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Drama-free December

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    Lots of sun here today! It's wonderful!

    I just realized that Christmas Eve is a week from today! How do things slip up on us so quickly?

    Lav, is you daughter working on her doctorate in physical therapy?

    Star, will you have the whole week off next week? I hope so.

    Pauly, did you manage to dodge the cold you mentioned you were coming down with?

    Hi Cyn!

    Not much going on here today. Hope we all have a peaceful af Thursday.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Hi guys - sorry for the absence. After dropping Mr T at the train station, I got home and started working. About 2 PM (after spending 1/2 hour on the phone getting my Health Insurance sorted out) I heard girl dog cough, went to check and sure enough, she was headed into a bad episode. Not even sure what caused this one. from 2 PM to 10 PM she was in distress, I called and talked to the vet and made a plan - they couldn't get her in to see her. I went Wed morning and now have quite a protocol of meds and timing of meds and meals, etc. I just hope it helps to heal her; the current theory is esophagitis and gerd, which I guess can be quite painful. So this morning I got up at 4 AM to give her the 'slurry' to coat her throat so that I could feed her at 6 AM! Crossing fingers that this will help the poor little thing. She's a trouper. So, I didn't go into the city today - which is fine, less work for me actually and it was rainy and windy, yuk. Glad to be home.

      That one night of no sleep really set me back! So I'm catching up, cooking for us all, getting things in the mail, etc. Even though we do mostly 'stocking stuffers' plenty of them need to be wrapped, so I'm hoping to get that done tonight or tomorrow. That would be a first!

      Lav - I'm still hankering for some GF cookies! I have lots of recipes, but not enough time quite yet to make any. Maybe tomorrow evening. Congrats to your daughter, she really has had quite a year - new house, finishing her degree. If she's anything like you, she'll be superb at whatever she does.

      Dill - so glad that my sunrise story resonated with you, and glad that you are getting some sun finally. The temps will drop in the next days, but will be sunny, so that should finally get me in the holiday mood. Broadchurch report: we watched episodes 3 and 4 last night. I'm not a binge-watcher, but I could get seriously hooked on this one. Good thing we were both too tired to stay up and watch any more!

      Star - I'm glad you don't have to deal with any bad weather or snow this year - I hope the go-go is a little enjoyable; take care of yourself.

      Pauly - good luck with keeping that cold at bay - lots of tea and try to get some rest!

      Take care all on this wonderful AF night --


        Sorry your dog is sick Cyn hope you get things caught up quickly, I started ACV and feel better thank goodness
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Busy day, crappy travelling conditions in rain & fog but it all worked out

          Dill, Christmas is almost here!!!!
          My daughter is not in a doctorate program - no way, ha ha!
          She has a BA in English/Communications but wanted to make a complete switch over to healthcare. She is in a very intense two year PTA AD program. Here's some info:
          About Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Careers
          That's all she wants & can afford at this point in her life.

          Cyn, I sure hope your doggie heals up quickly. Has anyone suggested the possibility of a surgical intervention for her GERD?
          Please don't wear yourself out :hug:
          Did you see that link I sent you for the 5 cookies in 1 dough recipe? Pretty sweet

          Pauly, everyone seems to be chasing cold symptoms this week. YB is too (of course his are MAN-FLU), ha ha!!
          Glad you seem to be getting over that funk.

          Peace to all tonight!
          Last edited by Lavande; December 17, 2015, 09:30 PM.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning ladies...

            Dill, you sound in a festive mood! I work Monday and Tuesday next week, then off till 1/4/2016. Yay!!!! I appreciate my work so much, I also like the people I see on a daily basis, but a little change will be wonderful.

            Lav, it was cold and rainy here too. Luckily traveling conditions were OK. Next week warm again.

            Cyn, your poor dog. Hope he gets better quickly this time.

            Pauly, ACV has helped me in the past.

            Have a good one.


              Hello af Friends,

              Cyn, Sorry your girl dog is so sick. I know she'll improve under your care. It was coincidental to me that I watched a story on the evening news about esophageal reflux in people and the rapid rise in esophageal cancers directly caused by it. Broadchurch just keeps getting better! Episode 8 was the last epi of season one. Now I am watching season 2. I honestly expected to be let down. I mean, where could they possily go after solving the crime? Well, I was wrong. The first epi had me hooked. I watched 1 and 2 both last night. It truly is addictive! I'm going to be sad when I get finished with it but I did read that they are going to have a 3rd season. I don't know when it will be available.

