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May Mojo ~ AF

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    Pauly, I have to be honest - it's not your exposure to germs that's the problem, it's the state of your immunity. I spent 30 years working with sick people coughing, breathing & puking on me & I never picked up anything from them. I always feared I would/could but just didn't. Go figure!
    How about learning a new skill? Learn to do something you really would love to do.
    If a 62 year old fart like me can learn new software to keep my business going for a while then you surely can learn something new, ha ha! I am serious though, start thinking about what you would like to do
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Lav,if it were just my immune system, I'd be the ONLY one sick,its not just me
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Hey all...

        Well, I felt kind of under the weather yesterday, but a good night's sleep and I should be better today! Just work, haha. ?
        Lav, I can't eat nuts, so it kind of stinks, but I would not risk it after the reaction my body went through. Seeds I can do. I agree with you about immune system build up. I have a strong immune system, and don't usually get sick, or if I do, can fight it off with extra rest and liquids. Could you share ways you keep your immune system strong? I believe that eating lots of veggies and fruits, staying away from processed foods, getting sleep, a little exercise, and working on managing thoughts and feelings builds us up. I do a meditation, picture myself in white/gold light and tell myself I have a strong immune system, I am completely healthy, and feel so good afterwards.

        Dill, my son is starting his job search all over again. Send positive thoughts, not sure why he is having such a hard time. For some reason, nothing is easy for him, he has a chip on his shoulder, he and I got into it a little bit over the weekend, he was rude and argumentative, and I just don't need it. We are OK now, but only because I stepped up and made amends, he wouldn't think of doing that. It is the story of his life, I wonder when he will get it?

        Pauly, hope you feel better. I know when my grandson was over and had flu like symptoms, I got the flu, as I was taking care of him, lots of close contact. Ugh, I hated getting sick.

        Cyn, bet you are busy and so happy to be home.

        Have a good one, AF.


          Morning all -

          Star, I thought at least once I'd post before you, but no, there you were! You are a seriously early riser! I loved your post about how to stay healthy -- that is a great road map for all of us, thanks. So sorry that your son is struggling with the job search, I'll keep him in my thoughts. Sounds like you are getting good detachment skills -good luck with that.

          Dill - yes, do go back to the beginning of Prime Suspect. It is just great - I love to see HM before we knew she was a star! I guess I never watched the last episodes, I didn't know that was the storyline. I thought of you last week when I was up early and saw a tiny sliver of a moon hanging in the sky - just magical. Now it's a big bright moon in the night! How time flies.

          Pauly- I'm sure that you'll be able to fight off some of these bugs when your gut system is stronger - I remember I was astonished when I first heard that most of our immune system is in our gut! But nowadays it is really clear that it's the case. Keep on with losing the cigs, and moving towards good foods, and I bet you'll get stronger! In my own health, I really see that when I don't eat the right things (for me - no allergic foods) I almost always get sick, darn. I LOVE the thought that you are exploring new things - good for you!

          Lav- oh dear, is YB really going to retire? I'm sorry for the stress -- I hope that you can continue to solidify your 'safety' boundaries. I know what a challenge it is living with someone who is at loose ends and can't cope. Sending you strength!

          Well yesterday was a flat-out work day to get things accomplished around here. MR Tree gets some really not-useful ideas when we're getting ready for guests - yesterday's was switching all sorts of area rugs around and moving window treatments! Not on my To Do list! Oh well, thank goodness I have today still to get things put back together. Can anyone say 'clean the window screens'? The guests are my brother and SIL, so honestly, I just want things to be pretty and clean - I don't have to make a statement here - but a little air flow would be welcome. ( I remember talking about window screens last year - I also remember that I never cleaned them then! ha)

          Wishing all a great, healthy AF day, with at least one 16-second memory. (I saw an awesome sunrise this morning already!)


            Good Tuesday morning friends!

            Dark & damp around here again, ugh. I really enjoyed the two sunny & dry days we had.

            Pauly, it is all about your immune system. You need to think in terms of the body & mind as a whole entity & you can make improvements to make it stronger. There was some reason I didn't catch every germ I came into contact with & good hand washing technique was a biggie! I defended myself from strep, staph, TB & everything else you can think of, really. Wash your hands frequently & thoroughly, change bathroom towels daily, don't share cups & utensils......all the basics.
            How to boost your immune system - Harvard Health

            Star, glad you are feeling better today. Having one day when you feel a bit off (but don't actually get sick) shows that your immunity is doing a good job keeping you healthy.
            I'm sorry your son is trying to dump his problems on you. It hurts when loved ones won't take responsibility for their own stuff. Stand your ground, protect yourself!

