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Sunday May first
Sunday May first
Good morning and happy May Day! lovely rain here in ol Virginny. got all my cows moved around, bull in the back field ladies in the front. ready for my second cup of brew and the day. Hope everyone is feeling fab!
SamLiberated 5/11/2013Tags: None
Good Sunday morning Abbers, happy May day!
Thanks for the startup Sam, yep it's raining here too. Lots & lots of rain coming this week.
I thought of you last evening while I was watching a special on Maryland public TV. They have been running shows all week about the Chesapeake Bay & all the work going into cleaning it up & preserving it for the future. They talked quite a bit about soil conservation & the problem with runoffs from farms ~ especially the Amish farms in Pennsylvania. There's a big effort going on to try to get those farmers to change their 100 year old practice of letting cattle contaminate the streams & creeks with nitrogen & phosphorous from cow poop. I found this interesting because these farmers are my neighbors.
Hello to everyone & wishing for a great AF day for all!
Mick said he out detecting today so I hope he finds some good stuff
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Mae everybody, I too hope Mick finds something good Lavwas hoping to see his shiny little noggin this morning, I need jokes for my stash,now my customers will think I'm a bore haha
Sam,loved the pic of the old house from yesterday, would love to visit your neck of the woods someday and explore,Pie,that alarm story was something that would happen to me I swear haha,Det,how are you doing? Just stick it out,this last time I kept drinkin cuz I didn't think I could handle the shakey Jakes,finally I had had enough and just bit the bullet like you're doing,enough is enough but it is fricken hard!my thoughts are with you((hugs)) I bought shampoo from the dollar store cuz it smelled good and the bottle looked decent,eeks,hope my hair isn't straw when it dries or that yucky waxy,cheap shampoo feeling, much love to all,off to hunt down food
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Thanks for carrying the flag this morning, Sam. Lav, I retrieved a huge magnolia blossom that had fallen from a tree during this last round of storms. It's now smelling up my kitchen in the nicest of ways. Pauly, my hairdresser uses a wonderful, almond scented shampoo. I enjoy it so much when I go there, but use good old TRESemme here at home.
Will be going out to Dad's later. We're in the home stretch this week of moving him here, and putting his house on the market. Potentially lots of opportunities for stress and conflict, mainly surrounding my brother, who's being particularly nasty at the moment.
White rabbits, y'all!
Happy Mayday indeed ABsteroos,
Sam, thanks for booting us up.
Mick, while you're out detecting this morning please keep an eye out for a couple things I misplaced:
-a huge pile of cash
-several million brain cells
Lav, i know what you mean about the self-beatings and overdoing it. Still trying to find a mellow gear to traverse life in. My dear Dx tells me that if I was half as nice to myself as I am with our friends then I'd be living a great life. hmmmm. and Pie's comments are value are indeed putting me in a philosophical mood this morning.....
Pauly, being so scared of the detox that we don't want to quit AL is indeed a horrifying place to be. The good news is we never have to feel that again. My latest post-it note reads: 'poison is poison....keep it simple'.
seem to be tolerating the Baclofen well now which is a relief.
Sunshine is finally out so I can see how lovely the weeds are doing. Will make myself get out of the house even if to just walk around the yard a bit. Maybe I'll find an Easter egg or two...
be well everyonenosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
afternoon are we doing...?wasnt on here yesterday for various reasons...but just got back from detecting is terrible...rain stopped play..found 1 roman coin and lots of medieval pottery on the field..but it was too sticky..
not a lot hapnin this end of the wureld,got lots of plants to go in the garden with no weather to put them drops to minus bloody cold at night..on thing that has ....da da....
have to fence of the hutches but apart from that.....well chuffed..also thinking about a new hutch for them too..
det...unfortunately mate,,never found much,but Ive got a few brain cells goin spare ...hardly used ...1 previous owner
hiya pie ,how are you ?hope all is going to plan with the move...deep breath ...dont get stressed..and def dont need the far as nasty people go..hey theres plenty about, but guess its harder with family,so I hope it goes well with you,.big hugz.. what do you think of this for recycling?
