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Tuesday, June 12th

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    Tuesday, June 12th

    my little sister is coming bk from chicago 2morrow, she is marrying a texan! how many children do u have?
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      Tuesday, June 12th

      A late check in too - need to go catch some much needed beauty sleep - actually need a heck of a lot more products than just sleep...:H

      Glad to hear everyone's stepping out on this road to sobriety with such positive high steps! Way to go! Feeling much better as this week goes on - sorting out a few issues in life as it goes on and counting down the last 8 days until school's out! Whaaahayyy!

      Take care all and hopefully check in for longer tomorrow :l
      :rays: Arial

      Last first day - 15th April 2012
      Days 1-7 DONE
      Days 8-14 DONE
      Days 15-21 DONE
      30 days DONE
      60 days
      100 days


        Tuesday, June 12th

        Checking in


        Just checking in. I decided I don't want to count my days AF since that is a little AA for me. I'm just not drinking today, and I can say it's been a few days and I feel good. No slips- Wa-hoo!

        I am keeping up with my committment with Yoga. I signed up at the community college twice a week. There are a variety of ages in there, so I feel comfortable, although I am the one who looks closest to Buddha. I know by eliminating alcohol, I am also eliminating a few thousand calories a week, so I'm a hoping to lose my (insert name of any alcoholic beverage here) gut.

        Thanks for everyone out in cyberspace for being there. Having this community helps alot.


          Tuesday, June 12th

          Q you can do it! Remember you are the master of your thoughts! Enjoy the trip.
          Rachel28 -- a Texan! LOL! Hope it works out for her.
          ((Scoobs)) will look for the other message.
          Allie i certainly know that crafty feeling and the Michael's pull. Your project sounds fun & pretty. Let us know how it goes.
          Glad your feeling better Arial.
          bootcampbarbie (gotta love that name, ) hope you enjoyed a wonderful AF dinner.

          Love & Light

          AF 21, March 2010

          "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


            Tuesday, June 12th

            Sorry, I finished the post but was inturrupted in the middle of it and had to come back to it:H

            Rachel28, I have three girls. I am Rachele38 that e on the end gets everyone to say Rachelle (rashell) but it's Rachel, like yours.

            :l to all:l
            :h :h :h :h


              Tuesday, June 12th

              Allie has my craft skills and lushy and big d have my culinary skills. Oh well. I will just go to the gym- but I am a bit jealous.

              I am abs again today. Not really tempted. Taking Campral 2x a day. Should take it a 3rd but why waste it if I am not tempted? It is interesting that it is the evening dose I am skipping.

              Abs land is good. Going to dinner tomorrow nite with all my vino pals. Not sure how I plan to handle it but need to get a plan together. Oh, it is only Tuesday. My dinner plans are Thursday.

              Had very big blow up with someone @ work today. She is new and acts like my team reports to her and we in no way do- not even dotted line reporting. She is to support my group and pushes back sooooo much that I had just had it this morning. The blow up was over the phone and then we had a 9:00 appt with customer. She wanted to go talk about it after the appt. but I had no desire and did have another appt to go to so it was easy to blow her off. Next time she acts condescending I will remind her that we are peers- we have the same title. I can do 95% of her job and do not even need her. I vented to my acting director and he said 4 others had complained about her this week also so that made me feel better. I really am not a sensitive person and things usually do not get to me but she really did. I think I would be tempted to drink if it happened later in the day but it was first thing- a carry over from e-mail we were exchanging last nite @ 11:00. She is complaining of not having enough band-width. I told her I have no more band-width than she does. It got intense. I am sure she is expecting an apology but she will not get it. This heated discussion had been brewing for about 2 months so I finally blew my lid. Now I have to spend 6 hours with her @ an event tomorrow. Tomorrow nite is the nite I will want to drink for sure. Will need to take all 3 doses of Campral- and kudzu too! The event will be interesting because I am 100% certain her brilliant team overlooked the nuances of the way this particular market segment does business. It will be an " I told you so" moment for me- because I did.

              Ok, rant over.

              *!%*.#!--- I just remembered I need to go get cash tonite because the stupid parking garage tomorrow does not take credit cards.


                Tuesday, June 12th

                hi rachele hi again, every calls me raquel to wind me up! i have met my sisters bloke 1 he seems nice ye ha!! hes been in the navy but is coming out this mth then they will be moving out to texas, so shud get some cheap holidays !!! ive only ever been 2 thailand 1 time, id love to see usa it fasinates me how big it is, im from a tiny village in the country side!!! well done on bein af
                :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                  Tuesday, June 12th

                  Morning all!

                  Day 3 for me. Well, we're all still here. Had a wee craving for a drink yesterday but decided to think long and hard about WHY I wanted one, realised I was a bit stressed and panicky about something, so called a friend instead. My mobile phone bill will grow as my liver shrinks. I wish you all a wonderful day. xx

