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Just June ~ AF

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    Pauly, there's a product called Premsyn. Got to the drug store & pick some up. Two tablets before bedtime will help immensely ~ I know
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Good morning my friends...

      Got up a little earlier today, I slept well, I am still healing, yesterday at work was rough. I came home to stuffed peppers in the crock pot and then just rested. This bug craves rest and more rest. If I could take a week off, I would. Coffee right now, trying to wake up.

      Lav, sorry to hear about the powerful storms you are experiencing in your area. Rough. Hope sunny warm weather comes our way soon. We had a beautiful day yesterday, warm, 80s, sunny, gentle breezes, right now feeling the breeze and in the low 60s. I love June weather when it is like this.

      Cyn, glad to hear your birthday was so sweet and wonderful, being celebrated low-key is what you wanted. Nice. I have done no yard work, waiting for my project to begin, now mid-July. Patience is what I have to have. It will work out well because I am going out of town the end of June for work, then taking off a week in July, right after that they will start. Finally I will have my dream yard!!!

      Pauly, hope you feel better.

      Dill and LB, hope you have a great day, too.


        Morning all!

        Lav - so glad that you got your power back on, that's no fun in the summer! We are looking at one of those A/C units that go into 'antique' houses, as we have no ductwork. A hole would have to be cut into the brick siding, so it's a big deal... we'll save our pennies and try to get it in before next summer. RE: YB. Preserving your morning routine should be A1, in my book. HB tries to read the NYTimes aloud to me each morning, and I have to go to a different room, or remind him that he has to read to himself - that's our agreement. Good luck with all that!

        Star - so glad that you are healing, but do take it slowly. Sounds like you have a lot of summer plans, and that your yard work will be the crowning touch - fabulous.

        Dill - hope you are well!

        Pauly - hang in there, and try the OTC stuff. Any help in that area is a really good thing.

        LB - hope that you are having a break from the hot and humid (but maybe that's just the way the summer is where you are?) Good luck.

        Big day today, getting all dog stuff ready to be gone for a few days - we're doing a little family trip for 3 days, but the dogs are staying home this time, so I am cooking ahead as always. I look forward to coming home and having time to work on my business - enough interruptions! (just one more set of guests in late June...)

        Wishing all a great AF Tuesday ---


          Morning friends,Lav,will look into it thanks,yesterday was an unpleasant day was our anniversary but we'll probably celebrate this weekend, just these kids! Bobbi and her bf got into a fight so he left to go stay with his dad,Kell can barely get through work cuz the anxiety is so bad,I told her to go to the doc but I don't think she will,I think its those painkillers she takes for her back causing it,I've read anxiety is a side effect, so all that got my anxiety going,took an early to bed,told hubs why and did a mindclearing hypnosis, slept ok but have a headache, sorry toALWAYS be pissing and moaning,I just want health and happiness for me and all the people I care about hello Dill,Cyn,Star,LB,I hope today is a much better day for everyone
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Good Tuesday morning friends!

            We have been promised some sunny decent weather for the rest of the week - good!!!
            That storm over the weekend blew in from the west. The TS Colin, that is causing havoc in Florida is heading northeast so it will be heading out to sea & not affecting us - good!!!

            Star, I'm happy you finally have a plan in place for your yard. I hope it turns into a peaceful little paradise for you
            I hope you feel stronger very soon.

            Cyn, I would definitely have to start wearing ear plugs to tune out the NYT reader, haha!!
            My plan is to be firm about continuing my routines & let YB know that he needs to figure out his new routine. His ego needs to retire as well.
            Our previous house was a 1919 era Craftsman style. We had duct work so it was easy to install a central AC unit. When we decided to expand & build a bedroom & bathroom on the upper level we had to cut a hole in the wall & install an AC unit & added electric baseboard heat. It all worked out just fine
            I hope you enjoy your trip!!

            Hello to Dill, Pauly & LB!

            I need to get out to Curves before I run out of energy. Sleep has been crappy for the past week due to excessive hot flashes despite the HRT & AC. I think there may be an element of stress involved, oh well.
            Have a great AF day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Good Tuesday evening All,

              I had both the grandkids here for two nights so I am currently recovering. We did go to the boat, Cyn, which they dearly loved. I'm sorry to have been MIA but I was pretty absorbed in things here and hid precious little time to myself.

              I hope you all are well and we all have a peaceful, AF night.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Life would be u bearable down here without a.c.. And no. We really don't get breaks from it.
                The gym hasn't had the a.c. on yet though. We are training not working out. And it's a fight club instead of a gym. LOL. That's the reasoning coach uses.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  LB, you must be one heck of a woman to deal with that gym, haha!!! I would be one heaping, sweating mess, crying on the floor ~ seriously

                  Dill, I can appreciate how tired you probably are after watching the kids for two days.
                  This week I will be watching my granddaughter all day Thursday then come home & have my grandsons for two nights. It's tough work but someone has to do it, right? Ha ha!!

                  Peace to all tonight!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning...

                    Had a rough day yesterday at work, coughing started int he afternoon and wore me out. I bought cough medicine and was able to sleep last night, but another busy day today. I love what I do, I just want to feel well.

                    Dill, summer fun with your grandkids and on the boat. Wonderful.

                    Lav, you sound busy too. Of course you are anxious about YB being home all the time. I work on detachment from my son and his lack of a job, but when I wake up, that is the first thing I think of and I feel anxious. Back to working on detachment and thinking of positives. It does help, if I allowed my mind to go the other way, I would make myself sick, and let's face it, I have no control over that situation. At all. So, focusing on positives, staying busy, makes my life so much better. Hope you have a wonderful day today.

                    Pauly, what a rough day, hope you feel better.

