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Drama-free December

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    Morning friends, had the worst craving for boozing yesterday since I started this LAFQ(thanks Byrdie) had to pull out my Lavitude big time! I hope it was just yesterday and doesn't fester, I've posted about it in the daily thread so won't detail it out here again but it sucked! I think the holidays are just overly stressful, hubs has been a grump,I've been a grump,Louie's sick so he's been a grump,etc,just hafta breathe deep and have a PMA!! I want rainbows and unicorns everyday and I get disappointed when its a yuck day I feel so happily selfish about not drinking,its a freedom but those hard days makes it feel like a hindrance, why? I certainly wouldn't gain one thing from al,just sticking with it and knowing I'll only get better,store today,blah,wrapping today,blah,watching Louie yay I hope we all have a great Sunday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Cyn, I had a great BD, no complaints.
      My busy daughter arrived with two pounds of fresh kielbasa (not smoked). It's a once a year treat that satisfies the Polish girl in me . We cooked that up & roasted some veggies for a great dinner. I can't find anyone around here who makes fresh kielbasa. The stores here sell packaged, smoked stuff that's not real good. The apple cake she brought may or may not have had dairy in it but it was delicious & didn't bother me a bit. We actually have a gluten free bakery up near Longwood Gardens & I think they ship their products. I'll check & let you know.
      I generally stay out of YB's personal spaces & stuff - can't deal with all that. I do see him doing a clean out once in a while. He's a hoarder & it drives me nuts so I stay out of his space, LOL

      Pauly, I highly recommend a set of headphones & a quiet corner somewhere where you can listen to some clearing meditations. That's what got me thru the first year & half or so until I finally knew what I wanted wasn't in a bottle of wine. I'm glad you didn't drink. I hope you can be proactive & help yourself thru this slump :hug:

      I am tired after this busy weekend.
      Peace to all tonight!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Good morning...

        Had a great day yesterday, busy, worked out, shopped, attended party. Then, came home and finished up more wrapping.

        Pauly, you are right, this is sucha busy time of year, whew. Just grateful I have so much to wrap, and that the weather here is not a blizzard! You are so blessed you get to watch your grandson on a regulary basis. I had not seen mine for a few weeks and couldn't get enough of him. Hope your Christmas week is filled with joy. I get the cravings, they suck.

        Lav, I still have to work this week, then shop and cook. I will get it all done.

        Cyn, sounds like you are going to have yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Nice. Staying home is the best sometimes. I love the variety through the years, and the memories. I have been thinking alot of past Christmas times with so many who have passed. Bittersweet. I so treasure the memories.

        Dill, bet you are busy too. Greetings.


          Hello Friends,

          Pauly, I well done to you resisting such strong cravings! They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so consider yourself stronger! I had some pretty weird drinking dreams a couple nights ago, so it must be something about this time of year. Christmas is associated in my mind with special drinks. that we used to have and I do miss being able to drink like a semi normal person. Looking back over the years I realize I never drank like a normal person. I always had more than I should have! But I conl control myself somewhat. Not anymore.

          Star, you sound so poitive! I am breathing in your positivity. I have more wrapping to do and now I have to figure out a menu. Originally it was just going to be my son and his two kids and food was not going to be the focus. But some relatives called to say they would be in town and would like to come by. It's a game changer. Now I have to have a menu plan and spruce up a bit if you know what I mean. It's causing me a little bit of stress.

          Cyn, I think your Christmas sounds lovely. Christmas is about love and being with special people. Having some games on hand is a great plan! I still remember an epic game of trivia we had one year. We only had a small crew but what a special memory. We laughed until we cried!

          Lav, it sounds like you had a really nice birthday. What a thoughtful gift from your daughter! I grew up in Cleveland on the west side. There was a large Polish community near us so I'm familiar with kielbasa and other polish delights.

          A bit more shopping today then fisnishing wrapping. I'll be thinking about what food to make, too. I want it to be simple. I don't want to be focused on food prep, etc. and miss just being with family on Christmas.

          Have a great af day everyone.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Good Monday morning friends!

            Still chilly here but I know a warmup is on the way for the rest of the week. 74 degrees predicted for Christmas day - I guess it won't snow, LOL

            I will be cooking my brains out Christmas eve as usual, everyone will be here. My daughter & I pump out dozens of pierogis, ha ha!!
            I'm not sure yet but my DIL's parents & grandmother may be here as well.

            Star, have a good day at work & yes, everything somehow will get done this week. Keep the faith

            Dill, having a few extra folks for dinner usually doesn't bother me too much. We don't do any formal, sit down dinners here anymore, no one likes them. I put everything out buffet-style & let people move around where they like. It seems to put everyone at ease. I do make the kids sit at the kitchen table though!! I ended up picking up a big spiral cut ham, too good of a sale to resist.

