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Just June ~ AF

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    Just popping in to say bueno,I laid out my plans on here last night hope everyone has a great Wednesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Hello all -

      Pauly - your plans sound great! Good for you! Here's a tip that I use for myself when I have too many options for tasks and can't get started; just pick one of the tasks and set a kitchen timer for 10 minutes. You can do anything for 10 minutes. Then if you feel that you want to drop it, you can do that, or continue!

      Dill -I hope that all is going well for you, and that this talk about guns hasn't upset you - I think that through civil discourse we are all just trying to figure out how we can be in this crazy world. Are you having some boat time? This morning I helped HB get the canoe out of our storage shed (not such an easy feat!) and get it cleaned up - we are selling it, as we rarely use it. It's beautiful light Kevlar canoe, and I will be sad to see it go. But it should be used by someone who loves lake canoeing.

      Star - thanks for the recommendation on the new author; that historical novel sounds good. I am going to read Austen, or one of those other women writers of that time, this summer - I don't seem to have much time to read, so it takes me awhile to get through a book. But what a pleasure it is. Happy reading to you -- and take care of yourself as you continue healing - you have quite the schedule planned.

      LB - so glad to hear that things are going well!

      Lav - yeah, the heat, gnats, tick clothing and now worry about PI is making this summer bush-whacking not so much fun. But I made such great strides in the spring that I don't want to see it all disappear... I'm setting boundaries about what I can accomplish, and I'm prioritizing (can you believe it?). Since I have to take 4 weeks off because of being away in August, I want to keep at it now while I'm home (and don't have guests!). Your news about the chickens is exciting! I can't wait to hear how YB copes with his chickens...

      Wishing all a Happy Hump Day! (here's to you Sooty...)


        Good late afternoon friends!
        Well, Ms Lily has graduated pre-K, yay!
        The ceremony was cute with all the kids dressed up & putting on their little show. We went out for lunch afterwards & ended up bringing the graduate home for an overnight or two.
        The fun but busy times continue

        Pauly, I'm happy to hear you will be keeping yourself busy & distracted for the week. It's nice Brady enjoyed his flight

        Star, great to hear you are improving. I hate being sick, so keep moving forward to complete health!

        Cyn, funny about the canoe. YB recently sold the two he bought over the past few years. What was he thinking buying canoes at this age? we had a nice one back in the mid 70's, before kids. We had no good place to store it so it was sold.
        Keeping focusing on what makes you happy & what makes you feel good. We owe ourselves that much!

        LB, sounds like you are working hard so take care of yourself!

        Dill, how are you today??

        Guess I need yo figure out something for dinner, ha ha!
        Have a peaceful evening one & all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Morning all -

          I'm enjoying the cool of the day before the heat kicks in. I'll get outside to work in the woodland this morning; I'm taking the approach that a little bit of work each day will keep everything (sort of) in check. It's ridiculous that I have to put on my 'haz-mat' outfit every time I go out - double layers of everything, including gloves! But so far that approach is working... no ticks, and (knock-wood) no PI.

          Lav - how cute that they do Graduation for pre-K! You should get the congrats on that one - you have really made it happen for her to be in a good situation. Enjoy Miss Lilly for the next days.

          Pauly - you helped me, by reminding me of how to get started on projects. I was overwhelmed yesterday; I have several completely different business things to get done, and I couldn't get started... so I used the timer, and I got one thing completely off of the list. Whew! I hope that your plan is working for you.

          Dill - hope you are enjoying these summer days.

          LB - take some time for yourself...

          Star - I really hope that you are still getting better - just a few more days until your big weekend.

          Wishing all a calm, centered AF Thursday.


            Morning friends,having a guilt morning, yesterday I barely walked through the door exhausted from work and Kell Snapchat me that I was watching Lou,such short notice and I kinda threw a fit,his dads usually off Wed and Thurs but had to cover someone I guess,I just felt like he could've made sure he had a sitter before he said he'd cover instead of just assuming, but I feel guilt cuz I love Louie too much,I watched him until 6:30 and then his aunt picked him up,thank goodness cuz its been soooo windy my allergies are killing me and there's no way I could have lasted until 9,we cleaned together and watched YouTube videos but I still feel like a horrible nanny Dill,why aren't you checking in? I'm missing you,Cyn,I got totally overwhelmed by all the things I need to clean yesterday, al those nooks and crannies I hate cleaning! Got some done then said sod it,Lav,that's adorable your granddaughter graduated,they grow too fast,everyone says that but its so true,Star,didn't that prednisone make you feel like speedy Gonzalez? I hate steroid stuff,makes me jittery,anyhoo,hope we all have super great Thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Hi Friends, I'm here. I guess I just needed a few days off.

              Cyn, yes some of the comments made regarding the topic of gun control did upset me a little bit. I thought about commenting back and explaining my world view but in the end I realized I'd be breaking my rule about not getting political on the thread. It leads nowhere and it is not what I am here for. In general my political views are probably completely different from most everyone else on the thread but of course we can still be friends and support each other to be af!

