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Sunday June 10th

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    Sunday June 10th

    A sunny good morning to everyone!

    Have been taking a little time out to reflect and regroup but am now ready to catch up with things here! Am doing pretty well with the not drinking - had a slight relapse last week where for the first time in 3 months I downed a bottle of wine just to get drunk. Did it help the situation? - of course not! and felt awful the next day - can't believe I used to teach like that on a fairly regular basis! Actually my tolerance for alcohol has gone way down so I dislike the feeling of head fogging over almost immediately.

    Have also tried a couple of times to 'drink moderately' - I had a couple of old friends over from the States and we had just a couple of glasses of wine over dinner - 1 bottle between 3 of us- unbelievable! I had no problem with stopping after the two, but I have to admit to not really enjoying the wine even though it was a good one and not my usual cheap plonk.

    So back to complete AF again and after deduction of a week for bad behaviour I'm at 90 days AF. One thing that hasn't wavered during the ups and downs is my commitment to not drinking, so as I come to the end of my summer term I'm looking forward to clear-headed, AF summer holidays with plenty of hiking, swimming, cycling, water sports and enjoying time with my girls.

    I'm glad Scoobs that you've got your weekend down - Brilliant job! And Popeye - so good to hear your enthusiasm and 'joy for life' still - I want to get back to feeling like that so I need to dust off the running shoes and get my arse in gear and join you all on that wonderful path of complete sobriety!

    Warmest wishes to everyone else and I look forward to catching up with you over the next few days. Take care all and happy Sunday :l
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days

    Sunday June 10th

    Hi Everyone, Happy Sunday to you all! Arial, I'm glad to hear your road is clear of trouble and you are doing so well. 90 days is fantastic! I know what you mean about not even enjoying the wine- Its such a psycological thing isn't it! I try to completly avoid it because having 1 or 2 glasses is not a pleasure, just a wind-up for me, a tease because i want more!!!
    Anyway, enjoy your day everyone. Bella xxx


      Sunday June 10th

      Hi Arial,
      It's good to feel good.
      I had a bad night. I struggled with some cravings so I'd to go to bed early and try to sleep it off. I'm feeling good again today though. A weekend thing I think. Unfortunately, Stan, my dog, did a runner and was out from about eight last night. He came home at six this morning, feeling sorry for himself, with some quite bad bites around his throat. I cleaned him up and he's sleeping it off right now. I think he enjoys getting into trouble.
      Anyway, I've got the place to myself today. Susan's off to work and I'm going to have another lazy Sunday.

      Hi Bella,
      I know what you mean about just having one or two.
      It's impossible.


        Sunday June 10th

        Morning, day 2 af for me.
        I went to a friend's house, everyone else had a few drinks but I stuck to the water, smoked half a cigarette and realised I wasn't even enjoying it.
        It feels great to be clear headed, and I feel calm, not jittery.

        Lazy day for me today then a day at a spa tomorrow to sweat out all those nasty toxins.
        I hope i can keep this going, I have a weekend away on 6 July and I amy drink then but until then no more for me.There I go again planning next month today!
        Today I won't drink or smoke and I will eat nice healthy food and enjoy my run. much better!
        have a good day everyone
        one day at a time


          Sunday June 10th

          Good Morning Ariel, Popey, Bella and Bear,

          It's another beautiful day here and hubby and I are off for a 3 mile run this morning.

          It's hard to work around free alcohol when everyone is drinking and you can't. But, you know what.....the people who over indulged were just plain UGLY and sloppy.

          Made it through and feeling great. Thank you all for your support and kind words!

          Welcome back Arial!
          Bella, happy Sunday to you too

          Popeye, congratulations on beating down the demons! Give the puppy kisses for us.....poor guy. Enjoy your lazy Sunday!

          Bear, good for you sticking to your guns last night. Doesn't it feel great in the morning?

          Love and Hugs to you all,
          :h :h :h :h


            Sunday June 10th

            Morning All-

            Welcome back Arial-missed you. I know-I remember my last sip of alcohol & hated that instant blanket of fog. That's the point of our problem-we keep trying to achieve that great buzz we had when we first started drinking. Unfortunately the more we drank the harder it is to ahieve that high-hence more drinking to try & get it. I know I can never drink the way I used to yrs ago.

            Oh Rachele-I wish I had your energy for a run. Enjoy it. I gotta get motivated.

            Off to a softball game which got rained out yesterday. Glad to see everyone is doing good.

            Happy AF Sunday All!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Sunday June 10th

              Everyone sounds wonderful today! Awesome!
              Out to sit outside and read the newspaper, pet the dogs, piddle around in the garden.
              Be Good all! Happy Sunday

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                Sunday June 10th

                hi everyone glad to hear that you are all doing well i have been quite good although i was trying for complete abs this month it hasn,t worked out like that but on the plus side i am not finishing the whole half bottle started buying them instead of my usual bottle so drinking has cut down quite a bit just need to try harder well another lazy day for me as well this fine sunday will be a busy week with work and my sons birthday is on thursday he wants friends to stay over so no rest for the wicked enjoy the rest of the weekend and check in soon

                love maryt


                  Sunday June 10th

                  Hello all. It is a beautiful Sunday here. I feel good and glad to be alive.
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    Sunday June 10th

                    Beautiful Sunday here too, jsut got back from riding the motorcycle, it is soooooo wonderful outside!
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      Sunday June 10th

                      Hi Everyone!

                      Just reading here makes me feel more positive and less frightened about beginning again. Some names and avatars are familiar and some not at all, but I'm looking forward to getting to know those of you I don't know.

                      One and a half more days.....(I set it up so I have a therapy session on the day I stop ) .

                      My sister and I drove down to DC today to look at the monuments. It was fun. Funny to play the tourist in a city that you have lived near for over 20 years!



                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Sunday June 10th

                        YoungAtHeart just incase you didnt know this is Victoria, I changed my name again.
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Sunday June 10th

                          YAHeart, isn't the DC/Washington mall amazing? if you get a chance to catch the changing of the guard at Arlington cemetery you must see it. just amazing and so touching.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Sunday June 10th

                            Hi everyone, I just came back from a summer cookout that I would normally have drank at.......I was there six hours and didn't have a drop!

                            I'm eating like a pig though

                            One addiction for another?
                            :h :h :h :h


                              Sunday June 10th

                              Great going Q!

                              yup-I hate when I hear people go "oh I lost xlbs because I quit drinking".:H I started to eat like an oinker (probably because I never ate when I drank). I gained 10 lbs since I quit drinking! One addiction for another. Now I'm trying excersing instead of food. An even better addiction.

                              Again-great going!
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

