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May Mojo ~ AF

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    Good morning friends & happy hump day!

    Guess what? It's still dark & damp here, ugh! Such yucky weather
    Now I feel like a whiner, ha ha!!

    On the bright side I've been getting to Curves each day & when home I am making progress learning my new embroidery software & breaking in the new laptop. I've been using the same software for 13 years so it was time to upgrade, for sure.
    Tomorrow I am back to watching my granddaughter on Thursdays again until her summer 'day camp' program at her school starts in the middle of June.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day! Pauly, I really hope you get a grip on the anxiety. Life is so much better without it, I promise

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning friends,Lav,its all good,or at least it will be, did the hypnosis thing last night,Ineednew ear buds I've realized,anyways everytime I do those it amazes me that my body gets soooo heavy,back still buggin but I knew it would cuz I was trying to avoid stepping on plants so Ihad to twist this way,that way,i better get some decent produce after all that! Then Ihad to bag up old weeds but at least it looks better Kell and her dumb bbf took Louie to chuckie cheese she sent me a Snapchat of him riding a horse he looked so darn cute! Bought another small adult ccoloring book, it has donuts and cupcakes in it Ilove it,quiet here this mmorning, hope we all have a wonderful Wednesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good morning friends,

        Pauly, I like to color too! I haven't bought any of the adult coloring books tho. I just color with my granddaughter. So relaxing. When I was still working I would join the preschoolers at the art table and color right along with them too. LOL!

        Lav, cool, damp and wet here too. It's supposed to warm up later. I hope. It's been good for my transplants tho.

        Hi Star and Cyn!

        I'll be going out to dinner tonight with Mr. D, my BIL and SIL. We live 2 hours apart so every now and then we meet in the middle. It just so happens that there is a bee keeper in that town that helps my SIL with bee sting treatments. She's been doing it for years and has benefitted greatly, believe it or not.

        Happy, happy hump day all.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Dill, I like coloring with Louie too,he usually makes me do all the work haha,enjoy your dinner,gotta ask what's bee stinging treatment?
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Evening dear friends -so sorry to be away, but getting ready for this trip and then getting going on the trip really took a big bite out of me. Thank goodness that we were driving, so it wasn't as tense as having to get to a plane on time!

            I was seriously tired on Monday when we started driving, but each day I've gotten a little better. We arrived at our destination yesterday late afternoon, and did a lot of walking; then walked and walked today. We are in a lovely French-speaking city in Canada, and it's a lot of fun.

            Last Sunday we drove to SD's city to have brunch with her -- those hours put me kind of far behind, but it was worth it. It sounds like everybody had a nice Mother's Day! Star - I hope the graduation was good and that the drive was safe. Lav - another great site to check out! I thought I would get caught up on all my health-related reading on this trip, but not so far. Dill - loved the story of your granddaughter, so cute. Pauly - so glad that Louie is back to his cute self! I really recommend sticking with those meditations - it has made a huge difference in my life. Doing them each day is a super help.

            Take care all, and I'll try to drop in each day now that we are settling in - we'll be driving home on Monday. Cheers!


              Good morning all...

              The graduation went well, my son was so happy, back with his friends, celebrating his success. It was a good time. We left first thing yesterday morning, and felt exhausted when we got back. However it was a beautiful sunny day, and I took my car for an oil change and wash and detail. It was nice. Then, off to the hot tub store, we purchased one with hydrotherapy jets, now to coordinate the other remodel of my back yard tonight after work. I want to get this started, we like to stay home, it will be nice to have a backyard that we use alot. I want it all done right away, I need to have patience. Again, we are staying put and these projects once completed will be wonderful.

              Lav, I will check out the website, thanks. I do not like eating out much anymore, rather cooking with healthy ingredients makes a difference for how I feel. I am not having luck losing weight either, I think I need to cut calories even more. I am so sedentary, an office job is just so much sitting, even though I can know stand for a few hours a day at my desk. Glad you are getting time to go to curves and learning new software. Keeps us fresh. Rain again today, but at least it was lovely out yesterday and I enjoyed being outside, we took another walk in our neighborhood! It was fun.

