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Drama-free December

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    Greetings friends

    The sun is back along with some chilly wind. At least it's dry!

    I just got a call from the nurse at my grandson's school. He's come down with pink eye AGAIN. I can't go pick him up, I'm at my granddaughter's house. I just informed YB that It's his turn, ha ha. He can go get EB & take him home until one of his parents are available.

    Clean eating & probiotics can help clear up a whole host of problems. Having a positive mindset is important too. That was something I really had to work hard on achieving.

    Hi there Dill, Star, Pauly & Cyn.
    Have a great AF Thursday everyone!!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning friends, Lav,it seems like the probiotics make me go to the bathroom ALOT! 5 to 6 times a day is not normal,I should be a size 5 cuz seems like my digestion is turbo,I'm trying to word this so I don't offend Dill,I'm diggin online shopping this year too,if I have an item in mind,why go run to different stores when I can punch an exact description into amazon and buy with just a click? I do think the whole internet is destroying the economy though no more Blockbuster,a few Barnes and nobles here and there,what's next? Really trying to get my positive head on today,feel like a grump and don't want it to fester!PMA,PMA,PMA(positive mental attitude) hello Cyn and Star,I hope we all have a great Thursday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        I have read about this Leaky Gut syndrome Lav- initially I thought "omg, sounds terribly scary.' Glad you are making such discoveries!
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Yeah,"Leaky gut"sounds gross! I imagine all sorts of things,bleh,well PMA works today has been wonderful yay!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Hello all -

            Busy busy day today with workers here (tree guys to trim the stuff away from the power coming to the house - yay) and appointments. Came home to a girl dog on the edge of an 'episode'. I think we've narrowed it down to GERD with esophigitis (that's the pain part). I got lazy over the holiday last week, and supplemented her home-made food with some lot-fat high grade canned protein, but I guess it still was too much for her. So I've been researching new home diets, and guess what. Everything that I need to eat is the same for the dogs! Right down to the fermented food! No grain, small amount of high quality protein, non-starchy carbohydrates. So I guess that makes it easy; now 3 out of the 4 of us will be eating the same thing!

            Pauly - so glad Kell's BF rose to the occasion! Dill - sounds like you need a few more candles and some soothing music; sorry about the snow already. Lav - love it that YB has to get in the game. Star - so happy for all the changes working out.

            Have a great AF evening all - no drama!

            So sad for the violence in this country - I'm meditating on loving-kindness to myself and the whole world.


              Cyn, how much easier now that you & the 'kids' can consume thecsame diet, ha ha. That is actually great!

              Pauly, I would pretty much guarantee you that's it's not the probiotics causing your bathroom frequency but your diet! Scrap the dairy & wheat products & you should see results in just a couple of days. Give it a try & cut way back or eliminate caffeine for a while while you're at it too.

              Eloise, I have made it my mission to learn about leaky gut fora number of reasons. Apparently it could also be the cause of my early onset osteoporosis (not absorbing nutrients properly).

              Last edited by Lavande; December 4, 2015, 07:46 AM.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                Up early today with a headache but drank water and it is going away already. I was thinking I could use a humidifier in the bedroom. This house is really dry. Our old house had a humidifier connected to the furnace. It helped. It is pretty cold here and we did get some snow, but a laughable amount, compared to what I am used to. I like it, and I guess it is going to warm up again, into the 50s. I am all for that. I just thought about Christmas shopping and realize I have to get going. Some stuff will be online, other shopping will have to be at the mall. I don't mind, I am really enjoying the lights and festive atmosphere. I have not found a radio station that plays Christmas music and can't find my CDs. I'll need to get a few new ones. I love Christmas music.

                Cyn, your poor dog and how ironic you and the dogs need to eat the same diet. Are you hosting Christmas this year or going somewhere else? What do you want for Christmas? I can't decide.

                Hey Lav, you are certainly in demand. I'll bet your husband enjoyed picking up his grandson from school. You two are so lucky to be involved in their lives. I agree with you about the food. One bad meal and I get digestive issues. I think I always did, but when I was younger and poorer, we ate at home most of the time. Going out to eat can be tricky. Last Sunday we stopped at Red Lobster and I was so sick afterwards. Was it chemicals on the food, the rich butter I am not used to? Who knows, but I won't be going there any time soon.

                Pauly, it seems like we all have to watch our diet and find out what is right for us. I personally take no supplements, pills, vitamins (sometimes) and feel good most of the time. I also notice that if I eat certain things I feel better too. So, good luck to you on figuring out what works for you. Glad your day went better as it went on. Mornings can be so hard sometimes, I wonder why that is?

