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Genuine July - 2016

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    Good morning,

    Today is volunteer day for me. I don't know if I ever mentioned it but I am finally in the end very competent and confident using the cash register and cashing out at the end of the day. The volunteer appreciation picnic is August 14 and I have invited Mr. D to go. It should be fun!

    Star, I am not feeling the same way about the DNC convention. I live in fear and trembling of a Hillary Clinton presidency. I am not pleased with either choice, but I have seen enough of Hillary to know I could never vote for her.

    Lav, does YB enjoy time with his grandchildren? Mr. D loves it! He plays with them and teaches them things. It's wonderful to watch, really. Which grandson is it that you say shares YB's personality? It's not EB, is it?

    Pauly, I agree with Cyn. You ARE special and definitely no weirdo! Now that you mention weight gain, I should say, that was another reason I did not like the Lexapro. I gained weight on it which of course depressed me! Lexapro wasn't for me. But, as I say, we are each different. Maybe your experience will be better than mine if you choose to try it. To be fair, when I went on Lexapro I was still drinking. Heavily. I had this hope that the Lexapro would help me quit. But instead, I took the Lexapro AND continued to drink. Not a good combination as the Lexapro amplified the effects of al. So, I am not a good judge of the proper use or effectiveness of Lexapro!

    Cyn, what state are you in? Are you near the California wildfires? Are you affected by the smoke? How are your days going? Busy? What do you do about your business when you are away from home so long? Loads of questions! Sorry. Only answer if you feel like it!

    Let's all have a great AF Friday!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Good afternoon friends,

      Still hot & humid after yesterday storms. Geez! We did get another inch of rain so nothing needs to be watered.
      Grandson was 4 hours late getting here today. Apparently he felt compelled to have a full on tantrum for his mother for no good reason. She had to completely reschedule her day!!!
      This is the kid who has YB's personality, HA HA!!!!

      Hi Cyn, I hope everything is going well for you

      Star, I hope your weekdnd is relaxing after a long week.
      You should really enjoy your new outdoor space in the fall.

      Dill, glad you are comfortable in your volunteer job now.
      I watched the entire DNC with great hope & enthusiasm that I really needed to hear after hearing the negative, dark & depressing message from the RNC.
      Why would you live in fear & trembling of a Hillary Clinton presidency? This is historic & a step in the right direction for not only the US but for the world.
      My fear lies in the knowledge that some people are willing to put Trump in office. He's a proven loser in the business world, a proven loser in life with multiple failed marriages & apparently has a fondess for 14 year old girls. There are several open law suits re child rape with his name on them. He refuses to show his tax returns possibly because he hasn't paid them. He's obviously in bed with the Russians - what's to trust about him? Sorry to get political but this guy is downright dangerous for all of us! He has no plans, no vision for America, only himself.

      Pauly, hello to you & I hope you are having a goid day.

      Peace to everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Even though I like what Lav posted, I'm exhausted by politics,all day at work,on the news,meh,lets keep it neutral here
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Good morning...

          Lav, I agree with you 100% re: Hillary, her life has been one of public service to help people with disabilities, people of all races, and so many years of trying to make change. I know that we could be in big trouble in this country and worldwide if Trump were elected. I just don't understand the hatred of Hillary. I guess if you say bad things about a person enough, proven or not, they are believed. We have to work together for positive change and it will be ongoing, that is life. Look at all of us here on MWO, we just keep trying, supporting each other and getting back up after our failures. We are awesome!

          Dill, it is still so hot in our area, hope you have been able to get outside a bit and enjoy. Any boating lately? I hope to get in a little swimming this weekend and hot tub. Still trying to get through the same book, not alot of time to read this week.

          Pauly, what's new with you? Did the smokey air go away? Hope so. It is really hard to deal with mood issues, my heart goes out to you.

          Cyn hope your trip is going well. Have a good one.


            Good morning All,

            Pauly, I apologize for breaking my personal rule of not making political comments. You are right. It's everywhere all day long and it isn't helpful IMO to have it here too! So, no more from me on that topic.

            Cyn, Lav and Star, greetings!

            Birthday party here for my granddaughter today. She is FIVE! Where does the time go? YouTube

            Happy AF Saturday everyone.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Morning friends, Dill you don't have to apologize to me at all,I just know how worked up some people get over politics and feelingsget hurt,etc and I don't want us going through that,hope your granddaughter has a great birthday don't want to go to work, feel burnt out this week I dunno, hello Lav,Star and Cyn hope we all have a great AF Saturday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Good afternoon friends!