              Dill, thanks for the support re: my son. It was so emotional, very grateful we attended. He also had a good interview this week, so let's hope that he gets the job. Meeting some of his friends, it was interesting that they are all looking or have found jobs. It is a journey. Hope you had fun meeting for dinner.

              Pauly, you have inspired me to get out my hypnosis CDs and start mindfully getting into a relaxed state. It does make a difference when you practice regularly. Gardening looks so good after you are finished, very worth it, but I get the part about being sore afterwards. Hope your daughter is doing well. You too.

              Cyn, what a fun trip. I love to travel, but it is exhausting, not sleeping in your own bed, off schedule, but it is fun to see new people, places, and things! Glad you get to spend time with your hubby. Hope the weather is pleasant and you can be outside alot. I have never been to Canada, beautiful I bet. Have a lovely time.

              Have a good Thursday AF!


                Good morning friends,

                Star, welcome home and so happy for you having a good trip and seeing your son at a time of celebration and smiles! I'll keep my fingers crossed for him on the job. And yes, we did have a good visit with Mr. D's brother and wife. They used the occasion celebrate my birthday which was a surprise to me! My SIL in big into DIY and made me a couple of skin moisturizers. It was very nice.. They also gave me an amaryllis which is just about to open!

                Cyn, I'm just a bit envious of your trip. I'm glad you and Mr. Tree are having a good time. Do you speak French? I took it in high school and I can understand bits and pieces if I am spoken to slowly. I also still know a few key words and phrases. I would love to be immersed in a French speaking city for a few days to see what would click in my old brain! LOL

                Pauly, I had never heard of bee sting therapy either until my SIL got scleroderma and was told her outlook was not good. She wouldn't accept that and started searching alternative treatments. She came across the bee sting therapy and got started. She started to improve! When she went back to her doctor for a check up he was shocked at how well she was! He said to her,' I can't say bee stings are a medically approved treatment or that there is anything to it at all, but whatever you are doing, keep it up!' I can't imagine it and I think she is so brave to endure it. But scleroderma is a horrible disease and so I am glad she found a way to keep the symptoms at bay.

                Lav, good for you learning the new software! It's a challenge, I'm sure, but so important at our age to keep moving forward and learning new things. On the home front: we have caught two snapping turtles headed towards our pond. Yiikes. I hate those things! Mr. D killed them. The dog watched him on the first one which he found in the driveway and apparently learned by the way Mr. D treated it that it was an enemy. Later in the day she was in the paddock behind the barn barking and carrying on. (She isn't much of a barker.) Mr. D went to see what was bother her and there was the second snapper! I sure want to keep them out of the pond, especially with little grandchildren around!

                Let's all have a good AF Thursday.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Good morning friends, happy Thursday to all!

                  I am back on Thursday granddaughter duty for a while so that's where I am now
                  It was nice to drive in sunshine forca change

                  Cyn, I hope you are enjoying your trip.
                  I went to Quebec for the first time 7 years ago, just a few months after my quit. YB had a work seminar up there & asked if I wanted to tag along. I loved it & hope to go back with my girls some day. My daughter used to be fluent in French, probably not so much anymore.

                  Glad your trip & the graduation went well Star!
                  I also feel much safer eating at home these days. Geez, my system can react instantly to 'bad food', yuck. It's OK if I can pick & choose foods from the menu of a decent place but the local places that YB likes just make me ill
                  The rain is due to return tomorrow & I even heard talk of a possible frost on Monday - seriously!

                  Dill, I haven't seen a snapping turtle in many years, geez. I don't blame you for wanting to get rid of them. Who needs that?
                  I am slowly working my way thru the video tutorials for my new software. I just hope it all clicks when I am done, ha ha!
                  People who turn to bee sting therapy are pretty brave & usually out of options. I remember a few patients in the hospital telling me they couldn't wait to get home to resume their therapy for relief of their MS symptoms. One woman pitched a fit because the hospital wouldn't allow her to bring her bees along with her.

                  Hello to Pauly, hope your day is a good one.

