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July 7

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    July 7

    Morning all how are things Internet is pretty poor here so struggling a wee bit it takes ages if at all to get pics up..ppqp..yesterday we were at amalfi.drove all the way down and back to sorrento where I am now. .today we go to the Isle of capri then tomorrow the final leg onto is the rest of the gang doing. .hopefully all are doing good. .fave meal so far det. Pasta. ..some of the sauces are mmmmm..brew time peeps big hugs to you all20160706_141042.jpg


    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    MAE ALL....

    Mick...thanks for kicking us off. Will be heading to google maps next. What a way to celebrate 4 & 60 years! Bet you'll be glad to get home and back to your garden. With all the heat and pop up thunderstorms we've been having the community garden is bursting with growth. Can hardly wait to start harvesting.

    Lav...sometimes the basics is just what's needed.

    SF...thanks. Interesting about the "impermanence" practice.

    Will be heading into work soon to see how much mess was left after the political fundraiser yesterday. Got to say the place looked great on the news last night.

    Shout out to all to come.....:smile:PPQP


      Mae everybody,absolutely gorgeous Mick SF,I agree that I like split days off too,2 days in a row leaves me sluggish,I agree on the rehab too,I think it would be great to be away from everything and focus on yourself and learn new coping skills,only with others who want to be there though,I think being around peeps who were court ordered or forced and resentful would be irritating! Det,good job on giving that beer to your friend,I've had al pushed on me too,my old gambling spot used to see me walking in through the window and have the bottle uncapped as I walked through,at that time I thought "how cool" now I'm glad I don't go in that place I never thought I'd be thought of as a regular in a bar, how sickening, hubs is changing jobs and I'm just trying to detach myself, its not my job but I feel freakin unsettled,I really hope he's making the right decision, I can't pay these damn bills by myself,sigh,much love to all,hope everyone is ok,back later
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Gorgeous pictures Mick. I'm glad you are enjoying your time away.

        Pauly.....on the rehab. I'm seeing more and more places that are offering a different approach than AA.....some really fascinate me. It's good to see that people do have options. Had I had my wits about me....I think a few of these places would have been good for me. As for court ordered....I don't think the court would accept the places I am seeing. In the past many of these places could not get insurance to cover that seems to be changing as well. Guess what I am saying is the right rehab probably can do wonders, the wrong one can do a lot of harm. I for one do not believe in breaking a person down in order to build them up. I hear that shit a lot in AA and it always irritates me. As if the person showing up needs anymore of their self esteem destroyed.

        PPQ---it really falls under the saying "this too shall pass". I never found much comfort in that. The practice is more being mindful all the time....good or bad.....this is impermanent.

        Hope everyone is having a good day. I woke up with a I'm going back to sleep. I hate missing work....but, we just had a big training on not coming in when you are sick and handling people's food. Go figure.


          Hi peeps well just back from the island of Capri will try n put some pics up internet is poor here tomorrow a very early start .so won't be able to post until I get to Sicily Pauly this pizza was ace watched them make it ..have a safe sober day all of yooze x



          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


   take some great pictures. I'm sure one of us will start the thread tomorrow so no worries.

            Pauly...I used to think it was cool too have my drink of choice waiting for me when I walked in. I often thought she can't come here when I'm with so-and-so! LOL Boy the games we used to play.

            SF....hope the fever broke and you're feeling better. The first time I went to rehab it was for 3 months. I didn't hit rock bottom as they say in AA but knew I had to quit and couldn't do it on my own. Although we did attend AA meetings at times most of it was learning why alcohol affects us differently from other people. It was really quite interesting. There was also lots of one-on-counseling and when I "graduated" I was on top of the world. If they had known I was on a "life high" they would have kept me for further counseling. They said that I felt that way because I had done a lot of work dealing with a lot of feelings and learning a new way of living. They worry about the "life high" because it doesn't last and without the right coping skills you're right back where you were.
            At that time I got engaged to my now "ex" and he promptly said I could drink if I wanted too. Well, feeling totally in control, madly in love with a man I highly respected and having him tell me I could drink I'd won the jackpot. Of course within 2 years I was back at rehab, as that's where I wanted to go to get my life back in order. This time around there was a separate session with spouses, as I was married then. I was warned by the spouses counselor that my "ex" would use his Bipolar (Manic/Depression) to try and control me. He warned me that he was like an alcoholic and would do and say anything to get his way. Of course I didn't believe him. I often wonder how my life would have turned out if I had listened. Sorry for the long post but wanted to say I do believe in rehab.

            Boss shut the office down at noon today. Got my groceries bought and a head start on the household chores. Hope everyone else is having a grand day.....:smile:PPQP


              Good evening Abbers,

              Mick, I'll take the scenery & even the the pizza but they can keep their wine & drugs, ha ha!!
              Thanks for the beautiful pictures. Keep having fun

              Pauly, a job change is usually stressful but try to stay positive. Remember, you get back what you put out there. Keep your cool

              PQ, I don't really understand why I made some of the decisions I made in my life either. We can't go back & change anything but we sure can focus on making better decisions moving forward. You certainly have had more than your fair share of BS to deal with lady.
              I hope you enjoyed your afternoon off.

              SF, Pie, Sam, Det & everyone - hope you are all well.
              I'm going to go outside & play pulling weeds for a while until it gets dark. It was way too hot to do any of that again today.

              Peace to all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

