hiya det hows you then?all good ?8pm ...forget the company ?...hmmm try 8 am!!

ppqp...hey and welcome back in to conversation land ..glad all is ok with you ...so they are fixing internet etc ..not moving sometimes helps well done you ..Yep greenhouse ordered yesterday ..so now got to take old one down ,relay and extend base blah blah.....and its raining!!Ive already got plans in my head how the inside is going to be...so it will probably turn out nowt like it!!!you have a good day

hiya pauly ..hows you today ?all good I hope so hows fingz been since youve been orf the fred?hows work ..and plants done anything with them yet? you look after yourself you dont need them allergy things!!!!
well Sam ...did the sun make an appearance?should have cos it certai nly isnt here ...our Amy was mad on Harry Potter ...both her and Julie have read all the books ..and seen on the films...they took me once but I started snoring so strangely enough never again... The American Civil war has always interested me,both that and the Romans..dont know why really as in all wars (well generally) its just men on both sides being used as pawns in the aspirations of politicians ..and greed....did your mushroom blocks get there ok?
hiya Lav...hows you then?did the roads thaw out enough to get your grand daughter back...or is the writing on the wall for another day????ha ha...the banana flavoured minions taste luvverly ..def the best flavour yet..apart from this brew....mouth is a bit sore today ..not painful ..just sore..take it easy on them thar roads...
hi 3.142(recurring) hows you today then with your shiny new avatar?hopefully all is well with you...whats the k9 care ..you got more dogs coming in?you any projects on the go?Ive got 2 or 3 ,but the greenhouse is top..unless I can squeeze one in.......the list stands at...
take old greenhouse down and extend base with either concrete or flags
reduce side bed length by 18"to extend base..that will still give me room for potato barrels etc behind greenhouse
order and lay golden chippings in back garden where it "ponds "up
reseal windows at the back of the house...(sun..ha ha has dried the sealant)
bathroom ..on the wall where that cabinet is that I made..slate tile that wall
make and fit new bath panels
toilet ..chip off old tiles ,replaster and re box in pipework
and in my spare time......fancy coming over give us a lift?
hiya ky and ns how r u...this is great its like a code!!!serious tho ..hope you are ok....
right peeps time to go...I saw this article on sugar in coffee ...apologies for it being in the daily mail ..but its pretty interesting....
Action on Sugar compared Starbucks, Coca Cola, Costa and Caffè Nero | Daily Mail Online
have a great day
A cowboy was taken prisoner by a bunch of angry Indians. They were all prepared to kill him but their Chief declared that since they were celebrating the Great Spirit, they would grant the cowboy three wishes before he killing him. The cowboy can do nothing, but obey them.
The Chief comes up to him and asks:
- What do you want for your first wish?
- I want talk to my horse, - replies the cowboy.
The Chief allows him to talk to the horse. The cowboy whispers in its ear. The horse neighs, rears back, and takes off at full speed. About an hour later, the horse comes back with a naked lady on its back. Well, the Indians are very impressed, so they let the cowboy use one of their teepees. A little while later, the cowboy stumbles out of the teepee, tucking in his shirt.
The Chief asks him once again:
- What do you want for your second wish?
- I want to talk to my horse, - once again replies the cowboy.
Again, the cowboy whispers in the horse’s ear. The horse neighs, rears back, and takes off at full speed. About an hour later, the horse comes back with another naked lady on its back. Well, the Indians are very impressed indeed. So, once again, they let the cowboy use one of their teepees. The cowboy stumbles out a little while later.
The chief comes up to the cowboy and asks:
- So, what do you want for your last third wish?
- I want to talk to my horse, - for the third time replies the cowboy.
He grabs the horse by the ears and yells @ it:
- You stupid animal, I said POSSE,!!!!!!
Question: Who can defeat a spiderman?
Answer: A slipperman.
Broken pencils are pointless.
It's very difficult to be dumb these days. The competition is simply too big
A lady tells to the nurse at the maternity hospital:
- I think I will call my little newborn Anna.
- Sorry, that name is already taken, but you can name her Anna532 or Anna_153.