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Just June ~ AF

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    Morning all -

    Lav - so sorry for all the vet issues, and for the pup's issues. Darn, just when you need some vet support most. I was thinking about swissy's coughing, panting, and looking panicky - it sounds just like my girl when she has an 'episode'. Could the coughing be from GERD, and the panting because of gastric distress? It took me (and my vets) months to make that connection. I have a whole protocol that I follow: if you think it would help, let me know. Good luck - I well know those sleepless nights and worry well. And an impatient spouse (like mine) doesn't help either. Really hoping that you get some help today from someone knowledgeable.

    Dill - it is amazing, isn't it to look back on all the psychic and physical energy that we spent on AL. Makes the gift of Freedom all the sweeter. It's hysterical that your little gdaughter knows the word for paleontology! Wow - she's a bright little light. Thanks for the link, that's kind of you.

    Pauly - so sorry for the allergies. I remember that acrid smoke - so hard to deal with. Eat clean and drink lots of water - help out your poor suffering self!

    Star - I think you are like me; you will be glad to get back into a routine, even if work is not your first choice! Hope your re-entry into work went well yesterday.

    Fortunately yesterday the main landscaping guy was mowing, so I was able to flag him down and have a conversation and show him my concerns. Even he had a tough time deciding if some of the 3-leaved vines were PI or wild strawberries! But it seems that the ones in the lawn are strawberries, and the bigger, glossy leaved ones are PI. He told me that PI is a native plant, and that the berries from it are a major source of food for migrating birds. I told him that there must be enough around in the surrounding woodlands so that they can skip snacking on my land!!!

    Time for me to get back to my work - it seems like it's been months since I could put a whole work day together. I was up in the night with my girl, but she seems to be rallying, so I must get a move on... Cheers all for a beautiful AF Tuesday --


      Morning friends,Dill,Ihate old al memories popping up! I try to avoid certain places cuz of that,hard though cuz for years Iwas drunk eeverywhere I went they closed a Wal-mart over by the air force base down a few months ago and Iwas relieved to see it go,I used to drunk grocery shop there,I avoid casinos,certain parts of town,etc,that'smost of the reason I was working with the therapy guy,to try and get past that fear but Itthink time will help more,keyboard is weird so I'll say a hello to Lav,Star,and Cyn,wonder where LB went? Hope we all have a tterrific Tuesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good dvening friends,

        My days & nights are all messed primarily due to a sick dog & habing YB under foot.
        I was up with the dog for an hour or so last night. She wasn't coughing but she makes a ton of noise trying to get her footing on uncarpeted areas & I think she was just confused. The Benadryl helped but she's been sleeping all day, oh boy. I only gave her 50 mg, the same dose I take.
        I did get a call from one of the vet techs today. I suppose the doc had better stuff to do.
        The only way we can better decide what's causing the cough is by getting a chest xray. I don't think tgat's going to happen, I can't transport her to the animal hospital. So I am just going to have to deal with it on my own I guess. It very well could be a GERD issue since her breed is known to have all sorts of digestive problems.

        Star, routines are hood for all of us. I am always happier when I am in control of my day
        We have a holiday coming up so it will be a long weekend for some.

        Dill, YB is still in the learning process of not having yo go to work every day, ha ha! He has plenty of projects started & the greenhouse will be delivered next week I think. He will be busy for quite some time with that. I don't want him (or anyone) looking over my shoulder when I am on this site. This is my personal safe place & none of his business!!!! He has a history of throwing a wrench into anything that makes me happy. Btw, our 43 wedding anniversary is on Thursday, unbelievable. We have lots of little toads around here, the kids love picking them up, ha ha.

        Cyn, I'll have to take a look at that article on identifying PI too for my safety & peace of mind. I hope you are able to get back to your business concerns. I haven't had any pressing business lately, just little stuff & that's OK. I have plenty of other stuff hoing on to keep me out of trouble.