                Stuck still in the heat, humidity & rain off & on, ugh.

                We are all grownups & entitled to our opinions but I do think we need to give valid reasons for the statements we make. Repeating blanket meaningless statements about one candidate or the other is useless, really.
                I would much rather continue to have open & honest discussions here among friends

                Dill. Have a wonderful birthday party today!!!
                It is truly amazing to realize 5 years can go by so quickly, goodness

                Hello to Star, Pauly & Cyn. I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good morning...

                  Lav, I felt relieved to read your comments, I have read some really nasty ones on my FB, upsetting me, I wish it didn't. I was thinking, I know where I stand, I may not understand others thinking, but it is just so important to vote. And I will. And I cannot control what others think or who they vote for, so what will happen will happen. We had another hot and sunny day, I was outside as much as I could be. It was relaxing, and I am sleeping well, for which I am extremely grateful.

                  Dill, I cannot believe that your granddaughter is five already, what a sweet little age. She is so blessed to have you in her life. Your family, pulling together, are giving her and her brother a magical childhood. The sounds and smells of summer are especially intense right now and the corn on the cob the best! Yesterday I went to a little farm right by my house and there was bi-color and white corn; I bought both and it was GOOD! The tomatoes are amazing too. Do you have any favorite recipes? Let me know.

                  Pauly, I had a rough week too at work, just didn't feel good in the beginning of the week, at all. Better now, and looking forward to my Sunday. I have been reading a new website (to me) Tired of thinking about drinking and feel I am getting alot out of it, maybe you would enjoy it too.

                  Cyn, must be busy, hope your trip is going well.

                  Have a peaceful, relaxed Sunday, AF.


                    Morning friends, Star what is the site? I get sick of reading about drinking too,especially when I'm exercising like riding the stationary bike and need something to read while doing it, that's why I joined sparkpeople but that's boring, reddit got boring,the paleo forum I joined was boring to me too so I started searching for fashion and beauty forums,those ladies take it too seriously haha,I've been reading about progesterone/estrogen imbalance and I have symptoms of both,so what gives? I just know that a lot of my problem is hormones+I still smoke and I read that smokers are 40% more likely to go through early menopause!! Crazy,anyway the air here is awful, I posted a pic and article on Facebook yesterday to show Lav I'm not full of bull when I whine about how bad it really is here,of course it a not so extreme as yesterday usually but it still gets bad,no vegetation and too much construction I think, Dill,how was your granddaughter birthday? We were watching some thing on YouTube and it was the lady with record number largest hips and Lou said"she looks like an egg" for some reason it was just funny, his vocab is getting bigger and cracks me up,I really hope we all have a peaceful Sunday, no.drama for this mama!! Kell quit her job,says she just can't deal with people anymore, she's supposed to go to work for Victoria secret as a stocker I guess,gotta think of August names, awesome is all I can think of atm,awesomely AF August? Help!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Good afternoon friends,

                      So that half ton of rain we got yesterday did absolutely nothing to improve conditions around here. It's still hot & humid, my hair looks like hell, ha ha!!
                      We are fortunate that we didn't get any of the severe flooding that occured just south & west of here. When you get 6 inches of rain in a 2 hour period you get floods

                      Star, we get corn from our Amish guy. Most of it is grown by one of his sons on his own farm - so good! The tomatoes taste like tomatoes & not cardboard, yay!

                      Pauly, right now I have two books sitting on my kitchen table. One is 'Better Bones, Better Body by Susan E. Brown, Ph.D.
                      This book is very comprehensive with chapters on building digestive strength, bone-robbing dietary excesses & other lifestyle factors that hurt your bones. There's a chapter on endocrine imbalances, very important with all that is going on with you right now. You should take a look at this book.
                      The other book is 'Change Your Brain, Change Your Life' by Daniel Amen, MD.
                      I read both of these books several years ago but I like a little refresher now & then.
                      I am trying to talk YB into reading Dr. Amen's book because he is worried about developing memory problems. I already see him struggling with some things. His aunt, who is just 10 years older than he is is already having some big problems.
                      I get so much more out of books that can actually help me than books that just entertain me. For me it's all about self-preservation, ha ha!!

                      Hello to cyn, hope you are well!

                      Dill, I hope the birthday party was a big success!

                      I Am preparing for a full week of watching kids. Tomorrow my grandsons will be here all day. My granddaughter will be here Tuesday thru Friday and my grandsons will probably be back on Friday too, oh boy.

                      Have a pleasant AF afternoon everyone!

                      Last edited by Lavande; July 31, 2016, 02:34 PM.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