Houseboat made from recycled material takes to the Thames - and it doesn't sink | Daily Mail Online
hey pauly hows you then ?whats with the shiny noggin bit ?you mean my see thru haircut???so how did the shampoo do ?ok or did it turn ya into the straw man??
hiya Lav ..pot is still warm if you want a brew..thats interesting about the you get involved with them at all ?other than the farmer ..not that I want to live their life ,but I do find it fascinating..what are you up to today then?is it grandkids all day?
hiya Sam the man hows the conservation bizness this weekend? all goin well.?do you work weekends too?where we were detecting today there was a ploughing competition going on...using vintage tractors..compared to the tractors of nowadays they were tiny..ploughing done by eye not sat nav/gps..
right folks Im off..but before I go ..I will say when I put jokes up..they are put up with no bias for or against any creed race religion sex or nationality..they do not reflect my beliefs or opinions..
I can't believe it. Me and my wife were sitting watching TV when the founder of Apple just walked into the house and took all our Mr Sheen!
Fecking Jobs, coming over here and stealing our polish.
Ive just written a book on preserving the rainforest..its over 2000 pages long...
my grandad has the heart of a lion......and a lifetime ban from the zoo
I'm doing my bit to help thwart film piracy by standing up in the cinema every 10 minutes during a film and shouting b.llocks.
Just finished reading the fifth book in the "learning to count" trilogy.
My wife has packed her bags and gone - just because of my fetish with touching pasta.
I'm feeling canneloni right now.
I received £100,000 from the bank today.
They opened the safe once they saw my since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Mick,the shampoo was actually fine surprisingly, my coworkers and customers would be horrified but honestly I've had $20 bottles of shampoo make my hair feel terrible, Det,you sound waaay betterI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Eloise...yep ...hopefully gettin it together..they are fascinating!!look at those eyes
20160424_161323.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Bunnie pics and a cardboard houseboat in a single day? Be still my heart!! Nice going there with Sandy and Jeeves, Mick. Have you ever considered coaching others on rabbit bonding for the rescue group? Love the houseboat name, This Way Up, and it's bubble wrap flag. They even had a dog on board. Cool beans!
Mick, splendid bunny park you have there. now I'm thinking of getting rabbits... seriously.
Pauly, yes much better today. whew! even managed some mowing today and made a whole chicken in the
bbq over applewood. No new hair products though (I do my own hair with a 3mm clipper) so not much to play with.
SK, seem to be tolerating the BAC ok now...keeping careful log of my dosing.
keep reminding myself to be kind to myself. Will sink in eventually me hopes.
Mick, politically-incorrect humor is the best, keep up the good work.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
I think I can probably afford a cardboard boat, ha ha!!!
Mick, those bunnies have real warm, dreamy eyes
I don't have much involvement with the Amish on a personal level but I do buy their homemade, homegrown products & just try to be decent neighbors. There's more & more of them buying up old rundown farms around here & making them work again. The younger folks are interested in branching out a bit more & they know they need to improve their communication skills. We get occasional cell phone calls from our local farmer about things - it's funny.
Pie, turn your IGNORE button on where your brother is concerned (that's what I do with mine). I hope the move goes well for you & your Dad! I should send you some lilac cuttings - they're awesome smelling
Det, so glad to hear you feeling better today!
Learning to finally be nice to ourselves is a big deal & a very important step!
Keep working on your 'be nice to Det' skills, you won't be sorry.
Fed my noisy grandsons & their mother tonight then sent them on home. It was too cold & wet to send them outside to play - geez!!
Peace to all tonight!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Lav, so cool you have such a community nearby. Reno has a lack of cultural diversity. boo!
we used to visit the Mennonite restaurants in the countryside when I lived in GA which was neat.
old cooking and preserving techniques are particularly interesting to me, as a result i'm really enjoying the
Netflix series 'cooked'.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)