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    morning are we ..coupla quick lines before I go..for me this is the best time of the day 0550 now...the birds are singing darkness is getting ready to finish its shift,whilst daylight is on the way to start....the sound of silence....its great...oh and it isnt raining either...

    quick brew.....

    hiya kuya ..hows you ?just seen your today post that you posted today as opposed to the today post you posted yesterday which you thought was tomorrow but in fact was at the time our today but is now our yesterday...eezy peezy innit?glad you are ok ..complete with new energy levels..

    hiya Lav ...yep all glued back together again....sounds like humpty dumpty!!best of luc k with the much as I hope it desists ...dont be sending it across here heres a starter brew...

    hiya pie of luck with the workmen today....was up at my friends farm yesterday..took a couple of pics..they have got a minature billy did have a companion who unfortunately died,so at the mo it has got a new zealand white rabbit as a companion till they can get another..they get on great..also their dachshund had 6 pups last week...




    hows the new pup doing?

    hiya eloise ok?when you said painting ....did you mean on canvas etc or household work?Im not allowed to paint in our house..dont do little bit at a time and it runs everywhere!!

    hiya Satzy nice to see you ..ta for jumpin in ..I was gettin bored talkin to meself...hows things your way?

    hi Mr G ..hows you friend? all good I hope...hopefully will be meeting up with a coupla folk over the water when Im there...someone on the army fred said that they had met people on here...who are now frendz, if that kinda makes sense ,and for moi the same is have a beaut of a day fella ....

    big shout to those not here take it easy ,and have a good one...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good Sunday morning Abbers

    We had some crazy high winds overnight, knocked out the power for a while. Grateful that it's back on so I could make a pot of coffee this morning!!! Very important!!! The 50 - 60 mph wind gusts are crazy, rain, thunder, lightning & hail overnight too. And it's down to 34 freezing degrees, geez! Glad I haven't started any gardens yet.

    Good luck with your adventures today Mick. Great pics, love baby puppies!

    kuya, I have an occasional cookie but otherwise stay away from added sugars. I think candida overgrowth is a bigger problem than we ever realized. I can't eat a lot of fruit either

    Hello to everyone. PQ & Det, where are you?
    I'll probably check in later. Have a great AF day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning all
      Decided to take a break and give some thought to the post from Mick a couple of days ago that made me realize maybe I'm not really helping folks as I could. Staying sober has actually been fun for me because that's my perception I have decided to create. In doing so I felt that I could open up about what I do, etc. When I "see" folks drink here, I have not been rushing out to offer support because I'm not sure if saying it will all be ok.... because for them it may not until they stop. AFTER the person decides to stop, I'm all for helping. What I think I've come to conclusion is that it is a DECISION to drink or not.

      Our purpose to to be here for others to show that we can go on and enjoy after we decide that we don't need to drunk to be accepted, cool, blow off steam, relax, etc. by relating our personal lives. I really don't know anybody here on a physical personal level, yet I've come to like each of us and feel as if I do really know a bit about all.

      No conclusions, just been on my mind lately.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Morning friends. Thanks for the start up and the pics, Mick. Amazing shot of the goat and his bunny buddy!

        Enjoyed reading your thoughts, Sam. For me, it's powerful to see you and others getting on with your lives after deciding to leave alcohol behind. Actually deciding to go AF was fairly straightforward. It's all that came, and is still coming after that I lean on you sober role models for. I'm not at all sure what my own role in helping others to live sober might be. Will have to think on that more.

        So happy that contractor is starting today! Even though it took a lot of effort to get to this point, the real challenge could lie ahead with my brother. Trying to put thoughts of worst case scenarios aside for now. I'll know soon enough if he'll be cooperating, or contaminating.

        Thinking of you, Pauly. You too, PQ.


          Originally posted by Samstone View Post
          Morning all
          Decided to take a break and give some thought to the post from Mick a couple of days ago that made me realize maybe I'm not really helping folks as I could. Staying sober has actually been fun for me because that's my perception I have decided to create. In doing so I felt that I could open up about what I do, etc. When I "see" folks drink here, I have not been rushing out to offer support because I'm not sure if saying it will all be ok.... because for them it may not until they stop. AFTER the person decides to stop, I'm all for helping. What I think I've come to conclusion is that it is a DECISION to drink or not.

          Our purpose to to be here for others to show that we can go on and enjoy after we decide that we don't need to drunk to be accepted, cool, blow off steam, relax, etc. by relating our personal lives. I really don't know anybody here on a physical personal level, yet I've come to like each of us and feel as if I do really know a bit about all.

          No conclusions, just been on my mind lately.
          hi Sam....firstly if thats how I made you feel then I apologise...this is not my thread ,it never will be nor in fact do I ever want it to be....I have no more right to gob off here than anyone actually wasnt necessarily about this thread,but about some of the comments made on the other threads that kind of made me think hang on...we have quite a tight little group..and yes it is to show that there is life after booze..I for one if I was still drinking wouldnt be able to do half of what I do..,and I am sure that applies to is about helping and supporting others but that can be in many many ways....its not just a case of look at me ..tea and medals time now...If anyone feels like I have pissed them off with my comment then let me know either on here or by pm..
          Last edited by Mick; April 3, 2016, 11:10 AM.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            there is absolutely no need to apologize. It has been something in the back of my mind, whether I do enough to help others. I did not do a quick reply because I like to think things through before writing. My intent is not to attack, rather to ponder. Your comment did not offend, rather, it got my wheels turning, and that's not a bad thing. I never consider ownership of any thread but do acknowledge that there are regulars to each one. Have a good one
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              On a borrowed wifi for now.....
              The guy down at the end of my road never did anything about his crappy old tree & now it has taken down our cable. So no TV, no internet, no phone. Swell......

              Sam, I think we all do a pretty darn good job of lending a hand when needed
              I used to be a lot more willing to reach out to a brand new newbie & offer hints or suggestions. Somehow or another I seem to have gotten away from that. Life has become much fuller & just plain busier for me in my AFness, ha ha!

              Pie, I take it your brother is not the 'helper' type. I begged my three brothers for help in dealing with our aging & dying parents ~ they did absolutely nothing. They did eventually put their hands out to accept checks for their inheritance. I don't deal with them anymore.

              Is PQ OK?
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                happy Sunday ABomatoes!!

                Mick, what a cute pygmy goat, I'd just been looking at those searching for cool unusual pets. I'm thinking the sound of hooves on the wood floor may put me the rest of the way to the loony bin tho.

                Sam, related to your post very well. A simple decision is the very core.

                Lav, i was going to say today would be a good movie day for you with the weather but with the tree attack taking down everything looks like yer going to be down to reading a book by candle light I've done that plenty and it's really pretty good.

                well, I think I pushed myself a bit hard and ended up with a nasty cough/lung problem of some sort. Aside from feeling like doodoo I'm ok I guess. Staying home watching silly shows and tutorials on my camera so I can shoot HD video better.

                shouts to Pie, Kuya, Pauly, PQQ and anyone else brave enough to throw themselves into this den of lambs

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