                Dill, I find it hard to shop with friends. I do OK with my husband sometimes, but the best on my own. I think it is because I can focus, go where I want, and not have to worry about sticking with someone else. Although I remember going shoe shopping with a particular friend and we were successful and had fun. Maybe it just depends. Have you put up your tree yet? It makes the mood in the room so cosy. Oh, and I bought evergreen smelling candles and it smells as if I had a real tree, which I don't.

                I am sickened by the violence. I don't get it. However, from a historical perspective, some people always choose violence. Look at all the wars, etc. It is ridiculous. I was reading a book about the history of women medically and the witch hunts of the 1300s to 1700 were ridiculous and horrible. Some villages in Europe killed all the women. Crazy and again, driven by religion. But, in the US, it is all kinds of people murdering randomly and not so randomly. I wish I knew what the solution is, but I don't. I don't understand why assault weapons are available. Hunting and guns for protection yes, but all the other stuff? I don't understand. Plus, I do not come from a gun family and have never been around them. I realize I come from privilege and have had no need. I had a pepper spray a few times, but that is it.

                Be safe and have a great Friday.


                  Good morning friends, happy Friday to all

                  I just read a sad email from our Curves owner. The club is closing at the end of the month unless a buyer miraculously appears. I am bummed
                  I have really enjoyed my 5+ years there & will miss it terribly. There is nothing else around here, honestly except the Y. I may have to look into that at some point.

                  Star, I have been having nightmares & intrusive thoughts since the terror attacks in Paris. This is all really starting to p*ss me off! I think it's time to get back to some calming meditations. There is nothing we can do about this stuff but protest. I truly wish the NRA would disappear & yes, my spouse is a card carrying member. I can't even talk to him about this stuff. He at least has always respected my beliefs by not bringing any weapons into our home.

                  Sunny & cool this morning but heading up to 50 or so, nice!

                  Star, Red Lobster made me sick the first & last time I went, ha ha!!!

                  Have a great AF day everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Morning friends, Lav,it may be the brand of probiotic, its Trubiotics by one a day,I quit taking it 2 days ago and I've been more normal in that regard,my stomach would swell with gas after I took it too,was googling and there was an article that talked about strains and stuff,who knows,sorry about curves closing,the Y probably wouldn't be too bad,I won't talk about NRA and gun control cuz I get riled up,just want to say that these people are getting guns off the street not the gun store where you hafta have a background check and have it registered ,these illegal firearms are smuggled in the same as drugs,I don't know what the solution is, I just can't believe that its getting so bad!very scary but we can't live scared of going places and living lives,Dill,is everything ok?you've been kinda quiet lately,probably just busy,hello Cyn and Star,I hope we all have a fabulous Friday
                    Last edited by paulywogg; December 4, 2015, 10:09 AM.
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Hello AF friends,

                      Yes Pauly, I am here and I am doing ok. Thanks for asking. I generally don't talk about politics/religion on this forum. Like you, I can easily get riled up and I don't want it to keep me from feeling comfortable here. I left facebook bc of people expressing their political opinions which I often disagreed with.

                      Star, funny that you don't like shopping with friends because neither do I, not when I mean to do serious shopping. If I'm with a friend it is more for socializing and I tend to just look around at things. Having someone along is too distracting when I really need to focus on shopping for particular items.

                      Lav, that's a shame about your curves! Maybe you could get some of your curves friends to explore a Y membership with you so you won't lose that social component that is so important! I just recently signed up for the membership at the local college athletic center. There is a group of seniors that meet there on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I may explore that group and see if there is a fit.

                      Cyn, Yes, more candles please! I'm sad about the violence too but recognize that there are many causes at the moment and solutions will have to be varied. There is no simple solution although we can do our small parts, as you mentioned, by trying to bring love and light into the little corners of our worlds. Which brings me back to: more candles please!

                      Eloise and Satz, thanks for your 'likes' for my post with the quote.

                      I really shouldn't have whined so much about that little dusting of snow! We're supposed to get a warm up for a couple of days so I'll hang on to that hope! Have a lovely and peaceful Friday evening all.
                      Last edited by dill; December 4, 2015, 02:29 PM.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Hi everyone -

                        Quick post here - Things have been hopping around the house here - Mr Tornado is back, and I am off-balance. Still working on getting girl dog healed up from her last incident, and figuring out the food issues. I did a lot of cooking last night to be ready to be gone just overnight tonight. W're going back to the city to move Mr Tree out of the rental and then to a birthday party for a friend - lots of people converging on NYC for this person's birthday.