        Pauly, I remember being at my brother's house in southern Idaho many years ago & smelling smoke from fires quite a distance away, freaky. I just saw a Facebook ad for an online course given by Pema Chodron that would be good to help you get your thoughts cleared. I'll look for it again & send it to you in FB. Hope you are having a better day.

        Wishing everyone a peaceful night!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Good morning...

          Work was good, I am back to my routine, grateful for all I have. I helps to think that way, part of the journey of being AF.

          Hope you all have a good day.


            Good morning friends,

            What a nice cool day here! The temp dropped to 55 last night. What great sleeping weather! I am having my grandson back later today, then tomorrow, graddaughter too AND my daughter and gson from New Orleans will be here for a few days! So I am going to be really busy.

            Lav, I hope your dog improves quickly. YB better get engaged in something and get out from under foot! LOL! Wow! 43 years! Isn't it amazing? Where does the time go? My daughter who was born a year after we were married is coming home to her 20 year high school reunion this weekend!

            Pauly, staying the af course and thereby filling the our lives with af memories will help reduce the power of those old af memories. Even tho mine have been popping up lately, I haven't had a great deal of emotion associated with them except a touch of regret perhaps.

            Cyn, LOL! You made me laugh when you said the birds would have to feed on the PI berries elsewhere! So funny! That PI vs VC article said that VC also has berries the birds like. You are right, there is plenty of both in the woodlands to satisfy the birds. I hate PI so much I will spray it wherever I find it, even if it is out in the woods!

            Star, my routine is about to be turned on its head for a few days with my daughter's arrival. We have to take the bad with the good, eh? I'm grateful I will get to see her and her boy!

            Happy AF Humpday all!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Happy Hump Day all!

              Lav - I'll look up some GERD links for you - I've learned how miserable it can make our pups. Good luck with all of that, and good luck creating your sacred space. It's a daily exercize here !

              RE: Poison Ivy! Here's the best bunch of info that I've found yet, thanks to my favorite gardening site (why did I not go there right away?) get smarter about poison ivy, with dr. susan pell - A Way To Garden Be sure to also follow the link at the bottom of the page to the Maine Extension Service paper als0 - very good. So now I think I'll mark it when I see it, then in the late summer carefully dig it out and put cardboard over the site to starve the root system and prevent spreading over the winter. We'll see! Knowledge is power ---

              Pauly - my heart really goes out to you. I know how haunting those AL 'ghosts' can be. But I congratulate you!!! Just think - you are making tremendous progress! You are staying away from those places, and now they are losing their hold on you. I hope that you can be proud of what you have accomplished, and that your trust in yourself will grow.

              Star - glad to hear that your routine is 'feeding' you -- enjoy the weekend, I know summer is a special time for you.

              Dill - my goodness, what a schedule! Good luck with all of the family comings and goings!

              I was able to do meditation AND some yoga this morning, hooray! I feel energized, and happy that I have NO obligations today except to do my work - I'm getting ready for a big public presentation on July 9th, so I need to get at it!

              Cheers all for a great AF day ---


                Hi Lav - a followup: Ottawa Valley Dog Whisperer : Acid Reflex, GERD in Dogs, Cats - Natural Remedies, Causes, Symptoms

                This was my 'go-to' article when I started to home cook for my girl. It has helped some - I do all the vegies in the slow cooker, and then blend it, since the size of the food particles is an issue for her. Also, a specialist told be to use some fancy 'sucralfate' that I would make a slurry with and it would coat her esophagus. But my main vet said that she herself just uses Gaviscon, and puts a couple of shots down the dog's throat in between meals. You might give it a try. Good luck!


                  Morning all,fasting for this dum blood work is making for an irritable Pauly! Just best to get it done though, wish the appointment was at 6 am instead of 8:30 though haha,then Ihafta drive to work from there,work is getting on my nerves too,there'san "incident" every day,people not paying,kids rrunning amok,crazy customers,yesterday we had to call security on a lady who would not leave,she was going nuts! Took security awhile to finally shoo her off,its like even if someone doesn'teffect me personally it still is a negative vibe,anyhoo,hope we all have a nice day
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Good afternoon friends!