                  Wishing all of us a fabulous AF day!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Morning friends,just a quick hello to all,hope everyone has a great Thursday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Good evening all -

                      Well, so many comments hit the nail on the head as far as traveling goes! It's nice to be away, but if you are on special diets, or just want to eat clean food, it can really be a challenge. We're here in wheat and dairy country, and it's been hard for me to find things to eat on menus. Fortunately, we rented an Air BnB, so there is a kitchen and I can fix some of my own food. But I don't want to deprive Mr T of having delicious French dishes, so I'm of course with him at restaurants. Star, I thought of you - I had some French fries the first nigh (they looked so good!) and woke up to swollen hands the next morning. I also had a piece of a delicious looking croissant, and voila, here came a rash on my arm. Sheesh! So we finally found a market where I got quinoa, fruit, and gluten-free oatmeal (though I had brought my own homemade granola along with me.) So we'll see. We walked again miles and miles today - sore feet, but lovely sights. Dill - we saw a waterfall that is actually 90 feet longer than Niagra! Who knew. I'm sure that your French would come back quickly; it helps to hear everyone speaking, although the accent is very different from Parisian French. One waiter offered butter, saying what sounded to me like 'Bar' - I was very confused! Lav - I hope that you get to come back here with your daughter and granddaughter - I bet you would have a great time again. Pauly - I hope that you are hanging in there, and that the meditations are bringing you some relief. Star - wow, what plans you have for your back yard and house - SO exciting, and much more fun than moving! Good for you for 'sticking to your guns'.

                      Well, off to soak my poor feet! (Just kidding, but I am looking forward to bed --- which is fortunately a nice bed) Cheers all, and wishing you a happy Friday tomorrow --


                        Good evening all -

                        Well, so many comments hit the nail on the head as far as traveling goes! It's nice to be away, but if you are on special diets, or just want to eat clean food, it can really be a challenge. We're here in wheat and dairy country, and it's been hard for me to find things to eat on menus. Fortunately, we rented an Air BnB, so there is a kitchen and I can fix some of my own food. But I don't want to deprive Mr T of having delicious French dishes, so I'm of course with him at restaurants. Star, I thought of you - I had some French fries the first nigh (they looked so good!) and woke up to swollen hands the next morning. I also had a piece of a delicious looking croissant, and voila, here came a rash on my arm. Sheesh! So we finally found a market where I got quinoa, fruit, and gluten-free oatmeal (though I had brought my own homemade granola along with me.) So we'll see. We walked again miles and miles today - sore feet, but lovely sights. Dill - we saw a waterfall that is actually 90 feet longer than Niagra! Who knew. I'm sure that your French would come back quickly; it helps to hear everyone speaking, although the accent is very different from Parisian French. One waiter offered butter, saying what sounded to me like 'Bar' - I was very confused! Lav - I hope that you get to come back here with your daughter and granddaughter - I bet you would have a great time again. Pauly - I hope that you are hanging in there, and that the meditations are bringing you some relief. Star - wow, what plans you have for your back yard and house - SO exciting, and much more fun than moving! Good for you for 'sticking to your guns'.

                        Well, off to soak my poor feet! (Just kidding, but I am looking forward to bed --- which is fortunately a nice bed) Cheers all, and wishing you a happy Friday tomorrow --


                          Yay, it's Friday!!!

                          I am so busy this weekend and will take special care to eat well and be grateful to be AF. Signed up and paid the downpayment on the landscaping plans, but they can't start till mid or late June, depending on the weather. I knew this and again, my theme is patience. Next week I have to make calls re: details of the plan, so glad I have time and don't have to rush.

                          Lav, this weather is so springlike, changing every day. This weekend rainy and high in the 50s, after all the beautiful warm weather, but then warming up next week again. Today will be sunny and nice, so good! I am going to try and take a walk at lunch time today. We get jean day on Friday's, so that is kind of fun.

