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Fabulous Freedom February
Star,wanted to add that we moved soooo many times in my late 20's early 30's trying to find a "perfect place" to raise the kids,Vegas sux for kids! Anyways after awhile it got to be.traumazing for me and iI still have nightmares about packing up and moving!real anxiety inducing dreams,so weirdI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good morning friends, it's Monday
We are actually starting off with sunshine, an unexpected surprise!
Star, my daughter went through a period of time where jobs were hard to find. She signed on with a temp agency & ended up working a few long term assignments, one lead to a permanent position that she kept until the company closed down during the recession. Temp agencies do more than secretarial staffing (like I thought). She worked a variety of positions including paralegal work in a law office. Just something your son could consider for now.
On the subject of moody men - I really believe the older they get the more panicky they become. That's what I am dealing with now with YB. He is wanting to retire but he is over-worrying the money thing. He needs to be busy doing something....believe me. There are hundreds of things he can be doing around here, he just doesn't see them. I have my work cut out, believe me. It is difficult to disconnect yourself from work identity, I get that.
I want to share an article I received this morning from the Save Our Bones program. It deals with the relationship of the health of our bones & depression - interesting: Stop These 7 Eating Habits That Damage Bones And Increase Anxiety (Do This Instead)
Hello to Dill, Pauly & Cyn!
Have a great AF day everyone.
I am heading to Curves then on to the outlets to do a little birthday shopping for my granddaughter.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Hello all! I'm BACK, halleluja. Of all the troubling things of being without my laptop these days, not being able to get back on this site was right at the top of the list. Whew. Hopefully all will be well now - by some miracle, I found a gem of a computer guy (PC) right here in the middle of nowhere - what luck was that. 3 hours of his time, a new hard drive and upgrades, and I feel like my computer is brand new again. Thanks so much, Lav for getting the message on here.
I just read back to see how everyone is - it all sounds great. Star - hope you can find some detachment from your son, anxiety is not worth it. Can't wait to see the painting job finished! Lav - I look forward to that link you put up from 'Save our bones' - gosh, 5th birthday? I seem to remember the 'diaper tree' that was for her shower before she was born. Pauly - take care, hang in there, men do really strange stuff sometimes. Dill - loved the story of the deer at the bird feeder! So glad you are having quality time with your gdaughter.
RE: when to take probiotics. I asked my naturpath a while back, and she said that there is evidence for with food and without. She said 'just take it at the same time each day - just be sure to TAKE it!' I've had to go through a couple of different kinds to find the one that works for my gut. Good luck to all with that!
OK, now I feel like I get can back to normal. I too am devoted to this site, and to all of you and your lifework to travel this AF path.
I'm loving the light - sunny today, and at 5:30 the sunset is just starting. Beautiful. Wishing all a great AF night...
Yay, glad to see you back Cyn
Finding that guy was like a gift from the universe, huh??
If anyone is interested - I signed up for this free week long summit on the microbiome. There will be 33 speakers, you can listen to any or all of them. No need to buy anything on these online events - just listen
Registration - Microbiome Medicine Summit
Peace to all tonight!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning...
Great posts and good to have Cyn back.
Pauly, I agree, at least my son is looking for a job. Patience, patience, something I am working on.
Lav, interesting article, luckily I know about the things mentioned in that article after a few years of trying to learn healthy dietary rules. The younger generation is really starting to try and eat healthy, I will be interested to see if they have better luck than we do with chronic illnesses. Retiring is challenging. You have to be ready, plan for it, to fill your time and stay energetic and positive.
Cyn, I love my computer geek guys. I had a great one where I previously lived. I will have to find a new one here eventually. So good you got it fixed, a sunny day, everything back to normal.
Hello Dill.
Have great Tuesday, AF.
Good Tuesday morning friends!
Rain for the next few days, better than snow!
I have work stuff & tax stuff that needs my attention today. I may as well dig in & get it done
Hello to Star, Dill, Cyn & Pauly.
Have a great AF day everyone!
PS: I have absolutely no problem filling my day since being semi-retired. Sometimes I have work, sometimes I don't. Gardening, chicken keeping, childcare, housework, animal care....there is no need to worry about being boredAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning friends,Cyn glad to see youso I'vebeen ttrying to cut some of the junk I eat out,plan healthier mini meals but yesterday I lost it! Felt hungry and irritated even though I wasn't and had some nacho cheese doritos and I swear they gave me anxiety this is the second time this has happened to me,I was googling(when I'm not on mwo I'm googling haha) anyways I guess its pretty common that some people react to the dyes,corn,msg or some other ingredient in them,grrrrr,I'm bugged cuz I already gave up soda
(that one I'm happy about) working on the cigs,I don't want to give up my beloved doritos! I need some fun alternative foods,to me this is like quitting drinking,I hafta quit thinking and just do it cuz the more I think, the more it drives me bananas, hello to all and I hope today is an easy Tuesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi everybody - busy day, so evening checkin again.
Lav - I don't know many women who ever get bored!! Sounds like you have plenty to occupy yourself with each day - plus all the cooking!
Pauly - I'm not surprised to hear about the Doritos; sounds like you are super-sensitive to chemicals. You'll get used to reading labels -- if it has a ton of chemicals, or a long list of ingredients, don't eat it! There are lots of chips and other things out there that are made from simple ingredients -- you just have to read the labels. Buy them ahead of time so that you're ready when the munchies hit! It doesn't mean that you have to give up snacking on stuff - just don't snack on the nasty stuff.
