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Monday June 11th

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    Monday June 11th

    Well, it's Monday again.
    One more week of work, and then I've got a week off.
    I'm going to Ravenscar in North Yorkshire for a couple of days, which I'm looking forward to, (except for the fact that I'll not be able to get here.) then I'll go see my dad.

    I hope everyone has a great week.

    Monday June 11th

    Hve a great week Popeye. Be proud.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Monday June 11th

      I hope you both have a great week too!

      We're having a BBQ later tonight, just the 3 of us, so it'll be good to have our first tee-totalling BBQ without friends. Kind of like getting used to doing all these different things as a non-drinker and without the tempting influences of friends drinking.

      We have some new neighbours who are really nice and are pretty much tee-totallers, so we're going to invite them over for a welcome BBQ soon. It'll be great to have some new AF friends to hang out with.

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Monday June 11th

        Good morning Popeye, SKendall, Scooby and All to come. I am off up to London this morning for my test. Catch up with you all later and have a good day. Lots of love, Bella xxx


          Monday June 11th

          morning everyone, off to a day spa today can't wait!
          Will laze about, steam,sauna,jacuzzi,eat nice food then have a detoxing dead sea flotation treatment booked.
          Fab, Day 3 for me af and day 2 with no ciggies, one day at a time!
          one day at a time


            Monday June 11th

            hi everyone just a quick visit to see how everyone is i,m of to work very soon don,t want to go boohoo never mind will catch up soon

            love maryt


              Monday June 11th

              No Fear & Loathing

              I think one of the best things about waking up Af from the night before is the lack of fear and loathing in the morning. Hey, I remember everything and I don't have to keep asking myself if I dreamt it or it really happened!

              Today is day three and I feel good. I'm meeting with my Dr for a complete physical today. I am not going to ask about the Campral. I have about a two month supply left from an on-line pharmacy. I want to use that for now and see whhat happens.

              I'm off for a two mile walk. I've got a beer(vodka, jagermesiter, sometimes wine, occasionally tequila) gut to lose.


                Monday June 11th

                I was going to start with good morning, but it's not morning for most of you. so..........................

                Good Day or is it night?:H

                Any way it's 8:14 am where I am and I am sure glad to be bright eyed and bushy tailed instead of hung over! I am high on sobriety and loving it!!

                Just wanted to say that when we were going to the party yesterday, I was thinking about how boring I might be without drinking or how boring the party may seem to me. You know what, I was more good company than I have EVER been drunk. I got to spend some quality time with my kids (which I would have only tried to appease in the past) I actually enjoyed the party MORE because I was making sense and not trying to artificially create conversation or mood inappropriately.
                Popey, let the count down begin to vacation!

                Skendall, I don't know you well, but have enjoyed your posts though out my stay here at MWO.

                Scooby Doo, I love you!:l

                Good Luck with your test today Mum Bella, sending you cyber hugs:huggy

                Congratulations Bear! I'm very jealous about your spa day..... I want one!

                Maryt, come back and tell us when you can boohoo all over my sleeve if you want:l

                AZ, we were posting at the same time. Congratulations on day three! It does feel great doesn't it. Enjoy you your walk!

                Have a wonderful AF day everyone!
                :h :h :h :h


                  Monday June 11th

                  Oh, that old fear and loathing!

                  you exactly describe my waking state this morning. So, this is Day 1 for me. I've said this so often before, please god I do it this time. I start a fantastic new job on Monday 18th, my short term goal is not to drink for one month, so I join new people as a non-drinker. Wish me luck, as I wish all of you. xx:new: DAY 1


                    Monday June 11th

                    I like your user name! Eyeontheprize.........I wish you the very best of luck!

                    We have the same goal......30 days to start, and then we will see.

                    Congratulations on the new job!

                    You'll feel great tomorrow morning

                    :h :h :h :h


                      Monday June 11th

                      Morning All!

                      It's my son's last day of Nursery School. Waaah-my baby's growing up. I'm so happy that I was AF for half his school year. For my daughter's (3 years ago) I was half on, half off trying to quit-so I missed out on a lot. One of the many things I regret. But that's all different now. They are just another one of my motivators to stay AF.

                      Mary & Pop-don't work too hard.

                      Hi SK & Qscent

                      Good luck on your test Bella. I'm sure everything will be fine.

                      Hey Scoobs-I think you're on your way. I absolutely love your new attitude. Keep up the good work.

                      bear-congrats on your 3 days & I'm jealous about your spa day.

                      Az-enjoy your walk.

                      eye-welcome & no more of that "please god I do it this time". More like- "yes God, I CAN & Will do it this time". It's the mindset that's most important. Never give up. Make sure you read the book (if you haven't), take the supps and/or meds, the cd's and read & post. It all helps.
                      Congrats on your new job.

                      Have a lovely AF day everyone. Going to make my little graduating boy some home made meatballs. Attached files [img]/converted_files/262805=1093-attachment.gif[/img]
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Monday June 11th

                        Good morning AB-land! wow, lots of check-ins already. did I sleep in?
                        byeeeotiful sunny morning in the high sierras and it's off to my desk that I haven't touched in a week. (jaws music in background) congrads all and especially newest freinds on your accomplishments.

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Monday June 11th

                          Good day!

                          I like life in abs land with all of you. This is where I belong- a bottle of vino a night was mods for me.

                          Not counting days but have few under my belt. Counting days was a PIA to me and left me obsessing about it. I need my mind to be on other things. Distraction from counting the days seems to help.

                          Happy Monday all. May it be the start of a good healthy week for all.


                            Monday June 11th

                            Last nite I drank for the first time in 30 plus days. Posted about it elsewhere. Don't feel guilty, just feel a renewed desire not to drink that much, for a long time. Wasn't fun, tasted bad and feel bad today......

                            AF day 1


                              Monday June 11th

                              Lucky and Hart welcome back to ab land:hug:

                              I'm pretty new around here myself.....nice to meet you!
                              :h :h :h :h

