Chilly but sunny so I won't complain. Yesterday's storm turned out to be nothing more than a dusting here, New England got hit harder. Now I hear Monday night into Tuesday will be the next problem, oh well. Spring will get here eventually.
Pauly, I did try a few of those OTC menopause relief products 20 years ago, didn't get any relief though. I think it's worth a try though, why not? I had no idea at the time that I was about to turn into such a hardcore case, ha ha.
Dill, the superbowl has never been a big thing in our house primarily because we were usually both working. We don't sit & watch football, just not interested in watching a bunch of overpaid men on TV. I know we fall way outside of the norm, ha ha!!!
Star, eating whole foods has really helped me tremendously. I had a chat about leaky gut with my healthcare provider years ago before it became mainstream news. I am much, much better but still react (rather violently) to dairy. I no longer have all the fatigue & aching joints, no weird rashes & a pretty good immune system. Finding substitutes for dairy was a pain in the beginning but I figured it all out. I can tolerate feta cheese since it's made from sheep or goat milk. Non-dairy milks are fine for cooking & baking, etc. It all works out

Hey there Cyn, how are you doing?
OK, I need to get to the feed store before they close at noon - heaven forbid, ha ha!
Have a great AF day everyone!