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Drama-free December

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    Hi all -

    I seem to be logged in already...did I not log out after the last post? Guess not.

    Glad everyone is getting stuff together for themselves. I find it hard to get in the holiday mood when the weather is so balmy! But it is a little more nippy today, and that gave me just the bump up I needed. I even listened to a few minutes of holiday music in the car on Sirius radio. I drove up to see my naturopath and check in with all the stuff I'm doing. All seems to be going in the right direction - incrementally, but at least in the right direction.

    Dill - I have to get through 6 more episodes?! Dear me. I need to stick to the mysteries that are solved in one show, otherwise I think about the plots waaaay too much. Thanks for the recommendation, but no, I can't do gruesome. Even without watching violent shows, I have some pretty scary dreams, so that's a no go for night watching. We watched the first episode of one other excellent brit mystery - "River", also excellent acting, and a twist in the premise which is interesting. But Mr T watched more episodes and said it is not for me. Truly, it doesn't bother me, I would almost always prefer reading or sewing or knitting. I'm just not much of a TV person.

    Welcome Kozmix!

    to the light ---

    Good luck everyone on hitting your personal 'marks' these next few weeks. Remember to breathe!


      Hey there Dill, pauly & Cyn

      I have been thinking about appetitizers since Star mentioned them this morning, ha ha!!
      Mushrooms are a big deal around here since we live so near the mushroom capital of the world - seriously.
      Folks love to stuff them with crabmeat - I can't do that because YB has a severe shellfish allergy.
      They also love stuffing them with cheesy ingredients - can't do that.
      Here's a recipe I recently pinned & will be trying this year:
      Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms. - The Pretty Bee

      These are really good too:
      4 Ingredient Zucchini Tater Tots - She Likes Food
      I made these over the summer when zucchini was plentiful but I think you can still find some in the supermarkets.

      Peace to everyone tonight.
      PS: It did hit 70 degrees here today - crazy!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Good morning...

        Up early today, slept well but dreamed about an old friend I have lost contact with for a few years. Weird.

        Lav, looked up those recipes, great ideas, thanks.

        Dill, so busy this time of year.

        Cyn, I have still been watching cheesy Christmas movies that make me feel good and believe in love. Ha.

        Pauly, the drama will start for me next week when my son arrives. I get it. I am trying to remain peaceful and calm, recognizing that I can control only myself. Drama is hard to handle.

        Have a good one.


          Hello all,

          Lav, I just looked up both those recipes and both sound good. I just know I wouldn't go to all the fuss involved in making the zucchini tater tots, but it does sound like a delicious recipe. I do think I will make the stuffed mushrooms at some point. They sound simple and delicious. I would likely make mashed potatoes for a meal and then use the left-over potatoes for the mushrooms. I don't know about you but whenever I make mashed potatoes I always make a huge batch so I'll have leftovers. Often we'll use the leftovers to make potato pancakes. Mmm!

          Pauly, I understand how you feel about Chrismas. I felt the same way towards Christmas when I was younger. I still feel the same way as that but less intensely. Christmas is a disruption of routine and it is really quite a lot of work. It's loaded with drama! I hope Kell can find a different salon. That manager sounds cruel and insensitive to the extreme!

          Star, I like the sappy Christmas movies too. And last weekend they had Mary Poppins playing on the TV! I recorded that because it was jam packed with commercials. I want to watch the movie and zoom thru the commercials. I also like the murder mystery series like the ones Cyn and I have been mentioning because in those, even tho an evil act is perpetrated, the people dealing with it, trying to find justic and ways to cope is what I find compelling. There is usually healing found thru love. If that element isn't there, I don't watch.

          Cyn, Christmas music should get you in the right frame of mind! I can understand not wanting to see gruesome images before bed. I sometimes have to close my eyes until a scene is over! A lot of times I am only listening to shows bc I have my crochet or knitting to look at. I tend to do more crochet than knitting these days bc it takes less attention and if mistakes are made they are easy to fix..

          Have a good AF Tuesday everyone.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Good morning friends,

            I'm actually seeing some sunshine, nice. That's one thing that has been missing this past week despite the mild temps

            Pauly, I am a big believer in new year new starts!
            I hope Kell can relax & enjoy the holiday a bit & restart her job search in January. There's no point in staying in a shitty job that causes so much anxiety. We deserve to work in a healthier environment where we can grow & be our best.

            Hi there Stra & Dill. Hello Cyn!

