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Tuesday, June 12th

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    Tuesday, June 12th

    Victoria, High 5 chickadee... 150 days is awesome!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Today is Day 9, and I'm feeling even better each day. I'm keeping my online journal up to date which I am finding to be a real key for me. I've never been a diary keeper, so it's all new and I'm finding it enormously helpful in a way I would not have expected.

    Mr Scoobs is giving up cigarettes today... Look out ScoobyDoo! For an otherwise happy go lucky guy, I'm expecting the worst of the irrits. We'e going for a MTBike ride this afternoon and 5k run tonight so that should help. I'll slip a valium into his post ride scooby snack. :H

    Rachele, your happiness is glowing BIG time!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Tuesday, June 12th

    Good morning, day 4 for me here. I have been off cigarettes for 3 days now so good luck to Mr Scoobs. Starting to cough now which is good,can feel all the gunk starting to move.
    I'm off for a run tonight too, no hangover to tire me out/give me an excuse not to go today!

    I feel so much better already, I'm sat here with my coffee - feeling tired but not ill/jittery/dreading the day ahead. Looking forward to spending my time on activities I want to do at the weekend rather than feeling ill, eating rubish food, lying on sofa.
    see you tomorrow, have a good day everyone.
    one day at a time


      Tuesday, June 12th

      Well theres two inspiring posts for everyone..

      Scoobs, you're doing great, good luck to Mr Scoobs in kicking the nicotine habit..

      Bear, you must feel so good about yourself, no alcohol and quitting smoking as well!!! Way to go, keep it up...

      Not planning to do much today, may go into town later and have a mooch round the shops, then go for a nice long walk this aftenoon, all in all a chill out day...

      A big hello to all who follow,

      Love, Louise xxx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Tuesday, June 12th

        Morning All-

        Just a quicky hello. Have a Dr. appt with my son-he has his yearly & has to get 5 shots for Kindergarten. I remember when my daughter had hers & the Dr. grew a kitty cat on her arm & told a story as he used her as a pin cushion. As the last shot was going in, tears starting in her eyes, "mommy no more". What a trooper. We'll see how sonny boy will do.

        Enjoy your great AF day everyone!
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/263393=1094-attachment.gif[/img]
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Tuesday, June 12th

          Good morning all!

          Day 1 for me. I'm scared and excited.

          Victoria, you are awesome; that is all I can say. You just got on here, got to work, and here you are 150 days later. You have a great sense of will and purpose, girlfriend!

          Scooby, it sounds like your whole household is getting healthy. Good luck to Mr. Scoobs, and keep up the good work yourself!

          Keep up the good work too, Bear. I'm impressed with the alcohol and the cigs--you are doing great!

          You day sounds great, Oirish. I wish I could join you instead of going to work! :upset: All of my "free" time seems to be taken up with paperwork (and now being on here again, which isn't so bad )

          I hope your little guy's doctor's appointment goes well Breez. He sounds like a clever physician to get your daughter that far into her shots before the tears began. I hope it goes as well for your son!

          Have a great day all. I'll check in later. Hopefully, I won't be climbing the walls. I don't expect any physical problems, just psychological ones. I have plenty of teas and other stuff around to take the edge off.


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Tuesday, June 12th

            Hey Kath, Good to see you!
            Gabby :flower:


              Tuesday, June 12th

              Good morning AB-eronimoes! great to hear of all the healthy convictions taking place...go team!
              I had a super kickass workout last night and am so sore. 6 days off the exercise plan is a huge no-no I'm tellin ya. I was so wound up I couldn't sleep last night...weird, but beat waking up hung over for sure.
              Be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tuesday, June 12th

                Good morning all. Here we are Tuesday already...he he Scoob's, you might want to get Mr. Scoobs some patches or some welbutrin. Quiting smoking is really hard on everyone. I used both and it was not easy at that. I wish you both the best.

                Good Job Bear, I may have to change my name to Bare... Ok that's not a pretty picture.

                Irish, I hope you have a great time in town.

                Breez, I never liked taking the kids to get shots, even if they are good about it. I hope it is not too bad.

