out tomorrow down Lincoln way if this weather eases off...right now that I had to get my own brew ..who else?
hia Lav...hows you today then?hopefully all well..here you go big brew.....its a pity we werent on the same time zone...we could have skyped our own ex class!!Going on the treadmill again this morning..went for a bit of a run /walk yesterday...just tiny tho...ran 500 steps walk 100 run 500 walk 100 for about 10 minutes..thats the trouble..because you get out of it..then its back to square 1 again...think the hardest thing for me is to stop and realise oops this is sore...anways I digress..have a good day..
hiya det...hows you then?whats the veggies you are having with the salmon?years ago..I used to do weights and was into them in quite a way...but I found you can get a lot more benefit using stretch bands doing resistance training..you playing out this weekend?
hia pauly...hows you then?is it still the 3am club ?you n Julie should get together..thats her favourite stunt..3 am.."Im awake ...are you???..Im bored..talk to me blah blah .. woman its 3 am ..and you want a discussion on the benefits of using refractory light as a source of energy and heat as opposed to physical elements??????jeez..so you off to the dollar store..with 1 cent change

hiya ns......hows you today ? well what time were you up?I wonder how many of us are guilty of splashing out on a gym and never going?good few I reckon..ou any plans for today?
no pie...yoo hoo hows you?all ok?likewise bear?still nowt from ppqp.......
hiya kuya...hows the Antipodes today then....?interesting that take on pollyticks...but one I agree with ..the local guy/woman gets elected on the wishes of the community..but then you put all these peoplle together,with all the wishes of the majority of their individual communities,now that wont gel...so what you do is create a bond (similar to turning individuals into a squad in the army) so you now have this group who have a common primary objective whatever it is,add a pinch of opposition disagreement/challenge pooh pooing whatever you want to call it,mix in some foreign policy/aid/immigration matters,gently bring to the boil whilst adding some selfish corporate issues...and there you have it..one pot of shambles!apply to any party and the result is the same..the individually locally elected voice soon becomes a political machination of a much larger corporate crap machine representing not necessarily its own ideals..but if one party says black, hot,wet, day then the opposition will come back with policies of cold,dry,night...unless there is a clear vote winner amongst it all..wow ..soapbox now broken!!
hiya Sam the man..hows you toda then?all ok mate?hows the weather over your way?you out giggin or has that finished now?
right folks ..for the offski..so see you all later..have a great weekend......
My teacher said I'd end up working in McDonalds. Well, look who's laughing now.
The guys ordering chicken off me in KFC.
As the political fallout rages about the personal details of 675,000 Weatherspoons customers being made public, the government are demanding to know how they managed to get into the DWP sick and unemployed database.
Wetherspoon's has been hacked. The pub company said that 650,000 people might have had their personal details leaked, and that the credit card details had been compromised.
Apparently up to £300 is at risk.
Hackers have obtained the personal details of 675,000 Wetherspoons customers.
Banks are predicting the compensation costs could literally run into tens of pounds.
My mate is that tight he got himself tasered by the cops to try and charge his iPhone
When my son got home from school today, I asked him what he's done:
"Guided reading" he replied.
I said, "I don't give a fck what Guy did, I asked you."
Liz Kendall MP has alerted Police after receiving abuse from Twitter users because she voted in favour of Bombing.
'Threatening people is not acceptable', she said.
I had a few mates round for a game of cards when my son came in,
"OK dad, I'm off now. I'll see you later. "
"Alright Jack, break a leg. "I answered.
"Well fancy that, "said big Gary, one of the card players, "he's the last person in the world I would have expected to go on the stage. "
"Don't be a div, " I replied, "he works for greasy Vance, the loan shark. "
Up to 750,000 elderly people 'forced to choose between food and heating their homes' this winter.
Cameron to be congratulated having provided people with a choice.
Once upon a time a trip to the park with your parents was all swings, roundabouts and climbing frames.
Now it's just staged photos for Facebook.