            Cyn, my boundaries are stronger than ever, ha ha! I WILL NOT be pushed down into that dark hellhole of YB's mind. I think he is actually starting to lighten up....just a little bit. He's on a countdown now - 19 work days to go. He will be busy outside for quite some time building the greenhouse that being shipped from Germany!
            Don't overwork yourself preparing for visitors - they're just family. Lol
            Sadly, no nice sunrise here today.

            Hello to Dill, have a great day!

            Be well everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hello friends, rainy day here so it looks like my planned walk with my gf (the one moving at the end of June) has been cancelled. I have been asked to fill in for someone at the coffee shop so it all is working out in the end. We may be able to have the walk tomorrow, weather permitting.

              Pauly, I wonder what the ratings are for FTWD. We can't be the only people that are not excited by it. But the problem is the people watching it may be just like us, waiting and hoping for it to get better. So the ratings might not mean anything. At this point if the show doesn't get better, I will not tune in for season 3. Hope you are feeling better today. Your family, too. I am lucky and have a good immune system but Mr. D and my son are much more prone to pick up a bug. Working with the public is a risk for sure. I think I often carried home bugs from school that I threw off but which took Mr. D down. Not fair!

              Cyn, I haven't seen the moon lately because we have been under so many clouds! Thanks for mentioning it and reminding me the light is still out there. The clouds will pass eventually. I had to laugh when you told me Mr. Tree was "helping" prepare for guests by rearranging the throw rugs! It sounds just like something Mr. D would do. Increase the work load at a critical time!

              Star, I'm sorry you and your son got into it this past weekend. It's so hard to balance this adult relationship when there is still a dependency of sorts. He probably feels grateful for your help and advice but resentful of having to have it. You probably have your mixed emotions too. It isn't supposed to be this way. Believe me, I understand! I just wish my son was completely independent but I can't achieve it for him. I'm beginning to worry that he will never get there.

              Lav, how is it going with the new software? Are you clicking with it? I got a new tablet a month ago and am still feeling my way around with it. I should have stuck with iPad which is what I was used to. I got a Surface 10 tablet which is kind of like a laptop/tablet hybrid.

              Let's all have a good AF Tuesday.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning...

                Up too early again, maybe the new normal is six hours sleep?

                Lav, read the link you sent, signed up for their newsletters, thanks. There is so much they don't know, but we know, from our own experiences, that eating whole foods, moderate exercise, stress management, and detachment strengthen our immune systems. Oh, and staying AF, the key to everything. Thanks for the support in staying strong with my son. I do stand my ground, my best defense is to keep my distance, and you are right. He is dumping his problems on me and I just can't live his life for him. Detachment, detachment. Glad you are able, with much practice, to keep YB's negativity away.

                Dill, you get it too, just hard to have to use your resources to support grown people who make/made their own choices. It takes time to get used to new technology, kind of stressful too, but ongoing in our world. I think our weather is about to improve in the next few days, sunny and warmer! Yay.

                Cyn, you are so sweet, trying to keep right mind is ongoing, and I sometimes lose my way if I get tired or too busy. Last weekend I was too busy, and I need time to rest and regroup on the weekends, so I can do my best at work. Having said that, I love my job and we just got the option of desks that we can sit or stand at, throughout the day, and I love it. So much healthier to not have to be in the sitting position all day. Have fun with your guests and I hope you get those screens, I love opening the windows and doors when it gets warmer.

                Pauly, shout out, hope you are feeling better.

                Have a happy hump day AF.


                  Good afternoon friends!

                  I seriously had a hard time getting in gear & moving this morning but I did finally get to Curves & got my hair cut on the way home. I hear this cloudy & damp weather pattern has been hangingvover us for 20 days now - geez
                  I am ready for a long strtch of decent weather!

                  Star, i pretty much removed the weight of an elephant from my back when I finally convinced myself that I AM NOT responsible for YB's happiness or that of anyone else except myself.
                  Have you ever wondered how the hell we ever got into that thinking? I can trace it way back to my terror filled childhood. We were forced to do anything & everything to try to keep my dad happy or paid the price. Now there was another one who choose to be miserable every day of his life.
                  Developing my teflon skin & just letting everything roll right off of me is the best thing I have ever done
                  It's my #1 self care treatment & one I highly recommend, ha ha!!!!

