I was itchy to leave the house this morning so I am just now stopping to say hello while I eat lunch

Star, your color scheme sounds very pretty, save us a pic when it's done!
Have fun with your piano this weekend.
I think the best information about prebiotics can be found here-
The Best Prebiotic Foods for Optimal Digestive Health | One Green Planet
I use garlic & onion in my everyday cooking. I make sure to use lots of fermented foods (non-dairy for me).
Americans have a crappy diet filled with chemical preservatives, artificial flavors & colors. We take too many antibiotics & other Rx meds that destroy our normal gut flora. The majority of our immune system lives in our gut (good bacteria, bad bacteria). When we disrupt the balance in there we leave ourselves open to attacks by virus & bacterial infections, develop GI problems & even depression (there's a strong mind/gut connection). If we want to get & stay healthy we have to work on our gut balance

Dill, any pill needs to be enteric coated to completely survive the stomach acid it meets. The coating will keep the pill intact until it passes through to the small intestine. I know there are some enteric coated probiotic on the market but they are pretty expensive. For my purposes I have found taking mine with a meal works OK. If I have eaten something that totally disagrees with me & cause me GI distress then I will take my probiotic 2X/day until my gut settles down again. The biggest problem I have is eating out & accidently ingesting the dairy that they sneak into everything, ugh.
I would be very careful taking bicarb - throws your electrolytes off, increases B/P, etc.
Nexium has been found to cause osteoporosis & fractures in women, probably in men too. That's why I hate Rx meds!!
Hi there Pauly, nice you slept in a bit. My big dog was up twice during the night & I couldn't go back to sleep after the second time, oh well.
Hi there Cyn!!
Have a great AF Friday everyone!