              Lav, I am relieved that your daughter is going to be a PTA. I worked with PT's and hd great respect for them and what they did. But recent changes have made it a doctoral degree and I got the impression that the actual hands on work was going to be delegated to the PTA. I think it was a mistake for the profession to go that way. I know that I myself would prefer to be working with people not with plans on paper. The PT's I wored with could assess, develop plans and then carry out the therapy. When they had too many clients they could delegate therapy to PTAs but they still had a hand in the game. I get the feeling that's all changed. Did you happen to see that news story on the Nightly News about Barrett's Esophagus?

              Star what are you getting your grandson for Christmas? Any books? There are so many good toys out there to buy! I recommend a Magnadoodle if he hasn't already got one.

              Pauly, what are you getting for Louie? Such a fun age! I'm getting my 10 year old grandson an electronic circuit board kit. He loves stuff like that. I'm getting my 4 yo granddaughter a Little Live Pets Mouse and House. I think she'll love it. I'm getting them other things too, but those are a couple things we're getting.

              Off to help my widowed friend put up her Christmas tree. Mr. D will help too. We'll set it up and help her put on the lights. She loves real cut Christmas trees, so this is our Christmas gift to her. After that we are going to lunch together.

              Have a good AF Friday everyone.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning friends,

                Dark & chilly again, ho hum!
                I hear we will be having wind chills in the 30's tomorrow.
                My plan is to spend my birthday tomorrow in front of the fireplace with a bowl of popcorn or something, ha ha!!! I remember sitting here by myself in a blizzard with a bowl of popcorn on my birthday a few years ago!
                Today will be a trip to Curves then back here to get the gift wrapping finished & bake off the last of the cookie dough I have stored in the fridge.

                Dill, my daughter's interest is in working directly with people & that's why she looked into PT & OT.
                We talked about these jobs for quite a while & she did her research. Even the PTA's do their fair share of paperwork in the hospital documenting patient's progress in their care plans - believe me. I found the PTAs to be very happy, well educated & an important part of the healthcare team. I think she will do well in this field with her communication skills a big plus
                I didn't see the news story about Barretts Esophagus but I know a fair amount about it, my FIL had it & went on to develop cancer. Smoking & drinking led him to a slow, painful end, sad.

                As far as grandchildren gifts I try to get each of them something fun (Paw Patrol, My Little Pony, Minecraft), something educational (books at each of their reading levels) & something comfy to wear. I also stitched up hooded sweatshirts for each of them with their favorite cartoon characters.

                Nice that you are helping your friend with her tree & lights. I'm sure she is appreciative knowing you are there to help.

                Greetings Star, hope you have a good day!

                Pauly, I hope you have a good day & are feeling better.

                Keeping my fingers crossed for you & yours Cyn.

                Have a great AF Friday everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Morning friends, I bought Louie a bunch of toys,one I regret is a little ride on motorcycle,Idunno what i was thinking at the time,its gonna be a pain I can already tell,ugh,my tree is DRY! I think I told you it was Charlie Brown in the first place,very sparse ,mishapen and hubs wanted to take it back etc but of course I said no, well now all the lights and ornaments are sagging and I don't dare touch it cuz all the needles fall right off,grr,I'm considering going faux from now on! Oh well,least it looks good at night,woke up starving, must find food,hope we all have an easy Friday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Quick check-in late on Friday night. Thanks all for the good wishes for girl dog - she is finally making some progress. The med routine is pretty intensive, 2 hours before and after food, 1/2 hour before meals for some pills, some 2 x a day, some 3x, etc. I'm starting to get the hang of it. Mr T came home this afternoon, and I think that made all the difference in her -- she started perking up, and by tonight she was looking for toys. Amazing. Also having less pain because of the 'slurry' I have to get down her throat -- but something must be working! Thank goodness.

                    Just in case I get caught up in something early tomorrow morning, Lav, let me be the first to say:

                    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to our wonderful cheerleader, mentor, shining example and friend. Hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you! :love:

                    More tomorrow to all - take care -


                      Happy Birthday Lav. May it be a good one.:heartbeat:

                      Cyn, great news your doggie is perking up.

                      Dill, we bought him a crazy coupe, an unmotorized car, a cute flashlight with colors, and a few other things. I bought Christmas books but we never got together due to the flu. He will get plenty. We all will. How kind of you and your husband to give and put up a tree for your friend. Nice.