              Pauly, I can't say I blame you for being upset by being called to duty on such short notice. It's got nothing to do with your feelings for Louie, but more so your feelings about being taken advantage of, I should think. Plus, childcare is something that takes a great deal of effort and you need to be mentally prepared to do it.

              Lav, we used to have Rhode Island Reds. It's a good breed. Nice that YB is going to get involved in raising meat chickens. He can help clean the coup!

              Star, I made a note of the author. Thanks for the hat tip! I am in the middle of The Source still, but will soon be ready for a new book.

              LB, I'm really glad to hear how busy you are! So much better than boredom which as we all know can be a huge trigger.

              Heavy storms yesterday! Wow! Mother Nature was really throwing a tantrum, LOL!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good afternoon friends!

                Today started out with tropical downpours, geez. No thunder or winds, just straight down rain.

                I've been doing some cleaning inside, feeding Lily (growing kids eat constantly), ha ha!
                YB is still c/o back pain but won't go to the doc so he's not getting too much sympathy.

                Hello to Pauly, Cyn, Dill, Star, LB & anyone else popping in today.
                I expect to be heading to the PO early tomorrow morning to pick up my box of chicks. I have the Vet scheduled for an afternoon visit because I can no longer get my big dog in & out of the car & up the steps into her office. Getting old sucks, even when you're a dig.

                Have a wo derful rest of the day!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  I posted yesterday and where is it? Who knows!

                  Dill, it is great actually that we have different views about things, that is what makes America great, in my opinion,that we can agree to disagree and yet still live together, and work towards living a good life. I never mean to offend, so if I do, it is not intentional. I was tearful for a few days this week after the Orlando massacre, I worry all the time about my son being safe against the haters, and this brought it right in my face. We had to have him over, see him, love him, and get through the fact that there are people who want to hurt him. It was rough. Now, change of subject, how do you like the stories in The Source? Isn't the history of religions so beautiful, scary, and interesting? I love that book. Another really good one is Space by the same author, I waited and just read it last year an loved it. Hope you are doing well and have a lovely weekend.

                  Pauly, two days of the steroids and I could breathe again, but felt CRAZY, I couldn't sleep, had super strong emotions, and only took two days of pills rather than three, I felt like I was roided out. I am so much better now and off for three days, driving up north for some visits and it feels good to get away by myself, which may sound selfish, but I need some thinking time. I agree that I would not want to babysit last minute either, especially if I had worked all day, and did not plan it. Good for you for sticking up for yourself and cutting it short. I know you are a great nanny, I have a feeling you are really hard on yourself, so think about that just a little.

                  Lav, exciting to have new chicks to look forward to raising. It must be fun to live on a small farm, I think I would like it, but not in the cards for me. Sounds like you are practicing some good detachment with YB, I remember my mother ignoring my father's moods and may I say it, tantrums, at times. It worked for her, she was happy and lived her own life. I know that sounds like she was mean, but she was not in the least, she live and let live, focusing on herself, while taking care of her own duties. I have really been thinking alot about this with that Karen Casey book about detachment that I have been reading daily. Good stuff.

                  Cyn, so happy you get some time to just take care of things at home. Enjoying the summer weather, you are lucky. I hope to be outside somewhat today. The temp differences though for me are like 20 degrees difference, so I hope it will be a little warmer up north today. Yesterday they were at 60 when we were in the 80s, but that could changein a few hours.

                  Hi LB, stop in when you have the time, you are a welcome addition to this thread!

                  I am not sure if I will have access to internet tomorrow morning, but if I do, I will definitely post. Have a great Friday, AF.


                    Good morning friends, today is my volunteer day so I must post early or it probably won't happen!

                    Star, that is odd about your post yesterday! You DID post and I read it. So where did it go? I can understand how you must have been feeling this week with the events in Orlando. I'm sure you felt it very personally. I think that as horrible as it was perhaps some good will come out of it in terms of people having greater sympathy for the gay community. It certainly affected me that way. It also made me very concerned about the ideology of the extreme Islamists. Not sure we can coexist with them. Thanks for the mention of Space. I'll put it on my list.

                    Lav, are you going to have the vet actually do a house call for your dog? I have had the vet out here on occasion because my dogs were not well socialized having been raised out here on the farm. The vet would come for the large animal checks and would do the dogs at the same time. I've never had him come just for the dogs tho. I'm not sure he would do that.

                    Pauly, Cyn, LB, greetings.

                    Let's all have a great AF Friday!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Morning all -

                      Star - I was wondering also about how you were doing with the steroids! My husband had to take a long course at one time (because of Valley Fever) and I remember a nurse telling him that he should take them in the morning, or he would be up all night cleaning closets! Wishing you well for your trip --

                      Lav - I found a big patch of PI yesterday -- I carefully ( with a stick) moved everything away from it so that I know where it is. Sheesh, that really changes my plans to clear that area... Now I've decided to just take out the small trees that are there, and leave the rest. I hate to use poison, but I may use it on the PI -- I don't want to get into pulling it, but I don't want to leave it and let it grow into other areas either. Hmmmm. SO sorry to hear that big sweet Swissy is having such trouble. It is so hard to see in our older dogs. My girl is beginning to have other issues besides hearing loss - last night she decided to go wandering in the middle of the night. I swear it has something to do with the full moon. Good luck with the vet.