            I'm off to Curves then back for some work. This will be the last job I do before the holidays - need a break, ha ha!!
            Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Morning friends, my stress is starting to liftmy stupid period finally ended so I feel better physically/mentally, can't believe what a toll it takes on me,even had brief drinkin thoughts/dreams! Louie "helped" me wrap some presents last night, what a waste of scotch tape!he likes to keep pulling it and I was worried I was gonna run out,little Bobbi and I took him for a ride earlier to get him to nap,we listened to Christmas music on the radio and did stupid little dances to the cheesy ones,it was a fun time my appetizers will be hickory farms cheese and meat,chocolate chip cookies,some kind of brownies, usually I order from the Swiss colony but I don't want anymore payments next year so I'm gonna hafta bake,bah humbug,off to get ready,hello to all let's rock this Tuesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Morning all -

                I had an early start to the day, driving Mr T. to the train. Yes, he's off again, back tomorrow, and then Thursday both of us will train into the city for him to work and for me to see my cousins. Then That's It! Until December 30th, at least...

                It was pre-dawn as we drove to the station, but dawn was 'breaking' as I drove home. It was such a slow and subtle change that as I drove I started thinking about what a miracle it is that the earth turns every day, and every day the light of the sun slowly slowly brings light to us on the planet. Isn't that amazing? It's right up there with how amazing it is that every moment of our lives something in us remembers to take a breath, and then another and then another... I had to laugh, thinking about what a mess I'd make of it if I had to decide to breathe every few seconds; that would be the entire to-do list! The light when the dawn came was so amazing, I had to pull over and just enjoy it for a few minutes. Later, my neighbor called me to say - Are you looking out the window - did you see the light? I love her for that.

                Anyway, as far as the holidays go, this too shall pass, right?! I guess it's best to take the good stuff and just step over the other stuff. Good luck all on your lists and responsibilities and cooking. I'm not sure what we'll do here - but it will involve a lot of vegetables, that's for sure!

                Happy Tuesday all -


                  I was thinking of you as I yanked the last three Swiss chards plants out of the garden tonight, chopped them up & sautéed them in a little olive oil along with a handful of sliced garlic & a pinch of red pepper flakes - yum
                  I can't believe we are still picking plants from our raised beds - crazy long growing season, huh?
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning...

                    Woke up a little late, just wanted to say hello. Have a good one.


                      Good morning friends, happy Hump day!

                      Absolutely zero sunshine here today so I guess I'll have to make my own
                      Heading out to Curves then back here for whatever - wrapping, baking, all good stuff.

                      Hello to Star, Dill, Pauly & Cyn!
                      Have a great AF day everyone.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hello friends, just a quick fly by to say hi,getting sick so not the happiest paulywogg today,at least I got it now instead of at Christmas, hope we all have a lovely Wednesday
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          It looks like a day of quick check ins! Hope you don't get too sick, Pauly and that you rebound quickly.
                          Lav, I have your sunshine here today. I'll try to hurry it your way! It has been a life line for me. We have had so many days of clouds it was really getting depressing.
                          Star, hope you had a good day and weren't too rushed by waking up late.
                          Cyn, I completely share your sentiments about the miracle of the light. I marvel at it every day (when the clouds let me ). As I was reading the thread I was periodically pausing to look out the window this morning at the gradual coming of dawn with it's beautiful light show.

                          I got up and out early this morning to do some shopping all on my own. I'm so glad I did. It was a very productive shopping session! Have a wonderful hump day everyone.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Good morning...

                            I was busy yesterday, work party in the afternoon, shopping after work, this Christmas season is just go, go, go. Luckily the weather is not too bad, by that I mean, no two feet of snow. I am really looking forward to some time off next week. Have a good one.


                              Good Thursday morning friends.
                              I was up & out early, left home in the pitch dark to get to my granddaughter's house.
                              We are supposed to get heavy rains today but nothing has started yet.

                              Pauly, I sure hope you are feeling better today
                              Get lots of fluids in & drown those cold viruses.

                              Dill, sounds like you are in pretty good shape with your holiday shopping.. That's such a reief to get that out of the way. I wrapped all of the gifts for the grownups last night, just need to wrap the kiddie gifts now. I hope the sun arrives here tomorrow, tired of the gloominess.

                              Star, looks like you have been on the go this week as well.
                              All this craziness is much easier to maneuver thru when the roads are clear & dry

                              Cyn, hope you are doing well this week too! Be careful on all your trips back & forth to the big city!

                              My daughter is taking her last final today. She really needs a break after this incredibly busy semester. I am very proud of her accomplishments, she's always been a good student. The need for physical therapists will continue to grow as our baby boomer generation ages. She will be a good one I am confident

                              Have a great AF day everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Morning friends, yes this season is go,go,go! Plus work has been busy,just trying to get through in a relaxed state of mind hope we all have a nice Thursday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

