Det firstly good for you for not drinking and coping with the thoughts..have tyuo worked out what the triggers are yet?thats the key to it...that and being able to say noo ,which in some situations it seems you cant..once you identify those then you can crack on mate
hiya ppqp...hows you ...?is there any improvement with the eyes since you started this course of treatment? I hope so...Knee is strapped up again...was out yesterday without it on,and it is certainly aching for the this is not the usual........but listening to the reports yesterday there seems to be an air of acceptance that this is the way of things to come!! not like your -29!!
hiya Lav...the best laid plans........seems to me you are getting more than your fair share of sunshine you for a brew?so its soup today then? chuck the chicken in the pot and orf we go... yep the cure all for illnesses ..chicken soup and a chuckie egg!!
hiya pauly ...hows you today?got rid of the blues? hope does make you wonder why that guy caught caught ..not the how..that was just through stupidity and look at me Im the greatest .com..what was interesting was the need for the cops to parade him around as they did...exactly in the same way as he escaped 2 years previous triple s back to you ..only Sunday!!
hiya Sam...hows you then? cracking shindig that looked far as the vet vid goes ..if you can watch the series the guy is fantastic..there is no set pattern to what he does for the dog....go for it...
hiya Kuya ,hows things ..after your late night /early morning?hows the wheeze?a for the insurance...Im pretty sure that they will try their best not to pay...the act of god clause!! as for Noel in the supervet..Im not so sure that he is fully engaged in the humanistic side of talking to/with the pet owners...If you look at the series ,I think he plays a very very good role in being sympathetic with the owners,but on his own with the animals he definitely empathises with them..a brill iant example is series 1 episode 3..its a retriever i think with a spine disorder? he operates ...and within 48 hours the dog is actually starting to walk...Noel is crying when he sees it...and explains his feelings about it and what he does and why he does it...
hiya pie,ns,bear hope all is well with you good people too..
work calls.....have a good one...
Q: If there were four potatoes in a room, which one would be the prostitute?
A: The one that's labeled "Idaho."
A blonde orders a pizza and is asked if she wants it cut into six or 12 pieces.
She responds, "Six, please. I could never eat 12 pieces."
A nun wanted to enter a racehorse into a race, but then she realized that they cost way too much money, so instead, she bought a donkey.
The next day, she enters it into a contest, and it comes in third.
The headlines read, ''Nun's Ass Chokes.''
The next day, she entered it in another competition and this time it came in first.
The headlines were, ''Nun's Ass Wins Grand Prize.''
The following day, the owner scratched the donkey from the race.
The headlines read, ''Booker Scratches Nun's Ass.''
And on the next day, the nun sold the donkey for a really cheap price.
The headlines were ''Nun Sells Her Ass for $5.''
Little Johnny was in church with him mom for Sunday Mass when he suddenly felt nauseous.
"Mom, I think I'm going to throw up!"
She told him, "I want you to run outside as fast as you can. Run across the lawn and go behind the bushes. You can throw up behind the bushes and nobody will see you."
So Little Johnny hauled ass for the door. Less than a minute later, he returned to his seat next to his mom. He had the look of obvious relief on his young face.
"Did you make it all the way to the bushes, Johnny?"
"I didn't have to go that far, mom.
Just as I got to the front door, I found a box that had a sign on it: FOR THE SICK.''
Q: What happened to the Native American who drank too much tea?
A: He drowned in his own tea pee.
A new law recently passed in Arkansas.
When a couple is divorced, they can still legally be brother and sister.
"WE WON!" I screamed, as the X-Lotto numbers were read out. "GET THE TICKET WOMAN! GET THE TICKET!"
"I've got some bad news, and some good news." Responded the missus.
"The bad news is, the ticket was in your pocket when I washed it this afternoon."
"The good news is, you get a consolation prize.
-A T-shirt with the winning numbers on it."
I don't know why leopards even bother climbing up into trees to hide.
They're still spotted.