                    Got a trip to Curves & a hair cut in this morning so I am happy
                    The boys will be back tomorrow so I'll just be hanging out with them. I think we may actually be going out for dinner tomorrow provided the boys are picked up on time. Such fancy celebrations, ha ha. It is what it is I suppose.

                    Glad you are settled back into your routine Star.

                    Cyn, thanks for the info. I will take a good look at all of it, thanks!
                    Maxie actually had a good night, no coughing & I didn't even give her anything. She was so lethargic from the initial dose, geez. Good luck with your business stuff today!

                    Dill, maybe you need to pitch a tent for the kids & let them have a sleep out!!
                    I hope you enjoy the visit with your daughter, that's special!

                    Pauly, constant work drama is exhausting. Sorry you have to deal with that
                    I hope today works out better for you & the bloodwork turns out well.

                    Have a terrific rest of the day one & all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Good morning all...

                      Dill, beautiful summer weather here too! Enjoy your family, what fun you have to look forward too! Me too, I am spending the night with my daughter Friday to help her out for a party on Sunday. So, get to be with my grandson too! Looking forward to it.

                      Lav, again, I admire your determination and ability to get though changes and tough times with dignity and resiliency. You go Lav! YB will get it together, just give him time.

                      Cyn, you write so beautifully, glad you are having a day to get your own work done. Hope the poison ivy is almost gone.

                      Pauly, hope you feel better soon.

                      Have a good one all.


                        Morning all -

                        It's a beautiful, beautiful picture-perfect summer morning here. I am memorizing it! I hope everyone finds some gentle happiness today.

                        Pauly - I hope your blood tests turn out well. Gosh work sounds dramatic - that place really needs a vibrational change! (Maybe you should sneak in some night and 'sage' it!) Can you imagine a shield of white light around yourself as protection? Good luck!

                        Star - what great plans - a sleepover with daughter and gson. Love it. Enjoy these days...

                        Dill - hope all is going well with your company.

                        Lav - so glad to hear swissy is better - maybe it really is GERD? That seems to come and go mysteriously. Glad you had a break and could do some things for yourself.

                        I got a few things done yesterday, hoping for more today -- I had a big 'crash' in energy in the late afternoon yesterday; I guess going off the steroids is a bit of a bumpy ride. Hoping for a more level day today. Wishing all well for a mindful AF Thursday...


                          Good morning friends,

                          Having a weird but OK day so far, ha ha!
                          I was asked (last minute) to watch my grandsons today but EB is attending a summer day camp program for kids at the college where YB just retired. So they are on the way down there leaving me with the younger guy for a while. The day is picture perfect weatherwise, grateful for that
                          I continue to see small improvements in my patient but her dementia is really annoying, ha ha! She seems to be exhibiting sundowner's symptoms, Lol

                          Star, sounds like you have a fun weekend comingvup, nice!

                          Cyn, I keep a small supply of sage sticks ~ just in case
                          I wonder if there was something in the air yesterday afternoon because I was lethargic too for absolutely no reason, strange.
                          I hope we both have plenty of energy today!

                          Hello to Dill & Pauly!

                          Have a marvelous AF Thursday everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Morning friends,Lav,I felt like something was in the air Tuesday,crazy people everywhere! I swear the heat brings out the homeless,tweakers and other troublemakers for some reason,you'd figure they'd avoid it and find some shade..nope out running around causing weirdness, ugh,anyhow,hope we all have a great day
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Hello All,

                              Guess what! Tomorrow is a new month! :egad: I was thinking about new names. The best I came up with was: Genuine July. I kind of like it because we are all more genuinely ourselves when we are AF, I think. I'm open to other ideas of course!

                              Perfect weather here. We just got back from a fireworks store. We're going to have some good ones this year! Anybody else set off fireworks?

                              I'm sorry to be so brief but I have lots to do to get ready for my company. I'll try to check in these next few days but my check ins may be brief. Have a great af Thursday everyone.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

