if he'd been sober I would have been nice but to show up loud and drunk,no way,I was rude though cuz he was at the door while I was posting here and I heard him yelling "hey Bobbo!"hubs said you wanna say hi to Jon,I said no but he heard me and started yelling hi,meh whatevs, off to grocery,99 cent store to get thanksgiving themed paper plates(we're rednecks) and other odds and ends,hello to all,let's have a wonderful Sunday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  hi everyone - happy Sunday eve. Mr Tree just left to go back to his rental, so I'm in catch-up mode now. We did make a helpful trip to the hardware store (the only one open on Sundays) and got some essentials for me to finish up winterizing the house. Last week I got the gardens cleared (and the demon garden cleared of violets, too, AND mulched) so I am very happy when I look out the windows; but I wore out my clippers in the process, and so had to go pick up a new pair. Oh, and cut back the dastardly black raspberry canes that had infiltrated an entire section of woodland and yard. I'm OK now if I don't get anything else done, but I will continue to work as long as there is no snow and I can keep warm. There's still fields of garlic mustard to pull up to get a jump on the spring. The ticks should all be gone by now!

                  Star - you don't have to explain about how you feel making mistakes. I just should have said 'I get it!' because I really do. I can't stand it when I mess up - especially if it is something that has ramifications for other people. Good luck with letting that go, and I really hope you get your strength back soon. Keeping fingers crossed for your son.

                  Lav - I will try to hop on Pinterest (will have to do the whole 'forgot password' routine - I have no idea!). Yes, this Viking is industrial, but is an extra-wide one, so it's really a challenge to cook a lot of things in it. To get a regular turkey done, I have to take all the grates out but the bottom one, and then that leaves no more room to cook! It will help having the turkey be able to be in 2 pieces - I can spread the pans out sideways and then have at least a second grate to work with. Sheesh!

                  Dill - Glad you are enjoying the stars. And the hot bath sounded like heaven - good for you!

                  Pauly - loved the turkey stories. I'm sure that I've left the neck and gizzards in more than once. Good luck and take care.
                  Last edited by treegirl; November 22, 2015, 03:33 PM.


                    Lav, another great turkey story! Thanks for sharing. Your secret is safe with us! :happy2: I'd have done the same and really, I could just picture it happening here. Love that you two didn't discuss it and didn't miss a beat. Just took care of business!

                    Pauly, honestly! You are not a redneck! Even if you are there's nothing wrong with that! LOL! I love those "You might be a redneck if...." jokes. My son made one the other day....his ex inlaws were going to be late for grandson's birthday party because someone had called ex Father in law after hitting a deer on the road. He then dropped everything to go 50 miles away to get the deer and help dress it out which was making him late for the party. We just chuckled about it and my son said, "You might be a redneck if...." and we all split a gut laughing.

                    Cyn, it sounds like another very productive outdoor session in your world. Well done. I hope you are pacing yourself. Don't let your neck get strained. When did you learn you were allergic to eggs? That is a going to be a challenge for you but I would bet you'll find some work arounds.

                    Star, I'm glad you didn't get a lot of snow. We had just a trace overnight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your son!

                    The grand kids left an hour ago and I'm enjoying the peace. Love when they come, love the time with them, and love to see them go. :happy2: They'll be back a couple of time this week anyway.

                    Have a peaceful af Sunday evening,

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Good morning all -

                      Star - happy Monday - I hope you are feeling better.

                      Dill - I found out about the eggs from this last round of testing. Wierd - I don't have any obvious physical effects when I eat them , as opposed to dairy and wheat which is obvious to me, but that didn't turn up on the test. Oh well! Eggs, mustard and malt are what I'm allergic to. Seriously?!

                      Lav - I somehow missed the turkey story yesterday. Hilarious! That's a great memory for you to have - 4 hands, one mind.

                      Pauly - meant to say that I'm sorry you had to deal with drunk-and-disorderly. No fun. Hope you found plates that you like.

                      Dill - funny stories in you corner too! Actually, I really worry about what would happen if I hurt a poor animal - I don't know who I would call. Uuugh. Crossing fingers and driving carefully around here.

                      Speaking of driving, I'm going into the big city tonight to meet some friends for dinner, then coming back. I have the dogs covered with a couple of friends stopping by, so I hope they will be OK; I'm sure they will. Friends are more fun than mommy!

                      Take care all - wishing you a safe and happy AF Monday -


                        Good Monday morning friends

                        Yep, it's sunny & 32 degrees here today!
                        Not a flake in sight, thank goodness & I hear it's heading up to 66 on Thursday, ha ha!!

                        Cyn, egg allergies are more common than you think. It's a pain in the a$$ to deal with too because you have to pretty much eliminate any store bought baked items. BUT you can easily make a 'flax egg' by mixing 1 tbsp. of flaxmeal with 2.5 tbsps. of water. Even though I have plenty of eggs around here I do occasionally use a 'flax egg' replacement. How to Make a Flax Egg | Minimalist Baker Resources
                        Why our bodies choose to make antibodies to random foods is a mystery to me. It's better to know ahead so you can make better food choices. I buy whole flax seed from Bob's Red Mill & keep it in the freezer. I grind some up in my coffee grinder & add it to baked goods to increase my omega 3 intake. I am not a big fish eater so flax is a good replacement.