            Hello to Pauly, I hope today is good for you.

            Cyn, enjoy your time at home. Staying off the roads during the holiday season is a good thing!

            Speaking of driving & such - how is everyone doing with gas prices?
            I buy gas in Maryland because it's the closet gas station to my house. They dropped their prices to $1.99 a few weeks ago - nice

            Have a great AF day everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Morning friends,I'm trying to stay focused on family and being together but when I'm stressed and snappy I get the "jeez if I'm gonna feel like this may as well drink" b.s talk! Its certainly not everyday,just heading into this week is making me tense,just gotta breathe deep and relax!! Kells job sux..big time,they gave goodie bags to everyone but her,they had a Christmas party and didn't invite her,yesterday she showed up and was coming through the door her manager told her she couldn't wear the shoes she had on so Kell said she had her work shoes in the car,the b manager slammed the door on Kells finger,giggled "oops sorry"! It had cut a chunk out of her finger!then when Kell was leaving the b manager said I need to talk to you and told her that she considers her staff family and Kell doesn't seem happy there yada,yada,well no shit,who would? So she and two other girls are biding time til the holidays are over and getting something else,I wish I had extra money so she could quit now,anyways I hope we all have a great Monday and everything is smooth
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Evening all -

                Happy Solstice! So this is the shortest night, and tomorrow a new 'sun' year begins. I love the Solstice, not sure why - it must be the pagan celtic blood in me! But any excuse for a new beginning, right?

                Working away here - so far so good with girl dog - she is such a trouper, having to let me give her this chalky 'slurry' for her esophagus, no complaining! Dill - it sounds like you and Lav will have a houseful - can you suggest to your surprise guests that they bring a certain something? Seems like they ought to! Lav - I love your energy about these events - you make it sound like fun. We're doing a quiet Christmas, but then the next week we're going into NYC once again to see a friend and then bring her up to the country. I'll be doing a big New Year's Eve dinner (I'm warning everyone that it's just dinner - don't expect to stay until midnight!) We'll arrive home just the day of the party, so I'm planning on pasta (or circle-cut vegie 'pasta') and 3 different sauces that I'll make up before we leave. That and a green salad and a dessert ought to get us all through. And maybe some board games! Anyway, Lav I'm trying to adopt your approach - but Dill, I get the 'have to pick up the house' thing; I may end up ironing the sheets this time again!

                Star - my heart is with you, I know you have a newly empty chair at your table this year. Big hugs. So glad to hear that you are getting all the holiday stuff in.

                Pauly - good for you for surfing over that urge - they never last forever, thank goodness. So sorry about Kell's job - ah well, this too shall pass, right. So glad she's looking for other places.

                Well, this evening we really can say To the Light! AF blessings on all -
                Last edited by treegirl; December 21, 2015, 05:31 PM.


                  Good morning all...

                  We are all really busy. Just think in a few days it back to normal. Now, let the festivities begin!

                  Pauly, your poor daughter, what a horrible place to work. She can't get out of there soon enough. You just don't know a place till you actually work there for a while. I just don't understand being mean to others, what is the point? It makes everyone miserable. Sorry you are going through this.

                  Dill, I liked Lav's idea of a buffet. I have a ham and a turkey breast, will make a salad, rolls, and a few other things, and that is my menu. Christmas Day I have to make Italian food for dinner at my daughter's. Lots of food prep here too.

                  Cyn, what fun plans you have. Sounds like you have been feeling better? Hope so.

                  Lav, it is already in the 50s here and tomorrow the 60s. Lots of rain too. Let's open the windows with all the cooking we will be doing.

                  Have a good one.


                    Good morning friends!

                    It's 52 degrees & raining, oh well. I just heard to expect a temp of 76 on Christmas - crazy!!!
                    While it's nice saving on heating fuel I am worried about some of my outside plants. All 90 bulbs of garlic we planted around Halloween are sprouting - oh no! I will be very sad if the entire crop freezes over the winter.

                    Star, I am going to have to retrieve a few screens I stored away if I want to open windows. We still have stink bugs in the neighborhood, ha ha!

                    Pauly, I am sorry your daughter is being treated harshly. I just don't get that kind of mentality. I'm pretty sure I would be telling everyone I know to boycott that salon. I hope the new year brings better things for her!
                    Years ago my daughter was sent into some questionable work places thru an employment agency. I was frustrated because I couldn't do anything to help her except urge her to move on & she did.

                    Cyn, glad everything is OK with you!
                    Please don't iron sheets, just don't go there, ha ha!!