                      Busy today, workout, shop, clean, laundry, wrap a bit. I made a recipe last night I saw on FB. Lasagna Rolls and they were delicious. Left overs tonight. So, I will be busy all day and will find time to read at some point.

                      Pauly, we have had a faux tree for years, it is fine by me, I love having the tree up for over a month. They have good sales on trees after the holidays.

                      Have a good one all.


                        Good Saturday morning friends!

                        Yep, another year older & hopefully a bit wiser too
                        Grateful to be alive & well at this point, honestly!

                        Cyn, glad your girl dog is doing better, yay!
                        You make a very fine nurse
                        I hope your weekend is a good one.

                        Star, lasagna rolls sound good. I've been making vegan lasagna & stuffed shells lately using homemade cashew 'ricotta cheese'. Everyone who has tried it so far likes it & it agrees with everyone. Christmas with the grandkids is fun & so exciting for everyone & exhausting too!

                        Pauly, get some water in that tree so it doesn't turn into a fire hazard. My tree 'drank' a lot of water for the first few days after we put it up.
                        I am sure Louie will be thrilled with his motorcycle, ha ha! My grandson's other grandparents bought those motorcycles for the boys a few years ago.

                        Greetings Dill! Are you experiencing this cold snap too? Brrr!! Wind chills are in the 20's & 30's all day. Hope yo have a great day.

                        Have a wonderful AF Saturday before Christmas everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Happy Birthday Lav! I hope you had a wonderful day.

                          Exceedingly cold and unpleasant here today. YUCK.

                          I'm just poppping in to say hello to all. My gddaughter
                          is here and I'm busy with her. See you all tomorrow!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Good morning...

                            Woke up extra early, busy day ahead: workout, grocery shop, little kid BD party. Will be running around all day, but that is good. I hung out yesterday, the quiet before the festivities start, and I needed it. I felt guilty, then realized I have no reason to, I deserve an afternoon of resting.

                            Lav, you are right, holidays are fun but exhausting. Self-care is number one.

                            Dill, know you are having fun with granddaughter.

                            Have a good one.


                              Good Sunday morning friends!

                              It was 27 degrees when I went to bed last night & still 27 this morning, Brrr!!
                              It may hit 70 degrees here on Christmas day - crazy.

                              Glad you are enjoying some granddaughter time Dill
                              Mine will be staying overnight on the 23rd so her parents can go out & celebrate their wedding anniversary. I need to get all of my Christmas prep done before she arrives, ha ha!

                              Star, no need to be busy every waking moment, right? We all need a little downtime to sort out stuff in our heads
                              Have fun at the BD party!

                              Hi there Pauly & Cyn!
                              Glad to hear your doggie is doing better Cyn.

                              I have plenty to do today to keep me out of trouble. Wishing the same for everyone else

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Morning all -

                                I hope all are well, I know it is a lot to gear up for the holiday when you have families to take care of. This is the first year (except for one) when I am not flying somewhere for the holidays...I am so grateful! It will be a really quiet Christmas here, just the 3 of us. So I bought some games for us to do together so that we'll have some laughs and a fun time. We usually watch 'Elf' also...we've seen it so many times that we can recite the lines right along with it.

                                Lav - I hope that someone did something for you for your birthday -- Your daughter is probably in the midst of finals now, right? But maybe somebody made you a cake or something? On the other hand my family can never figure out what to give me for a cake (GF, Low sugar, no dairy, now no eggs) so they usually just throw up their hands and do nothing - it's safer!

                                Dill - hope that you had a good time with gdaughter. What wonderful memories you are making.

                                Star - good for you for having a restful, un-guilty few hours! Have fun with your busy day.

                                Pauly - I'm sure you're up to a busy day as well - take care.

                                Yesterday (since he was finally home for good) Mr T decided it was the perfect time to clean out all the bathroom stuff from his medicine cabinet, under sink, closet, etc. What a mess! What is it with men? It never fails - they like to come up with big projects at the worst possible time! (Sorry, guys who are reading this). I helped with as much as I could spare time for yesterday, but it was not in my schedule. At least I was able to say 'nope, can't help you with all of this today'. That's growth. And we had a few good laughs along the way - found things dated 2004!

                                We had an event and dinner last night, so today I'll get back on track. Lav - thanks for the 1-GF-recipe for all the cookies! I'm going to make something today, I'm determined.

                                Have a good one all -
                                Last edited by treegirl; December 20, 2015, 08:50 AM.

