hiya pie ..hows you then...wow thats some queues in the shops ...have you tried shoplifting?...you dont have to wait in queues :congratulatory

hi kuya...hows you ?total respect to you re the euthanasia.. I appreciate life quality versus pain etc...but not sure Im up to it..speshully animals..now yoomans....hmm hope all is well with you ..your weekend will have started now hasnt it?
hiya Lav...no snow here this weekend ..allegedly going to be 14 degrees!!heres a brew to sup whilst Curious George struts his stuff!!!have a good weekend whether it be minions,minecraft ,or thomas!!!
hiya pauly ..hows you today then?page found today hopefully?...you set for anything over the weekend?
hey Sam..that you all ready and sieged up for the bad weather...?I love yogurt too....I mix oats in with mine...not only tasty but filling too..hope all goes well weekend
hiya bear hows you?hope you are ok ...
det ..where are you mate?let us know you are ok
morning ppqp...hows you today ?all good ...?you getting the bad weather too?so when do you take over as boss creator?have a good weekend
hiya ns....home or away?no not Australian soaps...but our state of travel at present! hope all is well with you
right peeps be safe strong n sober take care
It's winter again.
That time of year when people are making tough choices between food, heating, or getting that massive new tattoo.
Did you hear about the Dutch shoemaker who died last week?
He popped his clogs!
We threw a Star Wars themed party to celebrate the release of the new movie and my girlfriend thought she'd bake up a batch of "Wookie Cookies".
They were nice.
-A little bit on the Chewie side, but nice.
My friend reckons he can predict the future using probiotic dairy products.
He's dabbling in the Yakult
Apparently, someone in London gets stabbed every 52 seconds.
Poor guy
I like to drink a glass of white wine with the thanksgiving turkey.
But then we have been together for a while now.
"And just how am I a bigot?" my boss asked me.
It turns out the big idiot is deaf as well.
Major Tim Peake has contacted the Prime Minister regarding the Litvinenko enquiry.
He urged him not to take any further action against Vladimir Putin, because he would like to return to Earth one day.
My weight loss goal is to no longer care about the crumbs at the bottom of a bag of crisps.
Andy Murray says he can't wait for his wife to give birth.
He must be fed up with being the only crybaby in the household.
I used to think that "Lacrosse" was what the French called that thing that Jesus carried on his back.