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Fabulous Freedom February

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    Good morning friends, happy V day to all :heartbeat:

    It takes about 5 minutes for my granddaughter to wake up & turn into full bubbly mode, ha ha!! It's going to be a long & busy day.

    Hi there Lizann, nice to see you!

    Dill, looks like our days will be very similar today
    We woke up to 3 degrees this morning with the promise of a few inches of snow tomorrow ~ swell. Stay warm & have fun today.

    Star, there's not much I can do about YB & his decision making. I really don't care if he retires or continues working. I just want him to take responsibility for his moods & subsequent behaviors. I am seriously sick of dealing with his ego. Time to grow the hell up I say His brother stopped by yesterday unexpectedly & I don't know why. He hasn't been here since right after we moved in 13 years ago. They really should rekindle some sort of relationship especially since losing their other brother. Such a difficult family dynamic.

    Cyn, I hope you have a nice V day with SD!
    I have a WW cookbook with some great recipes. I still make their chicken or turkey tetrazzini, yum

    OK, I need to feed doggies then check on my chickens.
    Have a wonderful AF day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning friends and Happy Valentine's day please share the recipes,don't be greedy!haha,I really need to get on the ball with some healthy dinners,our standby is just baked chicken when I'm trying to cook healthy, so the other day when Kell and I drove out to the beauty supply store,we had taken my Durango that has a tow hitch on the back and while she was buckling Lou into his carseat I was screwing around with a dollar bill he gave me not paying attention to where I was going and walked right into the tow hitch full on,omg,I haven't felt pain like that in a looong time I got in the car and was crying so hard Kell thought I was laughing, you know that pulsating pain? Ugh,so now there's a huge bruise on my shin,it still hurts and so I haven't been getting any exercise in hope its better tomorrow, big hugs and hellos to all,I hope we all make it a great day
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Evening all -

        Yep, cooked up a storm, whew! But I'm doing better at asking for help - got SD to do some chopping and mixing, and HB is getting to be a great dish dryer - he even knows where to put things away! Major.

        SD is being vigilant about points, so it was good that I found WW recipes. The slow cooker Chicken Enchilada was great! I was so happy, because there is no great Mexican food around here, and I have really been craving it. This recipe was super-easy; I recommend chopping up all the toppings ahead, and then basically you are done. (One serving is 4 points on the new system):Slow Cooker Skinny Chicken Enchiladas Recipe | Tone and Tighten Also made WW brownie bites (OK, not fabulous), and this morning did mini-omelets in muffin tins: Loaded Baked Omelet Muffins | Skinnytaste . SD says that Skinny Taste has the best tasting WW recipes. As I was stumbling around looking for things, I found a great site for those of us that don't want to spend a ton of time - they give you the times up front, and even tho it's a vegetarian site, the stuff looks great: egg and banana pancakes (1 egg, 2 bananas, 10 minutes)! All Recipes

        OK, obviously a lot of my life is about food -- dear me! Anyway, wishing all a great AF Valentine's evening - and be sure to give yourselves a lot of LOVE!


          Guess what? I told my granddaughter to go to bed at 9 pm & she did, no arguments, haha!!!
          I read a short book to her & now I am sitting in front of a warm fire

          Pauly, OUCH
          I do dumb sh*t like that all the time, I feel for you! I hope you have iced it & elevated it too to prevent too much swelling. Those are the kind of things that literally make you 'see stars'. Ibuprofen helps too.

          Cyn, I made a dairy free chicken tetrazzini tonight using cashew milk, everyone oved it & had no idea. The recipe called for 1/4 cup of white wine. I substituted 2 Tbsp of white wine vinegar & 2 Tbsp of chicken broth & it worked perfectly. I keep red wine vinegar, plum vinegar & several others in my pantry as well. Glad you found a good recipe for the family

          More snow on the way, not thrilled.
          Peace to all tonight!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning all...

            We got about 5 inches of snow, they don't plow here for some weird reason, so driving to work will be an adventure. Our plans were cancelled yesterday due to snow, stayed in and ate soup! Have a good one.


              Good Monday morning friends!

              The snow is just starting here, hope we don't get too much. I have to get my granddaughter home at some point.

              Star, 5 inches & no plowing? Wow! I hope you have a safe trip to work!

              Greetings to Dill, Cyn & Pauly.
              I hope everyone is well & has a wonderful AF President's day

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Morning friends,Cyn,thanks for those links both recipes sound easy and good I'm gonna try the omelet one cuz I can never get my omelets to look right,they just turn out like chunky heaps of scrambled eggs hubs'always turn out perfect when he does them not fair,Star,your day of staying in and eating soup sounds relaxing at least,hubs grilled chicken breasts and shish kabobs yesterday, it was 75 again and its supposed to hit 80 on Wednesday! Yeah,its nice but I see a looooong feeling summer and horrible allergy season coming up, Lav,its great your granddaughter went to bed at 9 without a fight,when mine were little I always had them on a strict bedtime, these parents these days.don't seem to,Louie stays up til 11 some nights and 2 of my coworkers have 4 year olds and they stay up til midnight, I dunno to me that just doesn't seem healthy but not my kids so whatevs, Dill,whatcha got planned for today? I'm working and hubs and Brady are off luckies!! Hope we all have a great Monday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Morning friends -

                  Lav - good news about your gdaughter! Your fire time sounded nice and cozy. Now that I don't have to cook for SD, I'll get my head back around to GF, DF and no refined sugar recipes again. Too many food issues around here! But we got a great text from SD this morning, thanking us for cooking and being supportive - she lost 2 more pounds, and is wearing a pair of pants she hasn't worn in a year. So that feels good to all of us.

