hiya pie,hope the sun is starting to rise on your issues ...maybe you can see a bit clearer today?whatever it is,it wont seem any easier with booze...all you do is delay the dealing....yes ,I can recall times when I was going to subscribe to feckit.com, but that issue doesnt occur too orften at all now...be proud of that as well..you didnt go out and get bladdered :sohappy:
hiya ppqp...hows you then today?have a great weekend..and do whats best for you....we work to live remember ..not the uvver way around..if the thought of this job is worrying you or stressing you,my free advice would be...one of the options..ok I will try it for a month...if it is not suitable to both or either party for whatever reason..then we will look at alternatives..hows techie world doing?
hiya Sam...nice pics mate,and congrats on the calving....not you personally like.......have a grand weekend mate..
hey Lav..nah you didnt offend anyone here...hows things with you ?need a big brew to sort it out...I think not ..methinks you are a pretty strong character...managed to get 3 2x2 slabs laid yesterday as well as the shuttering for the concrete...and then the rains came...and you would never guess what its doing today....
somehow I think you are missin a trick somewhere...Sam ships blocks o mushrooms by freight from where you are....he grows them where he is...you buy mushrooms where you are and make soup can we make this work somehow?

hiya pauly...Muck here

hiya byrdie ..sad circs but nice to see you...cake makin weekend?
likewise tt...(not cake makin ,but nice of you to pop in..
hey det hows you friend?..you ok?
ns..good mornin to you ..hope all is well...
likewise ttq..hope all is good with you...
if weather eases will be out tomorrow early..have a good one folks....
I get plenty of exercise - jumping to conclusions, pushing my luck, and dodging deadlines.
Who says nothing is impossible. I've been doing nothing for years.
A well-educated friend of mine with three advanced degrees can say “I’m unemployed” in six languages.
Why do people say ‘no offense' right before they're about to offend you?
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
Why are husbands like lawn mowers? They're hard to get started, emit foul odors, and don't work half the time.
Never trust atoms, they make up everything.
My friend's bakery burned down last night. Now his business is toast.
A dentist married a manicurist, but they fought tooth and nail.
I took part in my very first spell of fast bowling today.
Nervously, I began from a 30 yard run up, got to the line and swung my arm like Sir Ian Botham in his prime. To my delight, the ball flew from my hand, sending wood flying everywhere.
To my astonishment, I was then escorted from the premises.
Apparently, that's not how you play ten pin bowling.
A key ring is a handy little gadget that allows you to lose all your keys at once.
A G N B: That's bang out of order.
try this ..its amazing!!!!
World School Photographs