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the friday fortunates....

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    the friday fortunates....

    mornin all ...yep the fortunates..why?cos we are fortunate enough to remember the weekend ..instead of wtf happened there..fortunate to wake up with no headaches,to deal with issues without getting hammered ,to realise that we have to look after our health and to realise that happiness aint bottle there we are ..add as you wish..

    as we speak ,guy is outside on my car...getting tints put on the rear windows..nope not as a boy racer etc,but to lessen the chances of opportunistic car robbing,also takes out a lot of heat from the sun..ha wait till winter!!

    saw that thing about the shooting of that autistic guys helper...obviously only based on reports via the media.....but something has gone seriously wrong there,bearing in mind it was allegedly a marksman on the end of that weapon....just adds more fuel to a growing fire....

    and then Trump sticks his nose in again...if he wasnt so dangerous he would be funny!

    anyway weekend here sun is out so lets really milk poets day...Im at the dentist tomorrow..root canal...Saturday..jeez..

    so brew time it is...

    hiya SF...specially for you black eyed for the political thing you are watching take it that it is similar to our Parliamentary joke show...


    mornin daisy ..hows you over the watter?all good ..out cycling today or looking after the wean?Julie sends her best and well done on the numbers.

    hiya Pauly...think you are doing right girl...sack the party ....2 fingz in your post

    why do you wish you could have a few?what will that give you that none will?
    why would you resent being sober?when you get up next mornin not having to think did I make an ass of myself,feeling crap and a rock band going off in your head?yep sure wish wiz closer too...but you made the right choice...

    hey ppqp...hows you then?no pool...get one in the garden before the boss finally does one...hope you are ok..

    det camping with the mafioso..??out wiv da boyz :congratulatory: hope it all works out on the job front for you..yep there are lotsa plants poisonous to peskies..

    mornin Lav ..hows you today then after cleaning up ...take the kids arent there for the weekend?saw the pic of the blocks laid..thats going to be one your soil clayey?it looks it..brew for you..looking at new puters ..may have to bite the bullet here...

    hiya pie and sk ..hope all is well ,and have a great weekend....

    right peeps its goodbye from moi...have a great weekend whatever you are doing..

    A fisherman catches a shark. As soon as he pulls him up the shark starts yelling, "Wait wait wait... I'm a magic shark, I can grant you wishes if you let me go."

    "Alright," says the man, "I want my penis to reach the floor".

    So the shark ate his legs.

    What's the difference between a man who falls off a building from the 20th floor, and a man who falls off a building from the 2nd floor?

    The man from the 20th floor goes: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" *thud*.
    While the man from the 2nd floor goes: *thud* "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!"

    The first surgeon says, "I like operating on librarians. When you open them up, everything is in alphabetical order".
    The second surgeon says, "I like operating on accountants. When you open them up, everything is in numerical order".
    The third surgeon says, "I like operating on electricians. When you open them up, everything is color coded."
    The fourth surgeon says, "I like operating on politicians."
    The other three surgeons look at each other in disbelief.
    The fourth surgeon continues, "Because they're heartless, gutless, spineless, and the ass and head are interchangeable."

    My biggest talent is sleeping.

    I can do it with my eyes closed.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    day off from soils so off to survey land. Trying to get an earlier start cause of the oncoming heat. Well the big Don show has come and gone, can't wait for it all to be over. Hard to believe.... its all about the american dream, grow up to be a billionaire, walk all over people, reality TV, then who knows, could be president.

    Gotta stop......

    played some tunes last night. good times! played a little banjo, been awhile since I made noise on that so took me a second to get my mind and fingers coordinated. One of my brothers gave me a really nice one a year or so ago. Great sound (for a banjo, right?)

    well, hope everyone is movin and groovin (groin) this Friday (spell check always wants groovin to be groin).

    Liberated 5/11/2013


      MAE, Abbers. I liked the title of the thread, Mick, and in fact was just thinking myself how fortunate we are to have had the opportunity to quit and to have taken it. An article came out yesterday confirming what I think most of us have come to believe - the stuff is POISON ! This analysis implicates alcohol in the development of at least 7 types of cancer, with the evidence much stronger than any putative heart-health benefits (which I used to justify drinking for years).

      easy version: Alcohol is a direct cause of seven ​​forms of cancer, finds study | Society | The Guardian
      the real deal: Alcohol consumption as a cause of cancer - Connor - 216 - Addiction - Wiley Online Library


        Mae everybody, Mick,woke up with a headache anyways, probably cuz I watched Trumps speech before bed haha!the thinking is the euphoric recall that we've all heard about, I keep flashing back to the fun times,totally stupid but those thoughts jump in here and there, my brother posted a pic from 5 years ago on Facebook yesterday and I can see my slack jaw,red face,makes me cringe but at the same time I remember how much fun we had that weekend, its a total mind f%ck! That's all it is period. had to go to a dumb doc appointment yesterday(swear their scale is 10 lbs off!)asked about my bloods and the stupid doc that ordered them just wrote"nothing remarkable" for the results, there was no print out like there usually is, that Indian clinic is like a third world clinic and a revolving door of doctors,not having insurance is awful, can't afford the plans but make too much for help,that's why I've hated Obama care since it took place, before we could get it through hubs' job,I need to get food before I pass out much love to all back later
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Good afternoon Abbers,

          Tis another hot & humid day here, ugh!
          The stone mason was here at 7 am to dump a load of stones inside the foundation Mick & do the grading around the thing. Yes, we have clay soil here. The poor guy & his helper were dripping in sweat by the time they finished at 9 am!!!! Ridiculous weather!
          I had to GAG last night seeing Trump grope his grown daughter on TV. What an ass
          I see now that there was just some mass shooting in a shopping mall in Munich. Has the whole world gone nuts?