                    Cyn, another trip, how wonderful. Have a good time. I am taking next Friday off, going up to where I used to live and visiting old friends. It should be fun.

                    LB, you are a warrior, I need the AC, especially working out! I guess a fight club is different though?

                    Have a happy hump day, AF.


                      Good morning friends, happy Hump day!

                      Sunny & only 61 degrees at the moment ~ nice Apparently it's not even going to break 70 today & I don't mind a bit.

                      Star, when all else fails a dose of Nyquil at bedtime really helps squash that cough. I know how tiring a lingering cough can be.
                      I do have a few things bugging me in addition to YB & his retirement blues. So I am putting a little extra effort into my usual mindfulness routine. I think this is something that I really need to stay focused on for my overall wellbeing. I need to remember that I felt overwhelmed & flat out of coping mechanisms 20 years ago when I fell into the wine bottle. That is something that will never happen to me again.
                      It's turns out that it's much easier to maintain your sanity than to go looking for it from scratch, ha ha!

                      Hello to Dill, Pauly, LB & Cyn!

                      Unless something changes I will be heading out all day tomorrow to watch my granddaughter then come home to keep the boys for two nights. Can you say BUSY?? Lol.
                      Grateful to be alive & well & capable of handling all this!!

                      Have a wonderful AF day everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hello All,

                        Lav, that sounds like a grueling schedule! LOL! I am finally feeling rested from my last two days. It's beautiful weather so I've been outside enjoying. I commend you on stepping up your self-care and your mindfulness routine. It's easy to get knocked off balance when stress come knocking. I was down in the dumps the other day and was trying to get myself out of it. I thought about focusing on gratitude, but I couldn't get a handle on it at that point in time. I did not have any feelings of gratitude coming to my rescue. I ended up just getting up and moving and distracting myself with an activity. Fortunately my mood passed.

                        Star, the mood I mentioned to Lav was a direct result of worry over my son's situation so I know exactly what you mean. My son was forced to drop his classes bc someone at the VA screwed up his paper work and didn't pay his tuition in time. Now he's out of school and must get work ASAP for the summer. Such a struggle. But we are not alone in our fatigue and worry. One third of millennial men do not have jobs. That's how bad it is right now. Think of all the mothers across the nation just like us, worried and frightened for our sons. On the news they tell us the economy is improving. Yeah, right! Whose economy is that exactly? Does it matter if "the economy" is improving if you don't have a job?

                        3% of Millennial Men Have No Job | MoneyTips

                        Hello LB, I couldn't function without AC. Here in Ohio we have a lot of humidity. That makes everything SO uncomfortable. Sometimes even if it is in the 70's outside I will put on the AC just to pull out the moisture. Do you live in the USA?

                        Pauly, I hope your headache has gone! I wish you health and happiness! Wish I could wave a magic wand and make it so, for you and each and every one of us!

                        Cyn, I hope you have a nice little vaca!

                        I was reading a thread this morning about MWO slowing down. Seems like many are worried that the site will become extinct. I hope not, but if it is going to ever be shut down, I hope we will be given fair warning.

                        Have a good and peaceful AF Hump Day everyone.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Dill, it's such a shame that young people, willing to work are not finding suitable employment.
                          As much as I have always valued a college education I wonder if it's time to return to trade schools. Much less expensive & quicker to complete, trade schools graduate young folks ready to go to work!
                          I was so irritated when my son went directly into the fire academy when he finished his business degree in IST. He didn't even bother attending his graduation because he had already started the academy. BUT, in the long run I think he made the best decision for him. He really wanted to be a firefighter much more than a computer nerd, Lol. I sure hope something opens up for your son, asap!

                          Well, we ended up have a quick but severe storm blow thru here late this morning. It kind of came out of nowhere. Lots of trees down around the area, lots of people without power just north of here, in Philly & in Delaware. My power stayed on - go figure!

                          YB said the college threw a big going away party for him today so he's decided he's done & not going in Thursday or Friday - OH MY!!!!! This is it kids!!!!

                          Peace to everyone tonight!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Good morning...

                            I had to go to a medcheck in the afternoon, I have bronchitis, and it is getting worse, so antibiotics, etc., gee I hope I feel better today, I am tired of this. But the good news is my son got a job! With a decent company, so very hopeful and grateful.

                            Dill, in the area I live in, there are numerous jobs, where I came from, so many jobs that they cannot find qualified people for them. But, are they the best jobs, not neccessarily, but there are jobs. It takes time though to find one, I hope your son is able to get something that he likes, quickly.

                            Hello to Cyn, Pauly, LB, have a great Thursday!


                              Happy sober Thursday. Here in Louisiana we are having a brief break from the humidity but the heat is up to middle 90's.
                              Good Luck Lav.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Morning friends,Star,sorry about the bronchitis, my mom had that for awhile, it would just not let up but great news about your son Lav,here we go! I felt a strange sense of calm and closeness to God this morning for a minute,it was weird but amazing, totally out of the blue and right before getting into the shower,it felt like a peaceful, serene moment and that everything is gonna be ok,hmmm,maybe I'm finally losing my mind haha,Dill,I'd hate to be young these days,there was an article the other day about how these young peeps don't leave home anymore or they leave and come back,that's fine by me but hubs is tired of Michelle, oh well! I wish all the kids lived with us actually, just maybe have a bigger house haha,LB,I'm surprised the humid weather ever let's up in Louisiana, how far are you from New Orleans? My friend went once and her videos looked cool,I want one of those fried squares with the powdered sugar, I cannot spell it right,I got "benyay" Hahahaha! Cyn,hope all is well in your world,more coffee,have a great Thursday all
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

