good to see a mighty pile of you all on this fine day.
Mick, thanks as always for the blast-off and the withering volume of redneck jokes!
Day two of Muay Thai today and I'm tooootaly smoked and ready to recoup a bit. I can't seem to do anything 'normal'. I either do it like a total maniac or not at all.
Tomorrow morn I gots to get up at 4am to get DX to the airport in time. Then I'm in bachelor mode for 2 weeks. eeeeeeek!
took a pic of this bee this morning in our flower bed. I sped the shutter up to 1/4000 of a second to freeze the movement of its wings

well, I'm going to sleep like a rock tonight, that's for sure.
Sun, my guess is Jamie Lee Curtis
ok peeps, time for curry
be well