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Just June ~ AF

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    Hi all - well the day just went yesterday, and I couldn't pop back on, sorry.

    Lav - the news from the the UK was very hard to wake up to yesterday, right? I don't think that a lot of people voting to 'leave' had any idea what they were asking for... I too hope that this doesn't bring everything down around our heads. Trying to keep a good perspective - not letting fear take over. Goodness, you must be SO tired, after dealing with the plateful of things things that you described. I hope that things eventually smooth out for YB - I know it will take some time. Good luck!

    Pauly - I have heard of the blood type diet, but I never looked into it -- that's so interesting that you are finding 'matches' with the blood type that you are. I hope that it gives you some good information to help you feel better - go for it!

    Dill - hoping that you are well today. Question: does PI look different when it is a young plant? I see some 3-leaved things intermixed with the PI; now I see a patch right in a side lawn where the dogs can go (I've fenced it off). The stems are 'furry', like strawberries, and the leaves are not glossy - but I'm treating it as if it is PI, as I see now that many invasives look quite different when they first appear. If it is PI, I'm in trouble, as they seem to be creeping daily into this area of the lawn. Very disheartening, sheesh.

    Star - I hope that you are having a good time at the conference. Does it go through today?

    LB - stay cool!

    Well, last full day of guests here. It sure is a lot of cooking, but we are having very deep and good conversations, so there is an upside. This is a high-school friend of Mr T's, and they just got back into contact a handful of years ago - those long-ago relationships are very precious.

    My dogs are over not having their routine -- girl dog suffering her gastric distress. (Lav - so sorry about Swissy -- my heart goes out to you; that's a real trial).

    Anyway, all good here - the AF life is a thrill - even though I'm not sleeping very well (prednisone!) I still wake up very grateful for my sobriety. Wishing all well for a great Saturday.


      Good morning All,

      Cyn, I have always had a hard time identifying PI when it is very young. VC which looks like PI but has 5 leaves, it starts out looking just like PI and has the 3 leaves, so that adds to the confusion. I, like you have to wait until the plants mature a bit before I know what I'm dealing with. But if you are having a professional deal with the PI, maybe they are better at identifying it at all it's stages. I'm glad you are able to enjoy your time with your guests. Hang in there and soon you will have your routine back!

      Pauly, I am one who rarely reads other threads. Sorry the comments on the daily thread upset you. I'll have to go read up. Glad Brady is coming home!

      Star, I'm glad you are enjoying your time away. I totally agree with you about 'the decision' not to drink. Once it is made, life is so much easier! And better.

      Lav, I've been watching the Brexit closely. I think it will eventually all unfold as it should and it is just plain silly that everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off! LOL

      I'm going to a tea party today (annual fund raising event) and don't have the kids. It feels odd!

      Let's all have a great af Saturday.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Hello friends, Cyn,enjoy your last day with guests, I'm weird cuz I start getting annoyed with the visit,then they leave and I'm sad,Dill,the comments yesterday are gone cuz Mick put up a new thread,you wouldn't have wanted to read that garbage anyways,Bradys home yay I don't feel like working boo-hoo,hello Star and Lav,hope we all have a great day
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Hey all..

          Still at the conference and ready to go home a day early. But, all is good and will go out with a group tonight for dinner.
          Have a good one.


            Afternoon greeting friends!

            I've been running around trying to get as much done as possiblr before my grandsons arrive. Tgey are staying overnight & will likely be here all day tomorrow as well. Working parents, what can you do??

            It's too soon to be sure but I think my big dog is doing a bit better. She still needs a lot of assistance getting on her feet of course but she looks like she's feeling better. I could run a doggie nursing home, I swear, ha ha!

            Cyn, I have difficulty identifying PInwhen I am working outside too. If it was neon orange or something it would be a lot easier!!!
            Enjoy your guests & this decent early summer weather.

            Dill, I hope you are enjoying your tea party, sounds nice.
            I've been reading about a petition calling for a 2nd referendum in the UK that already has over 2 million signatures. Maybe thry will get a chance to fix things.

            Pauly, glad Brady is home, enjoy your time together. Once they grow up the boys forget about good old mom - well, that's what mine did anyway. I hope work isn't too bad today.

            Star, enjoy your free evening then back to reality!!

            Ok, wishing everyone a peaceful AF evening.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              My goodness! Where is everybody?!

