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Fabulous Freedom February

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    Fabulous Freedom February

    Good morning all...

    Pauly, wow 100 days that is fantastic. Keep the progress going, and tell us how it feels and how you are staying AF. Certainly your life has not changed into a perfect one, just a normal life with family, work, relationships and challenges. As time goes on, it becomes natural to be AF, you notice that lots of people drink lightly or not at all. And in the end, who cares what anyone else thinks? What matters is what you think! As far as kids and the job hunt, I am trying to detach from m son's job search, he is not looking as hard as I think he should, but geez, has only lived here a week. My husband told me to trust that he will do the right thing. I'm trying. Good luck in helping your daughter.

    Lav, wow, YB must be really crabby for a little one to notice it. I think at different times in our life we lose our way...then with insight, awareness, knowledge, determination and lots of hard work, we find the path we want to follow. It is not easy, but the only way out of misery.

    Dill, I liked the neighbor but she appears to be younger than my daughter. Darn. I wanted someone closer to my age, so will keep looking. That recipe was really good. Whew. Having some leftovers tonight. Glad you were able to spend time with your grandkids, lovely. I was able to yesterday and he was so loving and adorable, I was in heaven, feeling so blessed.

    Cyn, I think we actually have to schedule in self-care time when so busy. I shut my door at work and take about ten minutes to deep breathe and relax after lunch if I can. It makes a difference. Remember the old days when people took cigarette breaks? Well, I am taking a healthy breathing break! Ha! Getting into that relaxation mode is a skill, you will get so much better at it with practice. Wishing you a peaceful productive week.

    Monday so soon again. Grateful I have a job I love, feel healthy and planning to eat well this week, of course AF. Have a good one. :thumbsup:

    Morning all -

    A quick check-in to say Happy February! Wonderful name, Star - thanks so much for starting us out. (I'm off to do my scan - haven't missed a day yet...)

    Wishing all a great start to a fabulous month ---


      Good morning friends on the Groundhog Day eve

      Thanks for starting is us up for a new month Star!
      I truly do feel fabulous & free. Life is good regardless of the grumps in the background, ha ha!
      We are starting at 45 degrees today - woo hoo! I expect some serious snow melting, yay!

      Wouldn't it be 'nice' if we could resolve our grown kids problems? That's something I think about often but the truth is they have to learn to do it themselves. I know this intellectually, I just have to convince my heart. It's rough to watch them struggle but I keep telling myself that they will figure things out. Star, I do hope your son finds a job very soon so you can all breathe calmly.

      Pauly, I am so happy for you & know you are getting stronger each & every day!
      I hope your daughter also finds a better job soon. Keep giving her gentle nudges in the right direction

      Dill, sounds like you had a full weekend too, nice!
      I have to admit that I slept like a rock last night after a busy weekend with family. Life is good. Enjoy your lunch out with your friend today. I am meeting my old work friends on Wednesday & am looking forward to some nice conversation.

      Cyn, I hope you are feeling stronger this week. Take the time to be kind to yourself, OK?

      I am starting my day with a trip to Curves. I need some spend some serious time clearing my desk today, what a mess.
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Morning friends,Star I love the thread title,thanks for the kick off into Feb January went by slow kinda but I'm glad cuz last year flew,I think being sober time slows down a bit cuz you're actually aware of what's going on,maybe its just me,Lav,yes,yes,yes I wish I could solve all my kids' problems, I think it hurts us worse than our own problems, yesterday I decided to go on thrifbooks and see if they had anymore books by the author of the one I just finished and they did so I ordered 3,$11 something with free shipping I took an Advil pm last night and I think it gave me anxiety, I slept fine but woke up kinda panicky,that's why I hate medication, too unpredictable in my crazy body,on my last doctors visit I told him mucinex makes me feel speedy and he said there's nothing in it to make you feel like that it must have had another ingredient, well it didn't I'm just weird haha,anyways hello to Cyn and Dill,let's have a nice Monday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Thanks for the wonderful start up for February Star! I am thinking that you might want to consider developing some sort of friendship with your new neighbor even if she is quite a bit younger. If you have common ground the age difference won't matter and besides, I think it is wise to have friends both older and younger. My neighbor across the road is my daughter's age, but I do enjoy talking with her and we have a lot of values in common. Being with younger people and their children brings a little sparkle into my life, if that makes any sense to you. Of course, my daughter is far away so I suppose this neighbor fills a bit of a void for me.

          Lav, I hear you on wishing we could resolve our kids problems even tho they are adults. It's hard not to step in sometimes, but you are right. They must find their own way. Just as we did. I sure am glad for you that Curves remained open!

          Pauly, I think that the ingredient in those "PM" pain relievers can very well act as a stimulant. They help you fall asleep, just like alcohol did. But they can cause wakefulness in the early morning hours, just like alcohol did!

          Cyn, well done on sticking with the meditations. Do you think time of day you do them makes a difference? I wonder if there is research about that. Sounds like I'll be googling later this afternoon! LOL!