                          Cyn, isn't it amazing how one bad food choice can affect us? Before I realized it was food, I did not know what to do. I remember swelling up for about two years on a regular basis, hands, feet and finally face, till I found out I am allergic to nuts. I know I am allergic to chemicals too, but the allergy testing is not sophisticated enough to pick that up. Plus, who knows what chemicals, there are so many in various food products. I will eat carefully during the week, and feel better and better, then one bad meal and swelling is back, digestive system off kilter, heart pounding, not sleeping well. Close to home for me, but not this weekend, so I have to make good choices. Lots of times a salad is a good choice for me, and maybe a cup of soup. Then, I am cooking this weekend, as I am in and out of the house. Hope you are having a lovely time, sounds like it.

                          Dill, glad you had a nice time out for dinner with your family, I would love to get a homeade product. I just received a booklet on how to make lotions with essential oils, so will look into that when I have more time. I would think once you got the ingredients, you could make it on a regular basis and that would be fun. Interesting about the snapping turtles, we had turtles at our other property, being close to a creek, and I did not realize they could be dangerous. I miss the deer, squirrels and other wildlife that were so beautiful, but grateful for the memories.

                          Pauly, how are things going on your journey, we are here for you. We talk about things going on in our lives, but none of it would be possible in an enjoyable way except to be AF. So, feel free to discuss whatever is going on if you want to.

                          Enjoy your Friday AF.


                            Good morning friends & happy Friday, yay!

                            I had a long day yesterday but it was all good. The weather was decent so I spent a good deal of time outside running after my granddaughter while she was on her scooter
                            Back to the dark & dampness today unfortunately & I will be watching my grandsons all day. They have no school (for some reason) & their regular babysitter is sick, uh oh.

                            Star, gratitude has helped me thru so much over the years. I am honestly grateful for everything, the good & the bad. I feel I have 'woken up' and am not controlled by ego-centric thinking anymore. I always knew that feeling sorry for myself was stupid & useless. I am grateful that I have let go of all that
                            Enjoy your busy weekend & getting lots of things done!

                            Cyn, I am sorry you have run into food issues while away from home. As much as I have loved traveling in the past I kind of fear it these days for the same reason. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy your trip

                            Dill, I have noticed we are absolutely over run with rabbits this week, ha ha! My younger dog has been getting quite a workout chasing them away.
                            Glad you enjoyed your dinner out, sounds like a neat thing to do. I miss spending time with my brothers & their wives but things change & everyone moves on.

                            Pauly. how's it going with you?

                            OK, must hop in the shower & prepare for a busy day with the boy-kids, ha ha!
                            Have a great AF day everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Morning friends,things are the same with me as they always are,bit of a sore throat all week but I'm not sure if its coming or going,you know that feeling when symptoms linger so you're not sure if its developing into something, just a mild cold or what? Little Bobbi is coming down on Wednesday, Itthink there's a catering job,Icall her that cuz hubs is Bobby and they get confused so it just stuck,uusually its just LB haha,sorry about my odd looking posts my lotion makes the touchscreen kind of stick so it looksweird,anyhoo,hello Lav,Cyn,Dill and Star,iIhope we all have a great FToday)
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Hello all -

                                Well, I finally had time to get back to my morning meditation and home-yoga. We discovered that we've already done and seen as much as can be here, so I asked if we could have a little bit more of a lazy morning! Otherwise it's go go go. It felt good to get back to something routine. We drove today to an island where they still do agriculture in the time-honored manner, and have wines, cider, cheeses, chocolates, etc. Mr T was in heaven. We had our main meal there, so it will be in tonight for food - yay, I can cook for myself!

                                Lav, does poison ivy get tiny blisters? This patch on my arm that started up on Tuesday morning is really itching and hot, and looks pretty nasty. I haven't put anything on it (nothing with me, and no drug stores in sight...) I can't imagine that I ran into anything away from our home, but I remember that it started during breakfast on Tuesday - weird!

                                Sounds like everyone has their weekend plans.... Star, enjoy your plans; Lav, hope the boys didn't wear you down; Dill - that story of the turtles was wild, I had no idea they were dangerous; Pauly - I hope that you start to feel better soon. Take care of yourselves, all!