                Kathy, hopefully it will not be too bad for you. I have found that the mental addiction is as hard to deal with as the physical. I hope you have an easy day.

                Gabby, good to hear from you tis morning

                D the pain will go away, and you will feel better for it.

                I hope everyone has a good day today

                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  Tuesday, June 12th

                  Good evening All,
                  Just popped in to say that I really hope you all get what you want from today.
                  You can do it Kath.


                    Tuesday, June 12th

                    Hi all -- just a quick check in. Congrats to Victoria And Bear.

                    Breez your story was heartbreaking, poor little thing, hope it goes better for your son. My oldest son never said a word and my youngest hooted and hollered -- I let him, I would too.
                    Kathy i just kept thinking there never has to be another day one. Good luck sweetie, sounds like you have a plan and that is half the battle.
                    I'm learning I like my freedom. No more planning around alcohol, figuring out how much to drink, if it is too early to start, trying to fake like I wasn't drinking that much.... you all know the list.

                    Going for my swim and then the spend the way with my sons kickin it at the mall.
                    27AF and no cigs either. have a wonderful day!

                    Love & Light

                    AF 21, March 2010

                    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                      Tuesday, June 12th

                      nice to hear that you aren't smoking or drinking that is a big ol positive plus. and i really can think about not having to plan around the drinking. hummm that is a relief. yes i can go out to dinner tonight, not drink and therefore not have to plan around it. thanks for the reminder. cheers everyone. af today and away


                        Tuesday, June 12th

                        Day 2 for me...

                        Staying super busy doing projects and stuff that I normally procrastinate doing. A new Michael's opened up right down the road, so its been sucking me in and getting me inspired on some summer projects! I'm currently all set up at the dining room table working on a mirror frame made of cracked glass and mosaics. Its a lot of fun and a great way to keep my mind and focus off the alcohol at night! I wanted to work on it today, but am going to wait until after dinner to get back to it so I will have a busy and fun evening with something to do that's fun and relaxing. I find I need a fun project in the evenings rather than being aimlessly bored.

                        You guys are all inspiring me!
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                          Tuesday, June 12th

                          Allie, your mosaics sounds like a really nice way to spend the evening and work towards a creative project. You'll be onto Day 3 before you know it!

                          Bootcamp, have a nice night out... all good practice for building up your resilience to saying No to alcohol and Yes to healthy drinks and good food instead

                          Padme... 27 days is fantastic! You're almost at that beautiful 30 day mark. Are you going to keep going with it? You sound fantastic!

                          MDBear, I think you're a bit of a quiet achiever... how many AF days have you got up your sleeve now?

                          I am about to go and get ready for a 9.30am meeting out of the home office, so I'd better drag my arse upstairs and get ready so I'm not late. I posted on another thread about my emotions and I have read the replies, but I have to switch off otherwise I'll start crying again and will look like a mess for the meeting. It's overwhelming that so many understand - ok time for me to change the subject.

                          This is day 10 AF for me. I'm kind of counting inclusive of each day being AF because I know that today, I will not have an alcoholic drink. Double digits today (inclusive)

                          Rachele, I'm thinking of you and hope you're traveling well.

                          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                            Tuesday, June 12th

                            Hi everyone,

                            A little late for me checking in.......Super busy with school, appointments and the kids.

                            We are leaving tomorrow morning for Chicago. We're bringing all the kids on hubby's business trip.

                            I've NEVER gone on a trip and been sober I started having a conversation with myself about how we could have a few since we are traveling and we could start over when we get back.

                            Ummm, no that won't work. I am sticking to my guns.....when I get back on Friday I will be on day 12

                            Like Scoobs, at days close, today, it will be day 10 for meYipeeeeeee

                            Love and Hugs to all.......see you Friday,
                            :h :h :h :h


                              Tuesday, June 12th

                              well done to u an good luck 4 mr scoobs an u!!! how long did u feel ruff 4, im not even af , dramatically reduced but feel 90!! im gonna b like the pensioners ill be serving roast 2 tommorow, gravy will b shaken an not stirred!!!
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

