a dry day here.been up early this mornin again ..quite a bit to do prior to departure sunday morning,but Im sure we will be sorted..went to bed at 9 last night absolutely whacked,but woke up about 4 this morning,so its time for another brew...
hiya SF...yep fit bits are good ..they are also pretty addictive and challenging too..as for the airport journeys...yes I suppose somewhere inside me is the pride that I am actually able to do them at stupid o clock...few years ago that would have been a non starter!!...as for the hangover cures..most jocks believe in Irn Bru...and yes it actually does work after a severe dose of falling down juice...
hiya det ...yep will see if I can get some pics done...going to quite a few different places..well we start at the top ..and end up in Sicily so there are some big cuisine differences there!so dx home today then....time for clean up .com!!!!
hiya pauly,how are you feeling today then?any better...hope so...pollen count over here is pretty high today,so nose n eyes are feeling it..
hi ppqp ...hows you today then?hopefully well I hope...as for a named parking spot..yep I reckon at their prices I am due one!!£9.50 an hour!!did you end up with a quieter day?and yes you are a valued member on this fred
hi byrdie ..hows you then hows the new job doing..as for uber ..strangely enough that is what my mate was talking about ..thats all they used in Hong Kong...you have a great day
hiya daisy..yep know you dont post here but on the off chance you read this ...well done to you so far so good ..you can do it!!
Satzy ..congrats on your three years..you put in a lot of work ,I know you did ,and deserve the result....
hiya Lav..hows you today then ?hows yb s back then?more to the point how did your boy day go then?whats their latest craze?have you time for a brew?yes vets bills are pretty hefty,hope the dawg is ok...
hiya SKendall..hope you are well today...whats the worst airport you have been to?to be honest ,going early doors is a lot better than getting snarled in the later traffic do you still do a lot of travelling?
hiya pie hows you then...what happening in dolly dog area?
hey sam you doing ok?
hiya Jacs ...nice to see you and the great molls back again..talking about names ..what about something like "getting around"?kinda got that dual meaning if you see what I mean??
well peeps offski so have good day
ab....yes you are listened to my friend..your two cents is our two pence...see sheer poetry!!have a good one