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Sunday June 10th

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    Sunday June 10th

    Rachele, I am sure that the eating is just a temporary thing... are you doing much exercise? If so, up the ante... 7 days... I am so happy for you! I've also reached 7 days, so today is my 8th. Wow that's a big turning point for me.

    I want to add a few comments and support from the Saturday page in here too. I've made notes so I can remember everything I want to say. lol

    Kathy, good luck for Tuesday... you'll be just fine. If you remember back to what those first few days of abs is like, it's nothing painful, just a bit uncomfortable every now and again. I firmly believe this is largely psychological management so you're doing all the right things.

    Determinator, it sounds like this is the right time to plough yourself into a relapse prevention plan. I'm glad you brought it to this forum, and don't feel bad, you've not been a bad influenence at all.

    AZCrazy, welcome aboard!

    Arial, the weeks deduction sounds like a good idea. Get those asics out and run )

    Irish, I'm looking forward to hearing how the Buddhist temple went. I left my Idiots Guide to Buddhism at my sisters place 6 weeks ago and she lives 2 hours away. DoH! I'm really looking forward to getting it back! I hope you had a great time. The music and dancing sounds like fun, and all without alcohol... even better!

    Nothing to report at my end. Today is Queens Birthday long weekend so public holiday in Australia. I had a big sleep in today and got out of bed at midday - but not as a result of a hangover - and that feels good! My son Chris has a mate who lives up the road who is a little athlete in the making (he's really good!), so we're bringing him with us on a 40 min run this afternoon, which will be great for Chris to have company at his age group. I'm really excited about this! lol... small things amuse small minds. :H

    Mick, my partner has had the odd craving for a beer and last night mentioned to me in passing that he is kind of questioning whether he in fact might be a bit addicted to alcohol too. The major difference being that I had blackouts and drink twice as much as him :H Neverthe less, this 30 days is really good for him. He's been doing some reading and has agreed that he won't get back into buying cases of red wine (cellar) until I'm able to deal with that - which might be years away - who knows. It's great that I have his undivided support. He also realises now that this is my decision for change in lifestyle regardless of whether he thinks I qualify for *bad* enough to be abstaining. I know that I was bad enough, and my soul is feeling so full, in such a short space of time since giving it away.

    And that's the end of m novel for today. :H

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      Sunday June 10th

      Yes, Victoria, I knew it was you!! ;-) It took me a bit to figure it out, though.

      And yes, D, I haven't seen the changing of the guard at Arlington, but I find the whole cemetary pretty moving. My sister was pretty impressed driving around Wash. She kept saying "Wow, this is a really big city", as if nothing outside of NYC qualifies for bigness! Dork! LOL! It was pretty funny.

      Hi to everyone else! I had been doing so well with eating, but these days I've been craving carbs! Definitely a no-no for me! Yikes!

      Hugs to all
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Sunday June 10th

        Hi everybody!

        Good to see new friends and old ones too.
        I just had to jump in here as the DC area monuments are "tender" to my heart.

        I have a site to share but I don't know if it will work. It's on the "changing of the guards"..
        I'll give it a try.
        Love you all

        Ok...duh...can't seem to make it work. If you would like to see it...PM me and I'll email it to you. should be in your mail box now.:l
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Sunday June 10th

          Incidently, for those who care to know, this weekend (and perhaps this week) the Mall was taken up with the Folklife Festival. I would have liked to have stopped, but then we would have gotten lost in the exhibits for HOURS!

          Maddy was already mad at me for being late coming home with a new cell phone battery for her, which for some reason she couldn't purchase herself. I think it's called "how to get mom to pay for something, because I don't feel like it....":H
          AF as of August 5th, 2012

