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Thursday 2nd

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    Thursday 2nd

    morning folks,how are we all today then?all good I hope..kettle is on so its brew time ..

    Hi Sam..hows you today then?hows the daughter crisis going?been there with that one in the past..!best of luck mate

    hi pauly are you today then?hows the sinuses doing?mebbes you need to live this side of the world!

    hi Lav..brew are you today then?this little band seems go be gettin smaller and smaller..oh well.You up to any thing today?Im still sorting out tomatoes and greenhouse.

    big hello to anyone else ..

    After a stressful day, one man comes home and sits in his backyard, drinking a beer.
    As he's getting up to get a snack, he stops and asks, "Jesus, what is the meaning of life?"
    To which Jesus replies,"You slave in the sun to support the ones you love. You make money so you can buy things for your family to keep them happy."
    The man asks,"Jesus, why is life so hard?"
    To which Jesus replies,"That, no one may ever know. You have to overcome many obstacles to be successful."
    The man asks again,"How was the universe created?"

    Jesus replies,"I'm sorry, seƱor, but can you stop asking questions? I'm trying to mow your lawn."

    A 7 yr old and a 4 yr old are in their bedroom.

    The 7 yr old looks at his brother and says, "I think it's time we start swearing."

    The brother nods in agreement.

    "When we go downstairs, I'll be the first to swear and then you swear" says the 7 yr old.

    The two brothers go downstairs and the mother asks what they want for breakfast.

    "I'll have a bowl of cocoa puffs, bitch!"

    The mother smacks the kid so hard that he flies out of his chair.

    The mother asks the 4 yr old what he wants. Stunned, the 4 yr old says, "I don't know, but it won't be fcking cocoa puffs!"

    Why did the French chef commit suicide?

    He lost his huile d'olive.

    I crossed the road,dressed in a chicken outfit walked into a bar, and changed a lightbulb.

    Then I realized that my life was a joke...

    The CEO of BMW fainted onstage at the Frankfurt auto show this week.

    And, in classic BMW fashion, he fainted across two parking spaces.

    My late grandad used to only tell people what they wanted to hear.

    Lovely man, terrible doctor.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning all
    thanks for the brew, Mick and of course the Ha Ha's! another lovely day in paradise, just wish I knew where it were. Actually not so bad here, daughter getting back on her feet. Time, time, what a wonderful thing.

    Ranks seem a bit diminished here. Haven't looked across the freds but in the past I've read how small our community is getting. Perhaps the summertime lull.

    a hello to you Lav, Pauly, Det, Pi, NS, PQ (I hope you are well!)

    on the run white wabbit mode

    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Mae everybody,Mick,the guy asking Jesus questions made me burst out laughing Hahahaha! Sam,I wish Kell would leave her bf,its more complicated than your daughters situation cuz of Louie but he's an asshole,I'm glad your daughter is getting through it ok no check in from Det yesterday?check in buddy please,the dogoise is cracking me up,yesterday he was ready for his food and while hubs was fixing his plate I was sitting outside and I swear he was headed right for my toes!! Maybe they looked like bananas or something cuz we mostly feed him fruit and veg,nose feels better today but I was tired last night! Think I nodded off at 8:45 and slept til 4:30 so maybe just worn out,hello Lav,Pie hope we all have a nice day
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good morning Abbers, happy Thursday to all!

        Cloudy & only 66 degrees at the moment. I have the day off from my usual Thursday granddaughter day.
        Not sure what I am doing we shall see

        Thanks for the startup Mick!
        It won't be long before YB's greenhouse is delivered & he can get to work putting it together. He still likes the old fashioned toys, ha ha! A Brief History of A.C. Gilbert Erector - Girders & Gears
        I guess our tomato plants will finally meet the garden this weekend.

        Sam, I'm glad to hear your daughter is OK.
        I physically yanked my daughter out of a shitty boyfriend situation many years ago. It was breaking my heart to see this kind, well educated young woman being completely taken advantage of by a pot smoking loser. He was unable to pay his portion of the bills & ran her into some big debt. My 'mother bear' persona just went into overdrive!!

        Pauly, I would wear steel toed shoes around that dogise if I were you, LOL

        Hello to everyone & wishing a great AF day for all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Lav,was this guys name Louis? Maybe its the same pot smoking loser haha,its totally not funny,I think this guy will totally trip out when she leaves,on Monday he was drinking and carrying on so Kell locked herself in the bathroom, this mofo broke the door off the hinges,he gets scarier and scarier,I almost feel like he's got dirt on her so she's scared to leave,I really don't know anymore
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Funny, that was the deal here, he's Mr party and she isn't. He went to a festival this weekend, did some shrooms and supposedly met his soul mate. Never looked back,he went through all my daughters money during their time together, lived here at the farm in my parents house for next to nothing (getting him to pay rent was a monthly adventure), stayed stoned (had to quit drinking b/c of pancreatitis at the age of 25, ended up in the hospital, never paid a cent) had at least 6-7 jobs in the 2 years they were together. feckin loser. I am soon glad he's gone, she's heart broken for reason, I'm kicking my heels!!!

            I don't usually spout off like this but I gots to say I've never been so relieved to see a person leave out of here. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Funny but not funny that a lot of us have had the same experience with loser boyfriends of our daughters. How the hell does something like that happen anyway? We raise our daughters to be kind & decent people then they get taken advantage of in such an unscrupulous manner. No wonder I got so damn mad!!!
              Sam, rejoice (quietly) & thank the universe for favors done!
              Pauly, I'm sorry but your daughter needs to be out of that unsafe situation. This is something Louie is witnessing, it's unhealthy & just wrong. I hope your daughter finds a way out of that situation very soon. I'm thinking of a restraining order to start!

              Pie, it looks like Texas is essentially uner water - sure hope you are OK :hug:

              Peace to all tonight!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