                        I hope to get my niece and nephew family packages in the mail this morning before we leave. Since part of he gifts are 'countdown' calendars, I'd better get them off before Christmas!

                        Happy Saturday to all, and good AF wishes.

                        Let's bring peace to ourselves today - remember, to the light --


                          Good morning...

                          Dill, I don't go to FB much anymore either due to not wanting to read/be subjected to views I don't agree with and find hurtful. Sometimes I wonder what FB is really for. I do love pictures of family though. I bought a book online for a penny, it is a diary of a midwife placed in the era of 1785 to early 1800s. Doesn't it sound interesting? I could have easily been a women's historian, I find the info so fascinating. Are you reading anything interesting? I agree with you about serious shopping, it has to be done solo; otherwise, socializing is the main focus.

                          Pauly, wow that is scary that the probiotics could be upsetting your digestive system. I wonder what a bad strain means? The media really pushes all types of pills, vitamins, supplements, and I always wonder if it is helpful. Hope you continue to feel better and better.

                          Cyn, wow, another busy weekend, I don't know how you do it. Will Mr. Cyn be around more? Have fun.

                          Lav, how sad for you about Curves. That stinks. But I get that having a business like that means you have to be there alot, it is all consuming. Maybe the Y after the first of the year would work. I was thinking I need to focus on happy stuff rather than all that violence, but sometimes it is hard. Grandkids this weekend?

                          Have a good one.


                            Morning friends,Star,hubs also takes no vitamins/supps at all and he's always healthy and feels good,minus aches from getting older,I try all these things and most of it makes me feel horrid,my ears been aching,shoulda gone to the docs yesterday and have it looked at but was sorta anxious yesterday cuz of PMS so I didn't do much of anything,Cyn yes get those calendars sent! Louie is irritated by only getting one chocolate out of the calendar,today he gets 3 cuz he missed those days,I like Facebook to see my family, I've got nieces and nephews,my sister ,dad,brothers I like to see what's going on,plus its nice to be able to see what's up with the peeps I've met here too,we imagine what someone looks like,but its nice to see the real person hello Dill and Lav,off to dry my fro,hope we ALL have a peaceful, happy Saturday, totally drama-free
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Good morning friends!

                              Appropriately chilly but sunny here. This climate stuff has me feeling weird, dried out sinuses despite two humidifiers running, strange.

                              We picked up a tree at the Amish market last evening, first cut tree in probably 10 years. The artificial was looking old & dusty & falling apart. It's still sitting outside in the truck but we'll drag it in later.
                              My daughter just asked if they could drive out for a visit today. I guess I'll be busy in the kitchen, ha ha.
                              I have resolved Facebook issues by turning off the feed of some of my more miserable friends & relatives. If I want to know what they are saying I can always take a look. For the most part I just don't give a damn, LOL

                              WebMD has a straight forward article about IBS & probiotics & foods to heal your gut:
                              IBS Supplements: Fiber, Probiotics, Prebiotics, and More
                              Remember what Hippocrates said - 'let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food'. This guy really knew his stuff

                              Cyn, have a safe trip to the big city & enjoy the party.

                              Dill, I am going to wait until after the holidays to figure out what to do about exercise & socialization. I just don't want to end up sitting around here & turning into some old frump. I'm not ready for that!!! I hope you are seeing this beautiful sunshine today.

                              Star, in my next life I am definitely going to be a hard-nosed feminist! I'm halfway there now!! What are you doing this weekend?

                              Pauly, watch what you eat, it makes all the difference.
                              I hope you & Louie have some fun stuff to do this weekend. I love his Christmas hat!!

                              Have a great AF day everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Late check in for me. Really busy day with granddaughter over. We've been to the Little Town of Lights celebration in town. We watched the parade and saw Santa arrive on his sleigh. Gdaughter thought she would be too shy, but when time came she went right up and sat in Santa's lap. So CUTE!

                                Lav, I was so disappointed with the weather today! We woke to thick fog and heavy frost. Actually it was stunning to look at, but COLD. The sun came out for about an hour, then thick fog rolled back in and that was how we spent the entire rest of the day and evening.

                                Star, that book does sound interesting. I am actually reading the 3rd book in the Accursed Kings series that I learned about thru Cyn. It's fascinating, but not easy reading.

                                Pauly, Facebook is good for keeping up with family, but sometimes family members posted political views instead of family news and I found I couldn't tolerate even that! I suppose that sounds silly, but it is what it is.

                                Cyn, glad Mr. T is back home. It will be nice for the holidays to be sure!

                                Peace and love to you all and to the whole world.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