Star - I know how hard it is to have patience with a situation that has a lot of history. Good luck with all of it - that's really a balancing act.
Dill - hope you are well. Did you enjoy the full moon? It seemed huge to me this month.
OK, off to finish up some things and then figure out dinner.... happy AF evening, all ---
Ha! Cyn, so great to have you back! Yes, I did enjoy the moon and I thought of you when I saw it this morning before dawn. It was gorgeous! I'm glad you found a good PC guy and you are back with us.
Star, I hear you on the financial drain. Mr. D and I have been doing a lot to keep my son and grandkids above water. It's not easy, especially now that we are on a fixed income. But what choice do we have. We have to help them when we see they are really trying to help themselves. Your son is making a sincere effort, as is mine. I just hope life gets easier for both of them soon.
Pauly, ouch! I don't think I could give up my doritos either, unless it was for sunchips. I like those really well too! I am afraid salty snacks are my biggest weakness.
Lav, thanks for the links. You are so good about giving us good info all the time. Where would we be without you?! A lot dumber I'm thinking!.
Only one more episode left of Downton Abby. I am going to be so sad to see that end. I have to laugh at myself and Mr. D. Every Sunday we record two shows: Downton Abby and The Walking Dead. Do you think we need therapy? LOL!
Have a great af Tuesday night everyone.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Here ya go Pauly
From Food Matters, the top 10 additives to avoid:
Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid
I love something crunchy & salty too but without all the chemicals. Print the list & take it with you to the supermarket.
I have witnessed what red food dye does to kids - instant insanity!!! I had to keep my son away from it & his younger son has the same reactions
Dill, I have been busy ALL day. It's after 7:30 pm & I'm not done yet.
I think I will be a nutrition expert in my next life - I'm getting good practice now, ha ha.
Being able to help out our kids when they are in a tight spot is a blessing but I know it will be more difficult as time goes on. I would rather they ask for solid advice than cash at this point, to be perfectly honest.
Cyn, I can hear the wind gusting outside. Hope you have everything tied down - geez!
Peace to all tonight.AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Actually just reading that I remember some chips my health freak neighbor gave us awhile ago, they're made from beans and really good, Beanfields I think they're calledI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good morning to all...
Pauly, I get the same kind of reactions to some additives/chemicals/dyes too! I have to be very careful if I choose to eat processed food/junk food. I love Cool Ranch Doritos too. I have been buying sunflower seeds, salted and roasted (can't do raw) and they satisfy my salty cravings. Obviously they don't have the same kick but I am used to them now. I actually got my husband hooked on them too and buy some every week. Don't you hate how as you age you get so sensitive to all types of foods? It drives me crazy!
Cyn, thanks for the persepective on a situation with alot of history. It is important for me to keep detached, have persepective, and at the same time be positive. Not an easy task. So glad I have a job I go to each day keeping me busy and out of m own head. Hope you are feeling well.
Dill, thanks for the support on the son situation. Geez, I am thankful we can help out and very grateful he has his own place or I would be very stressed. The painting is not done yet and our house is a mess, now a snowstorm is headed our way, so hope they can finish up without the weather interrupting their flow. I want my house back!!!! So glad I don't live up north, they are due for a foot of snow. Yuck!
Lav, thanks again for more info on food, you are a nutrition expert right now! It is a blessing to be able to help our kids, I know young people who have no one and it is very hard for them. I can keep busy for a little while, but not close to wanting to be home 24/7 because I did that when I was younger. Again, I love my hours, 9-5, I realize how lucky I am. Hope you are doing well, sounds like you are in a good spot.
Well, it is hump day, enjoying my coffee, slept well, today will be an adventure. AF life is good.
Good morning friends, happy Hump day too!
It's going to be a dark day with rain & wind gusts. Not great but better than snow, right?
It's actually supposed to hit 60 degrees later.
Star, I never had any time at home when I was younger. My paycheck helped out with household expenses & it helped preserve my sanity, ha ha!!
I hope your painters finish up soon so you can enjoy your newly decorated home.
My curiosity & interest in food & nutrition actually began in high school. I was already finding I had weird reactions to certain things. While my friends were enjoying ice cream & milkshakes & the like I was suffering in silence
Trying out Sweet n Low in my tea or coffee gave me instant, massive headaches, ugh! And of course as we age we develop even more sensitivities & allergies.
Hello to Dill, Cyn & Pauly. I hope everyone has a great AF day!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning friends,Lav,I think that I've always been sensitive to things too,as a teen even like you certain things just made me feel "off" I'd be the gassy or tired one after a group of us ate the same thing,so weird,short post this morning cuz my hair is still damp and I'm in arush,hello Cyn,Star,Dill hope WWednesday treats us buenoI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello all - a quick jump on to wish all a happy Hump Day. Star, wishing you your house back. I'm such a DIY person that I get very antsy when workers are in my house, I just can't stand it! Thanks for your great attitude about work and life. Lav, I have been reading about nutrition, etc. since the early 80's... it's been a long process, but all the info coming out now is very exciting. I can't wait for the Microbiome summit (kinda weird, but true!). Dill - you and Mr D are so generous to your family - like Lav and Star and Pauly. Our family has finally weaned SD off of support (by age 45!), but we will be paying the large share of her grad school loans until Mr T is almost 80 - those checks are hard to write!!! But we do what we do, right?
I'm working on the presentation that I'll be making tomorrow to a group of professionals - I'm excited, hoping that this will help to get this business up and going.
Wishing all a great AF day --