anyways brew time...
hiya kuya...hows you then apart from bizee?do you eveer watch that supervet prog?he is that was an intersseting discussion on one of the freds about bacvlofen...and byrdie brought u[p about time doing the same thing...but what if ..time was the common factor, and the others were just additives? ie,baclofen,naltroxene,determination willpower af beer /booze...without time ..none of them would work therefore they comlpiment the main constituent that increases ,it should compensate for a decrease in the other...make sense?go on say yes ..please this simple fool!!
hiya Lav...hows you ...brew here a carry out cup!!!got some duck eggs friend is now up to 14 ducks!!have a great day with gd...what is the theme? frozen/polly pocket?
hiya pie. what colours the sky on your planet today? blue?hope so..enjoy being discombobulated....sounds like a kinda dodgy massage!!!
hiya pauly hows you then?hope your wenzdi went werry well and you have thumpingly thooper thursdi

hey that does sound interesting..its intersting where the missing land went to....the thing is..not everything is recorded and sometimes pencil m#notes make a difference big time I was digging on a scheduled mnoument site,with the archaeological peeps..and we were digging close by wherre Iwas there was no mention of any buildings etc....except a penned note in a drawing from the 1700s I think it was...result was ..we found the original medieval tower that no one knew was there and in fact they had put a road to the rubbish tip over it and built houses!!
hiya ns...hows you then...dont work to live ..not vice versa :thumbsup: yes I think we have done pretty well here so far ..thats the benefits of a site like this tho still not convinced everyone uses it to its fullest advantage....there is a massive array of support and coping skills here ..and most people do want to help ..granted there are a few clowns ..but that life
Hey bear hows you then?all good?hows today going?
right folks offski to feed wabbits good
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, has pledged to give away 99 percent of his fortune after the birth of his child.
Baby Max's first words are going to be...
"You did fcking what?"
"Ah, Jenkins, I'm afraid I have had to cancel your bereavement leave on Friday, there is just too much to do. "
"How can you do this? it's my fathers funeral, I don't want to be the only member of my family not to be there. "
"Don't worry Jenkins, you won't be the only one, I was talking to your father in the pub last night and he assures me he won't be going either. "
"Britain Hates Donald Trump So Much They're Trying to Ban Him."
Come on now lads, let's think this through. If we carry on like this, they might try and give Piers Morgan back.
Tyson Fury has vowed to get his IBF heavyweight belt back.
"You'll have to leave it unattended one day!" he yelled.
Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect.
As I stood swaying from side to side at the British Airways ticket desk last night, the guy looked at me and said, "Can I help?"
"Yes," I slurred, unzipping my superman costume and pulling my wallet out, "One ticket to Amsterdam please."
"You're unable to fly, sir." he replied, "You're far too drunk."
I said, "I know mate, that's why I'm getting a plane."