                  Hello to Dill, Pauly & Cyn. I hope everyone is having a great AF hump day.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Had a nice walk with my gf today. She has moved her moving date forward to the first week in June. So sad. But the sun did shine on us today and we had a nice walk thru an herb garden at a local park. It's the first time in days and days that we have had sun. So wonderful to see it!

                    I did my volunteer thing yesterday and will again on Friday. It's going nicely. I usually will only do one day a week. I needed to fill in for someone yesterday tho.

                    Let's all have a peaceful AF evening.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      I hope you will share that sun with me Dill. Everyone I meet is moaning & groaning about the lack of sunshine. Nice that you got out with your friend. It's sad to see friends move on, one of mine is also wanting to move before the end of the year.

                      Up & out at 6:45 am for granddaughter day - will check in from there!
                      Have a nice night everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Good morning....

                        Haven't been feeling well, will be glad when this week is over! The sun is supposed to shine for the next several days, so let's hope it is true!

                        Lav, it takes practice to be detached, I will be doing well then all of a sudden the thoughts hit and I struggle to get rid of them.

                        Dill have a good one.

                        Hello to Pauly and Cyn.


                          Good morning friends,

                          I had a somewhat nicer drive to my granddaughter's house this morning simply by leaving 15 min earlier than usual - go figure traffic patterns.

                          Star, I was just looking over my list of Kindle books (nice to have the app on my iPad). Years ago I read one called 'Virus of the Mind': The New Science of the Meme by Richard Brodie. I didn't know much about memetics. It actually helped me sort thru a lot of the sh*t going on in my head. Viruses of the mind can make you think & behave in self-destructive ways. The author talks about a paradigm shift, changing our programming so to speak. The book helped me quite a bit
                          I hope you feel better soon. Maybe a few days of sun will help.

                          Hello to the rest of the crew. I hope everyone has a fabulous AF day.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Morning friends,just a quick hello from me,hope everyone has a great day
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              I'm late checking in today. We took a trip up to the lake to have a boat ride. First of the summer and it was simply a perfect day for it. Mr. D fished but to no avail!

                              Star I hope you feel better.
                              Pauly, it's a brief check in day for me, too.
                              Lav, it is amazing how much difference 15 minutes can make with traffic patterns. When I was getting up early for the coffee shop I sometimes only passed one or two cars on the whole 8 mile trip. Nobody out at 5:00 am if they don't have to be!
                              Hi ya Cyn!

                              Let's all have a peaceful af Thursday night.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Hello all-
                                Sorry to be away, getting ready for and now hosting my guests has taken all my time, but I have been thinking of you all and hoping things are going well. On Wednesday, the sun came out and we have been having good weather here, so I hope the same is true for all of you. Our visit is going well; we are actually getting to know each other better as siblings. I am so proud of my brother, he has not had an easy time in the work world, despite being incredibly smart, able, and super hardworking. But now in his 60s he is doing well at a new business, and about to start his own business in the same field as a spin-off. We have never talked about it, but I know that he has struggled with AL. But now he is completely AF like me, and I think we have that unspoken bond. My SIL is a different issue; she is a great gal - very outspoken, and likes to be outrageous, but in her heart she is great. But she drinks a lot, and I can see that great gal swiftly going away when she's had too much. She also is trying to quite smoking, but still has some cigs -- she walks away from the house to smoke, but carries quite a bit inside with her -- we have never had smoking as part of our lives, so this is a new thing for us! My HB can get very worked up over all of this, so I'm doing a bit of a balancing act trying to manage the situation... we're off to the city today, so hopefully we can manage being together for that many hours and still stay civil! I'm trying to take a page from you, Star and Lav, but I feel like my childhood is coming right back - always responsible for keeping the peace on the home front. Ah well!

                                Dill - so glad that you had a good time with your friend, sorry that she's moving away. Lav - thanks so much for that book suggestion, I've never heard of it, and look forward to reading. You really need to post your entire reading list, it is amazing! Pauly - how's it going for you? I'm sending you good vibes. Star - so glad that your work is providing you with those sit/stand desks, that's great. You'll have to let us know how it is going. Good luck with all the house plans. I know that you have been looking at tons of ideas -- do you know about the site 'Houzz'? Wonderful deals on furniture and accessories, and tons of design and house ideas. Check it out!

                                Well, off to get everything together to get us out the door by 8 AM... that should be interesting!

                                Wishing all a terrific, sunny AF day ---

