just got to sand down,put the shelves in and varnish my "pallet wood "cupboard and weve done that too..Ive really got into this woodworking out of scrap!..not sure if I showed you my last one....tried to keep part of the tree bark ot the shelf supports anyways brew time it is
hiya kuya hows you then?do you get as much rain there or is the climate more tropical?our friends..(the guy from mt eden and his wife)...they were doing up a barn conversion here for when they came home in Mytholmyroyd (the name of the place)..it has totally been wrecked by flood water...glad you are orf the cigs...give it time the breathlessness will go..
hey Sam...hows you ? you were dreamin someone was chokin you?did you check the insurance policy??? hope you are well and WILE E and his friends arent causing you too much sleep loss!!
hiya Lav...well how are you and the spotted coyotes today?(your post :congratulatory

hiya Pauly how are you today...firstly ...glad you didnt drink..dont forget ....exercise increases muscle mass which ways heavier ..so until that stabilises you wont lose weight...dont give up!! the other thing is are you drinking enough fluids?if you are exercising and not ..then your body goes into siege mode and stores ...Ive got better since my knee has not given me so much hassle ..ok its got to be strapped,but since I started exercising I am now up to ....swimming 60 lenghts of the pool, can run and walk 2.5 miles at 4 mph,and also can do 3 reps x30press ups without stopping,so slow progress ...but getting there considering for the last 6/7 months I could hardly do anything...so same goes for you ...keep at it:thumbsup:
hiya pie ..hows you ..what projects have you got on the go now?you must have sumfing now that the faucet is done?..like you I declutter regularily...my only thing is ..as soon as Ive done it I go and buy more crap and "come in handys " to replace it!have a look at that vid on supervets,you will enjoy it...
bear...you summed your thread up in your last sentence!!tis the weekend ...as for getting pissed...ermmm youve got your big girl pants on now...doesnt happen!!:thumbsup: have a good weekend..this is what mon-fri pays for!!
hiya ppqp...wow that was some day...nothing doing so just go...not bad...! yep if you see that truck in Calgary anywhere give him a wave from me..its strange to think that we both sat our heavy goods test on the same day at the same time..I was first on he was 2nd and the same examiner..we practiced together ..and couldnt get the reversing right! when we passed we bought each other a yorkie bar...and that was probably last time we met!! you doing anything this weekend?
hiya ns and det ..you ok?
right folks have a good one......
The wife and I went to a bank robbers-themed fancy dress party last night.
Well I did. She stayed in the car, keeping the engine running.
"Oh dear, he's missed the blue after avoiding brown and dropped the green. " I said.
"I didn't know snooker was on, I thought the season was over, " replied my wife.
"It is, " I answered, "I'm watching the fcking bin man.
You can now buy powdered alcohol, for smuggling into places where booze is prohibited.
Because doormen are far more likely to let you in in they find a bag of white powder on you than a bottle.
My wife said, "It's my parents Golden Wedding Anniversary next week, what do you think we should buy them?"
I said, "Get your mother a card, and give your dad a medal."
People say Australian men are uncouth. Well all the ones I know use a knife and fork to eat their meals, even when they're sat on the toilet
As a child I wanted to be a personal trainer but I ended up as a politician.
At least I still convince absolute idiots that a change is being made in their lives.
I had a recurring dream once.
I always put my coat on to answer the door just in case it's any one I dont want to talk to... then I can say; "Sorry, I was just on my way out" and barge past them.
What do you call a little Japanese fella who's always scratching himself?
Mr Fookinichi
I surprised a burglar last night.
I broke into the same house.