          I better get busy around here so I can get a few things done before meeting my friends. Have a great day everyone!
          Last edited by dill; February 1, 2016, 06:02 PM. Reason: spelling

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            I agree Dill cuz it knocked me out cold but woke me up with a jittery feel,never again,luckily it was just a sample pack and I didn't buy a whole bottle
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Pauly, some people do react to the Benadryl component. it doesn't bother me that way so I take it along with everything else. I am a hardcore insomniac & light sleeper any way. The least little noise or light wakes me up. Working midnight shift years ago really screwed me up, ha ha!!!
              I have also added sleepytime herbal tea to my nightly routine lately & it helps

              Dill, I hope you enjoyed meeting your friends today. I am doing that Wednesday, can't wait!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Pauly, it sounds like you are super sensitive to medications! I was like that too, not so much anymore. Wonder if that has to do with just being older. I believe the PM ingredient is Benadryl. Hope you're feeling better.


                  Good morning all...

                  Pauly, to bad the medication made you jittery, I wouldn't take it again either.

                  Lav, the weather here has been warm and lovely, today rain, but still in the 50s. Unbelievable.

                  Cyn, enjoy the scan.

                  Dill, I'll think about what you said and will continue to be friendly. Have fun at your lunch.

                  Onward Tuesday, AF.


                    Good morning friends, happy Groundhog day!

                    The Pennsylvania rodent Punxsutawney Phil has just predicted an early Spring :yay:
                    I really hope he's right for once, ha ha!!

                    Hello to Star, Dill, Pauly & Cyn.
                    I hope everyone has a great AF day.
                    I has lots to do while the snow continues to melt.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Morning friends,just a quick hello from me today,I hope we all have a peaceful, AF Tuesday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Hello All, quick check in here, too. I've had an nice walk today in the sunshine. It was such a nice change from all the clouds we've been having.

                        I'm so glad the groundhog didn't see his shadow! Thanks for that news flash Lav! LOL

                        Greetings Star, Cyn and Pauly and a special :welcome: to you, Lizann.

                        Have a great af evening everyone.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Hello all -

                          Happy TUESDAY. I write that in caps because, after getting up at 5 AM and getting Mr T off to NYC for a day of working, feeding the dogs and doing my scan, I totally mistook the day for Wednesday, rushed around and got myself into the car at 9 AM to see my 'regular' doc (just a checkin). When I got there (30 minutes away), I thought it was odd that the receptionist wasn't in, and all I heard was the calm music of the acupuncturist that works there as well !!!!! Duh, the doc was not in this morning...

                          I salvaged the trip by stopping at a store I rarely go to; I got some clean chicken breasts to cook for girl-dog, then swung through the Dollar Store for house essentials. I've been putting off those errands. Then came home and totally crashed! I guess getting off of my eating pattern, and not taking my nutraceuticals ( one of which helps my adrenals) made a difference.

                          But I got my scan in! Dill - I do it early in the morning, but after I've had a little to eat, and a 'bullet-proof' tea. It's the only way I can be sure to get the meditation in. I tried one day in the afternoon, but really struggled to stay awake. I'm going to keep at it: last night I watched a video with Deepak Chopra last where he talked about research they are doing at the Chopra Center. They have a control group of people meditating, and Harvard runs all the numbers of their blood each day... after 4 days of meditating, all the inflammation markers in the meditators' blood were remarkable changed. I guess he has a new book out: 'SuperGene' or something like that. All about the microbiome, and how what we eat controls how our genes are 'expressed'. So genes are not destiny!!! It really sounds fascinating!

                          So, now if I can just remember what day it is, and stay awake beyond 11 AM, I'll be good to go. Sheesh.

                          Hope all have a beautiful AF TUESDAY night. (Hey - it's 5:05, and the sun hasn't even set yet!)


                            Just found out I am on kid watch so I'll be out by 7:30 tomorrow morning BUT it will just be for a short while. I have lunch plans with my friends & I won't let anyone mess them up for me

                            Cyn, I read about Chopra's new study going on. Sometimes I wish I could actually be out there & get involved with some of their stuff.
                            We definitely do not have to let our genetics take control of our destiny. Our everyday choices of what we do, eat, drink & not do are much more important. Christianne Northrup has been saying the same thing
                            When you get a minute, look at your Facebook messages. I sent you a link for GF, DF 'Wheat Thins' - easy to make & good!!
                            PS: sometimes I forget what day it is too, you are not alone.

                            Peace to all tonight!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Good morning...

                              Cyn and Lav, how funny, when I woke up this morning, I had to consciously think, what day is today? I was hoping it was Friday.

                              Busy with work, really focusing on eating healthy, made a new recipe last night and it was soooo good.

                              Dill, I am reading an autobiography on Jennie Churchhill, Winston's mother. Interesting, but boy oh boy were those English aristocrats (she married one) selfish and not very good parents. Reminded me in some ways of Downton Abbey.

                              Cyn hope you feel better today. Good on you for pushing though with the body scan and making lemonade out of the lemon of the wrong day schedule. I really believe that meditating changes your immune system for the better, over time. In many ways it is like an extended prayer practice. Sounds like the doggies are doing better.

                              Pauly, it's Wednesday already. Yay.

                              Have a good one.