                  Pauly - meant to say earlier that I'm so sorry for your painful accident... I hope that you will be OK today at work with all the standing - good luck and try to put your leg up when you can. PS - the recipe says 'omelet', but it's really just eggs and a bunch of finely chopped vegies, bacon and a little cheese that gets baked in muffin tins. Good to grab and go with, or just a quick heat-up for brekkie. They are supposed to freeze well also. The recipe makes 12 muffins (small though...)

                  Star - sorry about the snow and no plowing - sheesh! I'm getting the snow today from you and Lav - thanks so much (ha!). I don't mind the snow, and we have great plowing here, but I could do without the minus 14 degrees. It's supposed to do a major-league warm up this week, very weird!

                  Off to a busy day of work for me - happy AF President's Day to all --


                    Cyn,I seen the pic but honestly they'll at least look edible unlike my "omelets" haha
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Late check in here. One night turned into two with gdaughter as the roads turned really bad on Sunday night with the snow storm and on top of that my son was having car trouble. So, instead of our original plan of swapping out granddaoughter for grandson, we ended up keeping granddaughter and then driving her back home late today. After that it was a trip to the hospital to visit Mr. D's cousin. We are just in and finally winding down.

                      Everyone sounds good and/or busy. Sorry about your shin bone Pauly! That must have hurt like the dickens! Thanks for the recipes Cyn and Star. Lav, I hope you didn't get hit too hard with the snow. It only amounted to about 5 inches here, but during the height of it the wind was fierce!

                      Goodnight from foggy southern Ohio. The temps have risen and the fog rolled in. Quite beautiful with the snow I must say.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Its 77 degrees at 5 pm here right now yikes! Had Lou and his dad popped in,I guess he quit his job in the heat of the moment, oh hoo,Kells gonna be pissed!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Well, looks like my granddaughter is spending night #3 here, ha ha!!
                          We only got a few inches of snow but then we ended up with a thin, slippery layer of ice on top of that. Accidents & reduced speeds being reported all over. I'll will just wait & take her home tomorrow afternoon.

                          So much for plans, huh Dill? Ha ha!
                          I hope your cousin is doing better at this point.
                          I imagine I will be seeing a lot of fog tomorrow too. It's supposed to rain & head up to 50!!!! Crazy!

                          Cyn, creative cooking is what we do!
                          Trying to meet the dietary needs of a small crowd can really keep you busy, don't you think?
                          I hope you stay nice & warm.

                          Pauly, I always pushed to keep regular bedtimes when my kids were small. They just get too cranky when they are overtired. My grandkids get plenty of spoiling when they are here but when it's bedtime, they have to go to bed, ha ha!
                          I hope your leg is OK.

                          Have a peaceful night everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Good morning...

                            The main roads were plowed, the temp went above freezing as the day went on and it was fine driving to work. So, my Monday went well, and now it is Tuesday. Busy day at work, a few meetings and a training later in the day. That will break things up and go fast. I made chili last night and it really hit the spot. I use ground turkey instead of beef and it is alot lighter. Stopped by and saw my son after work, he had a few interviews, hope they went well. He wants to work and get started with his life and I don't blame him. I remember looking for work a few years ago, it was very challenging to say the least.

                            Lav and Dill, nice you had your granddaughters an extra night, better safe than sorry with the snow and blowing. Still cold and damp here today, nice on Friday, at least that is the prediction, which they keep changing around.

                            Cyn, sweet of you to make special recipes, and fun too. Good to hear your SD is getting healthy and proud of it. We all feel better when we engage in self-care.

                            Pauly, bad idea to quit job in heat of the moment, I have felt like that in the past but always calmed myself down and waited it out. Yikes, yes, drama for your daughter. Not always easy to find a job, especially if you burned bridges. Hope your leg is feeling better.

                            Have a great Tuesday.


                              Good morning friends, happy Tuesday!

                              Yesterday's snow has turned into rain today & it's warming up to 54 degrees later. How crazy is that?
                              Everything is pretty icy now, schools are opening late & all that. I will be happy to see the end of winter. Not sure yet about my granddaughter's trip home yet, I will figure it out.

                              Star, glad you got around safely yesterday. I hope your son hears something about a job soon, that's rough.

                              Hello to Dill, Cyn & Pauly!
                              Have a great AF day everyone & I'll probably stop back later.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Hello friends, just a quick hello from me today,slept horribly and trying to get going,have a terrific Tuesday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