                      Dill - thanks for posting!!!! You are right, we are here to support each other in our AF lives. And thank goodness that we are all here together! I value your voice in my journey.

                      Pauly - I think you are being too hard on yourself! Goodness, a surprise visit for babysitting doesn't sound like it would be an easy thing to cope with. I sure hope that doesn't happen very often. Ha! I hear you with cleaning. Well, you got some done, and that probably feels good. I often just do one 10 minute task and then let the rest go. You can't do everything in a day!

                      LB - so good to hear from you. I hope all is going well.

                      Just a note about the recent hate crime in Orlando: like Star, I have close associations with many gay people, both close life-long friends and many work associates. I remember one dear friend who is an avid knitter wondering why people were so angry and fearful of her, (as if she and her partner would do something horrible with their knitting needles!) All those friends gently taught me - just by quietly living their lives - to see our culture through their eyes (and see the pain that they live with daily) and to be more compassionate about differences. If only one good thing can come out of this horrible situation, I hope it is that awareness. People are people, and have the same hopes and dreams and pain and joy as we all do.

                      Wishing everyone well and a happy AF day on this Friday.


                        Good afternoon friends

                        Just sent my granddaughter home with her Mom. She was up & out with me before 8am to go to the PO & pick up the chicks. She was ecstatic, to say the least, ha ha!
                        I have pics on my phone & will get them onto Photobucket so I can post one or two here.

                        The vet hasn't arrived yet, hopefully soon. She did offer to come to the jouse Dill when I told her I can no longer manage getting tge dog in & out of the car. We shall see if she makes it here as promised.

                        Hello to star, I hope you have a pleasant visit.

                        Cyn, PI makex me feel creepy just thinking about it, yuck. I've spotted some in the usual pla es & I am steering clear

                        Hello to Pauly & LB.

                        Have a great AF Friday everyone.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          TG, a very compassionate person. What is always disturbing in the US is that racism, bigotry and hatred of gays still exists.

                          I just read of a neighborhood in Silicon Valley who sued their neighbors because they had an autistic son who they felt was bringing down the value of their homes and that he's dangerous.

                          I was raised with a cross-dresser on one side and a down's syndrome child on the other side. It taught me acceptance at an early age and no one even blinked their eyes.

                          Much love and strength to their loved ones and the LGBT community.:heartbeat:
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Morning all -

                            Lav - ughhhh, I got hit again with PI. I was totally covered up, even with rubber gloves that I put a rubber band on the top of the gloves so they wouldn't slip! But maybe this exposure was from a day before, who knows. I am not going out into the woodland again this summer - sorry to have all my work get overgrown again, but it's just too risky. I understand now how you feel about it - what a scary thing - give me ticks any day. Live and Learn. Anyway, so your chicks are a big hit! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.

                            Dill - how did the volunteer job go? I hope it is less stressful now.

                            Star- hope you are having a good time.

                            Pauly - did you getsome rest?

                            SK - thanks for your post, wow that was quite the upbringing - compassion guaranteed!

                            LB - hope you are having some good dinners out and happy weekend.

                            Wishing all a great AF Saturday ---


                              Morning friends,this week the temps start getting into the 114 mark,now I gotta deal with hubs'manopause haha,he carries on so bad about the heat ,yesterday Kell and I tried some hipster sandwich place downtown, too fancy for us,weird cheeses and combos but we got turkey on wheat with Gruyere cheese ,arugula and spinach,they grill them there and it was actually pretty good surprisingly, I had gone to the therapy guy that morning and I'm not going back,I even made a thread about it cuz I don't want to cheat myself out of resources but I don't want to feel like crawling out of my skin during sessions either,he asks questions, stares and waits for a response that I just don't have,takes notes and is lost if his computer is down(which it was yesterday) I'm just over it,not for me end of story,hello to all and I hope we ALL,have a peaceful, easy day with lots of serene moments
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Good Saturday morning friends

                                Sunny & heading up to 80 today. I think the combo of warmer temps & a full moon will be messing with my sleep, oh well.
                                The new kids made it thru their first night, no injuries, no murders, ha ha! Those cute little things can be brutal.

                                SKendall, I was pretty happy when my kids entered junior high & the school had just developed a class on ethnic diversity, teaching the importance of acceptance & inclusion. It was mandatory, all the kids had to take it which was great.

                                Pauly, I'm sorry you don't like your therapist but that's pretty common. Sometimes you have to try out several before you find one you are comfortable with. Honestly, my daughter-in-law is a children's therapist & she can be weird, ha ha! Don't forget that most therapists have their own therapists too!
                                Stay cool in that excessive heat out there.

                                OK, back to business here.
                                Hello to Star, Dill, Cyn & LB.

                                Cyn, I'm sorry about the PI
                                I am just letting those known infested areas go - not worth it to me. I hope it goes away quickly.

                                Peace to all.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