          Hi there Sam. Hope you are watching out for heat exhaustion being outside.

          NS, I totally believe the alcohol/cancer link. Now, just to get the rest of the world to believe it too!!!

          Pauly, is your husband going to be offered health care benefits at his new job? It is very difficult going without & preventative care is vital. We can all help ourselves by staying away from AL & smoking, eating well & moving enough.

          Wishing everyone a good AF afternoon. I will check in later.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Ahoy ho ABeroooskies!!

            Mick, loverly garden there. Regarding police and marksmanship.... I could tell you horror stories for days. Of the several times I've nearly been shot by careless retards with guns it was always by a uniformed dude armed with a huge ego and way less training than they really need.

            Sam and Lav, watch out for heatstroke... supposed to be dangerously hot in many parts.

            Nosugar, great link thank you. i also sought articles espousing the health benefits of wine, which is ironic since I also had a pounding headache, painfully swollen abdomen and puke stains on the carpet. glamourous!

            my only observation on the dreary political front is the simple question: out of a nation of so many millions, are these really our two best options? I'm going for 'none of the above'.

            in better news, yesterday morning I spied a pood-wecker. hecker-ped? anyway a neat birdie:

            getting my camping gear sorted here and then off to the desert.

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              MAE ALL...felt like I just got to work and turned around and came home. Boss left at noon and I told him when the rental party shows up I'm out of here. Not dealing with 200 ethnic Indians who have rented the hall for a pre-wedding dinner. They are supplying their own food so no staff required. They hit me up with 5 requests before I could get out the door. LOL

              Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. All good here, still ignoring the ex. Boss went for some tests yesterday and informed me this morning he has cancer again. They're not sure if it's the same kind as he had before or something new. He'll know more in a week. Got a feeling this could speed up his retirement. Yup, we'll see how that tinting is when you're chauffeuring relatives to the airport at 2am this winter. Good luck at the dentist tomorrow.

              Sam...we're getting a break from the heat today. I remember you talking about the banjo your brother gave you.

              NS...saw the same news item yesterday. My boss was a heavy drinker in his day.

    's way too hot to drink, heard it's going up to 112F today in Vegas. YIKES! When I have thoughts of missing out on fun by not drinking I always remember the day that brought me to MWO. That's my reality check. Wonder how Trump will deal with health care.

              Lav...watched Trump's speech on TV as well but missed the groping. I bet people are wondering if the mall shooting in Munich is a result of all the Syrian refuges they let in. The world has gone mad, they were already nuts.

              Det...I think ego plays a big role in these shootings. Great picture, you're pretty ace with that camera. Enjoy the camping.

              Picked up a few items at the grocery story when I finally made my get away. Just have to figure out what I'm going to make with them. Looking forward to the weekend as next weekend will see me dog sitting at my brother's. Always think of Pi when I do that. Shout out to all to come....:smile:PPQP
              Last edited by porqoui; July 22, 2016, 05:24 PM.


                That woodpecker's extended family lives in my yard Det, ha ha! They really can make a lot of noise when they get started. Be careful desert camping!

                PQ, how old is your boss?
                I think I would rush into retirement if I was facing something like that, geez.
                I hope yourcweekend is gloriously quiet & peaceful

                Well, we got the dog's urine specimen dropped off at the vet's office (don't ask, ha ha) then ran out for a bite to eat. Now I'm ready to do absolutely nothing, yay!!

                Peace to all tonight!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hey Lav...he turned 63 last week. He's 3 years older than me! No phones plugged in and I plan on spending a lot of my weekend at the garden. Hope your weekend is peaceful too.


                    Dog sitting? Did someone call for a dog sitter? Here I am, just back from the dinner soiree, and pretty pleased that I opted for Sprite, and didn't mind. Gorgeous house, great food, and friendly peeps that mostly I know. Have to admit though, that I was hyper aware of how others were drinking, and nearly everyone was holding a glass of wine when I arrived. By desert though, many had switched to coffee or water. No way would I ever ruin a good buzz by switching to coffee! Fact is, I enjoyed myself as a non-drinker. No tripping, spilling, or slurring to worry about. I looked good when I got there, and good when I left. Happy, happy!

                    Mick, I'm still chuckling over your attire explanation. Funny stuff!

                    Hey there NS, Pauly, Lav, Det and PQ.


                      Pauly-the recall thing is so real. I had so many great times drinking. I recently read a book called "Living Sober" and it really hit the nail on the head with so many of its passages. As much fun as those times were, I simply can not recreate matter how many times I try. If I do manage to squeeze a few in, ultimately it ends poorly. Time and time again. I have to accept that my body does not react to alcohol like most people. Nobody really knows the reason. Some days I simply don't care. Other days I wish I could have a couple and recreate that happy buzzed feeling. But those days are long gone. And I do think it is completely normal to have the recall, especially when remembering a fun weekend or event. Some don't--but I can relax in the knowing that I am not alone in that type of thinking. Knowing that it is normal can defeat the fuse.

                      Power is running out...