              It's hot and humid here today so I'm keeping cool in the AC. I didn't have the grandkids last night but they are coming later today. The tea party yesterday was quite nice. The speaker gave a presentation on aprons thru history. I like anything history related and found it to be very interesting.

              Lav, I don't thing a re-vote on the Brexit would be fair. The people have voted and it's time to deal with it and move forward, IMO. I bet you are busy with your grandsons today. Have fun!

              Pauly, it's good you explained that to me about the daily thread bc I did go read it and was really puzzled about what could possibly have upset you?!! LOL! So, the upsetting one was deleted? I'm glad Brady is home. Did he have a good time?

              Star, My stargazers are getting ready to bloom!

              Cyn, are you back to business as usual now?

              Hello LB!

              Let's all enjoy an af Sunday!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Hi all - just a short note. Guests just left!!! All went well except for our friend having an asthma attack last night because some of the smoke from grilling salmon came into the house. A few tense minutes, but she eventually recovered enough to have dinner with us. Whew!

                Very tired from so much work and from not sleeping - I'm grateful for the prednisone, but am anxious to get off of it - the middle of the night awake time is hard to cope with when you drag around all day.

                This morning before the guests got up I actually sat on our porch and listened to the birds - it was like being in an aviary! So many songs, just pure joy at the new day. I made up my mind to emulate that!

                Wishing all a great Sunday -


                  It may be after 10 pm but I hate missing a day posting, ha ha!
                  My grandsons finally left at 9:30 so I am tired. Didn't get much sleep last night listening to my dog cough - this is not good. I will be on the phone with the vet tomorrow.

                  Dill, glad you enjoyed your tea! Hope you enjoyed the kids too

                  Cyn, boy do you need some quiet time just for yourself. I really hope you get some soon!

                  Hello to Star & Pauly.

                  Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning all...

                    Back to normal for me, got home last night around 8:30, smooth flight, just a long day. I did not have time to get online in the am, had to check out after packing and then get breakfast. It was a good learning experience, met lots of sincere people from all over the country, so glad I went, but now happy to be home.

                    Dill, the tea and learning about aprons sounds so interesting, I would have loved that. Glad you had fun.

                    Lav, for me MWO is first thing in the morning, or not at all. My routine, I guess.

                    Cyn, after two weekends in a row with traveling, having over night guests before I left, I am also just wanting my routine back. I feel for you regarding the steroids, not sleeping is so difficult, and waking up in the middle of the night, hard. It took me a few days to get back to normal after my steroid prescription of two days! It is a miracle drug in so many ways, but the side effects, whew! Hope this week is good for you. I am listening to the birdies right now. They sound so sweet to me too.

                    Pauly, hope your week goes well, are your people all back?

                    Lots to do today after being gone for five days. Wish me luck.


                      Morning all -

                      Later check-in than usual - birthday today for Mr Tree so he got cards and gifts first thing, and then I had to get out into the yard to de-seed the plantain before the mowing guys come today and spread all the seed all over. I had wanted to dig up big patches of the plantain, but with guests that wasn't an option, so I'm hoping this will at least get us through today without spreading the dang stuff all over. One can hope.

                      Dill - the tea sounded like an interesting event - and aprons through the ages! Aprons probably used to be not only practical, but I'm guessing also were a kind of a uniform, a 'badge of courage'... I'm like you, I think history is always enlightening.

                      Lav - dog coughing in the night? So sorry - keep us posted on how the dog is doing, I hope she's not more trouble.

                      Pauly - how is it going for you now? Are you happy Brady is home? (And you can feel so proud that you coped so well while he was away!)

                      Star - I'm on 12 days of a tapered dose of prednisone, sheesh. At least I'm down to just 1/2 a day as of today. I actually think it probably helped me get through these last days with guests, but I'll be glad to get some serious sleep sometime soon. Good luck getting caught up and back into your routine.

                      So..... when I was out de-seeding the plantain, I saw a whole long patch of the 3-leaved with runners (that I'm not sure is PI.) I treated it as if it IS of course (meaning I tried to keep a wide berth) but this is part of the lawn - where the dogs go all the time, and whatever it is it is spreading like crazy. What the?!!! Really??!! Anyway, I marked it and will show it to the lawn guys today. Also found For Sure PI in a clump of forget-me-nots that my neighbor shared with me and I planted (in the dog yard!). Good thing I was vigilant today - that one I super-gloved up and pulled out by the roots, can't put poison there. So I had a big Fels-Naptha soaped-down shower after that! What the heck is going on here? I think I need to somehow 'raise the vibration' of this whole property!! So I'm off to meditate on glowing white light covering and feeding the Good here. Wish me luck!