                        Hello to Dill, Star & Pauly.
                        Have a terrific AF Monday. I'm off to Curves

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hello friends, this on/off insomnia is driving me nuts! Last night was just plain torture,too exhausted to even think about exercising this morning, meh,feel like crying I feel like a crabby child who needs a nap,got to just stay focused and positive, I've dealt with sleepless nights before,grr,Dill,loved the deer story haha,hello to all,hope we all have a great Monday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Pauly, insomnia is yet another sign of perimenopause. These symptoms all start years before the big change.
                            Been there & done it, honestly. Why not try an OTC? I am currently using Alteril. Works well & I can stay asleep provided I don't have any hot flashes going on. Think about it :hug:
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Good morning...

                              I thought I posted yesterday but apparently I did not.

                              Lav, your turkey story is scary. Not because it hit the floor, but because it fell out of the roaster! I took my turkey out this morning, two days to defrost. If I mess up, we have no Thanksgiving Dinner. My hot flashes are better this week, I don't know why, these menopausal symptoms drive me crazy. I woke up today at 3:30 a.m. I just stayed in bed, did meditations, and eventually drifted back off to sleep. Got out of bed at 4:45, so although early, I can probably make it through my day. The flax egg recipe was interesting. Before I had an idea I was allergic to nuts, I really suffered. I am open to different foods that agree with me.

                              Cyn, I am feeling better, thanks, and I hope you had fun with friends at dinner. Are you doing all the cooking for Turkey Day?

                              Dill, my son is coming tonight, he continues to look for jobs. Crunch time. Thanks for the positive energy, it will be needed till he settles into his new life. Are you starting preparations for Thanksgiving yet? I have lots to do, starting tonight. Then work half day tomorrow, and by the time I get here, the house will be full. So glad I moved farther south, no snow on the ground here.

                              Pauly, it is so hard not to get a good night's sleep. Hope you feel better and get a little time off for the holiday.

                              Thinking about food allergies, what did we do to our bodies while drinking? And sleep? I think we forget how really lousy we felt alot of the time. AF holidays for me, I want peace and health. Have a good one.


                                Hello af friends, it looks like I missed a day yesterday too! I was distracted with real world issues I'm afraid. Ex-dil is really in bad shape and is not getting medical tests needed/ordered by the doc. Her mother is beside herself. My son tried to convince her to take things seriously and do what needs to be done. I followed up the next day (yesterday) with an offer to drive. I was put off. Then there were lots of phone calls from her family. They are so, so devastated. It is a terrible worry for everyone. If you believe in prayer, give her one please.

                                Star, Nice that your son will be there for a few days. Do you have an extra bedroom? We have two extra bedrooms which works just great most of the time. On the rare occassion that my son and daughter with their families both stay a night, it gets a little more tricky! But we work it out. Yes I am already getting prepared and I can totally relate to the feeling of being under pressure to get it right. I took out the tukey breast to thaw yesterday and made my plan on paper. I have decided to make my own bread rolls. Do you do that or buy from the store? I have a recipe that you can make ahead and keep the dough in the refridgerator. You have to puch it down once in a while tho. Anyway, whatever we do, lets not let it stress us out!!!

                                Lav, we got a call yesterday from AARP telling us we have access to a nurse by phone 24 hours a day as a part of our health plan. (well, actually it's just Mr. D's health plan and service, I have a different insurance) I just thought to myself, who needs that? I have Lav! LOL! You are such a blessing to us here, seriously.

                                Pauly, I sure hope you got some sleep last night! I can second Lav's recommendation of Alteril. It worked for me, but it is expensive. For me, just plain valerian root capsules work well too and are more affordable. Glad you liked my deer story!

                                Cyn, I hope none of us ever hit a deer. So far we have been lucky. They are really plentiful around here. My daughter did hit one one night. It was late and she was on her way home from work . She was on a country road about 2 miles from home. She stopped her car and was at a loss as to what to do. Out of nowhere a pickup truck happened along, pulled over and stopped. Scary thought, that. I mean, she is a beautiful young girl alone, etc... But anyway, there were two guys in the truck. When she told them what happened, they found the injured deer, killed it and loaded it in their truck and went on their way! She was fine, tho shaken. The car had some damage, but she was unhurt, thankfully. Anyway....someone ended up with a freezer full of venison. Isn't that bizarre tho? God bless the rednecks!

                                Star, thanks for the reminder of how wonderful it is to be free. For so many years we lived with hangovers and self-induced depression! The solution to the problem being right there all along; simple but not easy. But so worth it!

                                Well, the sun is up. It was another beautiful sunrise. Let's all have a lovely af Tuesday.
                                Last edited by dill; November 24, 2015, 07:33 AM.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