                    Dill, I know you are busy too & I hope everything is under control

                    OK, off to Curves soon & deliver an embroidery job then back here for some light house cleaning. No sense in making things sparkle & shine before my crew arrives!!!
                    Have a great AF day everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Morning friends, agreed that I don't understand treating people mean,especially a salon where its supposed to be a fun,upbeat place,Lav,I can't believe your temps! I'm the one who's supposed to be bragging about how warm it is its been 50 to 60's and I'm over it already, I found a turkey for $11 its small but that's all I wanted anyways, so turkey ,ham,rolls,Mac and cheese,mashed potatoes, rolls,good enough and I bought a frozen chocolate cream pie,I need to get to the store but I'm soooo dreading it, too busy at all of them,just realized I wrote rolls twice haha! Too lazy to fix it hope everyone has a terrific,AF,Tuesday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Hello from sunny 57 degrees Ohio! I'm loving it.

                        Cyn yesterday marked the end of the shortening of the daylight! Yay! I love the solstice too.

                        Pauly, I have to chime in and say I don't understand mean people and I never have. Best advice is to ignore, but of course that's easier said than done, especially when the mean one is the boss!

                        Lav and Star, I have decided to take your advice on the buffet. I'm going to do pulled pork sandwiches coleslaw and corn chowder. I have Christmas cookies and will bake a pumpkin pie. Should be easy peasy.

                        I'm going to have the grandkids over tonight so my son can do his Christmas shopping and wrapping. I would have prefered not to have them but it's Christmas after all and my son needs the extra time to make it special for his kids. It's tough being a single parent.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Hi all - sounds like everyone's doing their thing and making it all work. Good for you all! Dill - that's a great gift to give your son - time to do the presents and wrapping. Why do I forget each year how long it takes to wrap?! It's all done now - which is kind of a record for me. But since we do a lot of small things for 'stockings', there are a lot of small things to wrap... today I just about decided that one gift card with the same amount of money on it might be the ticket next year! But we have a lot of laughs when we open things. I can't wait for the Snowman that poops into his hat.

                          Nothing more to report here - cooking cooking. 3 pressure-cooker rounds for dog vegies this afternoon as I was working on other things, and after dinner I'll do greens and then whip them all together in the food processor. Done for a couple of days.

                          Higher temps here - my cousin in AZ says they are colder there than we are here! Oh well, I'm listening to a lot of Celtic holiday music and pretending I'm in the UK - misty and not too terribly cold.

                          Take care all - good luck and happy AF days --


                            Good morning,

                            Pauly, looks like you and I are serving the same menu! We are so blessed to have our families around and to be able to cook for them. I was thinking again that last year I didn't even have a tree, we were so cramped in that apartment. Now, lots more room and a little guy running around! Do you work today and Christmas Eve? I am off now and feel more relaxed already. I decided my gift to myself will be making good food and drink choices, (eating lightlly) exercise and taking time out to rest. Let's hope I remember to follow this.

                            Lav, too bad about the screens, I plan on opening my front door as soon as the temp rises. Lots to do here today, too. Hope your day goes well. Have you continued to focus on gratitude? I have been working on it and it is starting to be part of my thinking.

                            Dill, how sweet of you to have your grandkids over and how special for them. Your son is really pretty amazing, possible to do all he does with your help.

                            Cyn, you are so right about wrapping. I have a big bag filled with paper, tags and tape. I will have more to wrap today, so will get that out later today. I am going shopping this afternoon (yes I am crazy) with my son who arrived last night. We took him out for dinner to celebrate receiving his degree. The food was good, service horrible. Tonight, I am cooking here and want to go to the city to see the lights. We'll have to see. I am happy that each day has more sunlight from this point on.

                            Have a good day and take care all.


                              Good morning all -

                              Just a quick hop on to say that I hope everyone is well and stays centered. I just did a wonderful Guided Meditation on 'anxiety relief', and it completely brought home to me how we create our reality - for worry or dread, or for celebration. You are right, Star - gratitude is everything. Hopefully I'll hang onto these concepts all day...nice to know the meditation is there if I need it!

                              Wishing all a bit of fun today and some laughter - to the Light!


                                Good morning friends!

                                Gratitude is always my focus no matter what is going on!
                                It has helped me get thru SSO much these last almost 7 years. I am not going to change my attitude anytime soon

                                Just received great news - Curves is staying open, yay!!!
                                I will be going in soon to get the details. That is such a relief, honestly!
                                My granddaughter will be arriving sometime later today & staying overnight so her parents can go out for their anniversary.
                                Glad I have the major work done & out of the way.

                                Star, congrats to your son! I don't think I know what he was studying. I hope he's happy & can move forward in the new year

                                Dill, I know you are busy with your grandchildren, have fun!

                                Cyn, are you getting rain too? No snow for the east coast this Christmas!

                                Pauly, I hope you have a calm day! Get the tone set for a peaceful Christmas!!

                                Have a great AF day everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