                      Hope all have a very fine AF day today --


                        Wishing you luck, Cyn, in your PI war! LOL!

                        Star, Glad you are home safe and sound and that you had a good experience!

                        Lav, you really got a late check in, didn't you!! Better late than never. I hope your old girl has a better night tonight.

                        Hello Pauly, is Brady settled back in?

                        It's a quick check in for me. This day has been kind of hectic. I have to go now to pick up my gson. I'll wish you all a good and peaceful AF Monday night.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Greetings friends!

                          9 pm check in again, ugh!
                          This whole day has been off mostly because I ended sitting up with my dog from 2-5 am this morning. She was a mess, coughing, panting & looking panicky. I took myself right into the vet office today to find out her doc has gone on vacation without calling me as she promised, grr!
                          I had a nice chat with the vet tech & was told the other doc would call me with suggestions - she didn't call either. I am not happy with these people right now. I am going to give my dog a doggie size dose of Benadryl with the hopes that she (we) can at least get some sleep tonight. Time to move on to another vet office I guess after 13 years!!

                          Star, glad you are home & happy!

                          Cyn, I can see great big clumps of PI here & there but it's the sneaky, hidden stuff that worries me the most. Good luck & be careful

                          Dill, I was kid free today, ha ha!
                          I hope you are enjoying yours!

                          Pauly, what's up with you?

                          Have a peaceful night everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            I'd switch vets too Lav,sounds like she's taking her patients for granted after so many years, horrible, horrible, allergies tonight for me,we're getting smoke from wildfires and my eyes are burning, makes for an early to bed night for me, luckily Kell had an early shift today so I'llbe ggoing to lay down here in awhile, see you all in the a.m
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Good morning...

                              Back to work today, I have enjoyed my time off and do not feel like it is time to work today!!!!! I need the structure though, and the health insurance, so off I will go.

                              Cyn, uh oh, glad you are having professionals come to evaluate the poison ivy problem, what a mess for you. Hope you get some rest and down time soon.

                              Lav, why would an office say they would call,then not call? How rude and unprofessional, sorry you and your pet are going through this.

                              Dill, sounds like we are all busy right now, but good to check in to MWO.

                              Pauly, hope you feel better.

                              Have a great Tuesday.


                                Good morning friends,

                                Lav, I'm so sorry you and your dog are having such a struggle. Definitely time to find a better vet! I can't recall a time that I ever had a vet not follow up when they said they would call or do some other service. That's terrible! Did the benadryl help your dog get some sleep? (And you) Has your posting schedule been turned on its head bc of YB being under foot? Has he found a hobby or anything to keep busy with?

                                Star, yes we are busy but in a good way. Much better than the old busy of planning when we would buy alcohol and when we would drink and then busy dealing with the after effects. That used to take quite a bit of energy and time! I am getting sudden memories lately that come up and I realize how many were associated with drinking. So many events in my life involved alcohol and from this distance now I can see clearly that it was a bad thing, not a good thing. At the time I thought it was all good. I was raised in a culture where it was accepted and considered the norm.

                                Cyn, I have so often confused young PI and VC, but I googled and found a really good article that helps to distinguish the two. You must go look at this website and all the excellent pictures with captions telling what to look at to differentiate the two.
                                Poison ivy “looks similar” to Virginia creeper | Identify that Plant I think, after looking at that website I am definitely going to be able to tell them apart. I hope it helps you, too!

                                Hey Pauly, so sorry to hear the wildfires are personally affecting you! How bad is it? If you close up the house and put on the AC does it filter out the smoke?

                                Hey LB, hope to see you soon.

                                We found a little tree frog and of course had to capture it and put it in a specimen box so gdaughter could see it. She was thrilled! After she got to hold it in her hands a few moments we had her release it in the little woods next to our house. She is so excited about such things I keep telling her she should be a Naturalist when she grows up. But she has other plans. She is going to be a pawentojist. (Paleontologist):happy2:

                                Have a great Tuesday everyone.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

