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the Sunday soberites

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    the Sunday soberites

    morning all..Captain Bravehearts cloak s hanging up...its plain ole moi again...job at the chop house wasnt so bad fact Im thinking of becoming a dentist...I know the speeches off by heart scratch,you will feel a bit of pressure and just raise your hand if you feel pain..thats all you need to know....and the wages are good as well!!jeez dont I know it
    back at the other dentist tomorrow.....

    but firstly....(triumphal entrance and fanfare...)da da welcome tt great to see you're back...well not your back..that letter e and the a at a young agepostrophe make a huge difference!and welcome to the bougie club.....glad you enjoyed your uk trip..I ordered weather especially for for the drinking culture over is very fact it isnt a culture ,its a way of life,even at a young age...and then you turn the tev on to be greeted with reality shows like road wars,24 hours in custody,all the cop shows etc which seem to hinge around youngsters....either A nicking cars and being involved in high speed chases,or B Friday night in wherever where the programme is based round youngsters causing hassle thru I know Im getting old (er)anyeays great to see you here.

    det ..saw your post...and pics....apologies but the first thing I thought was Laurel and Hardy the lonesome pine!!hope the trip is going well

    hiya Nora are you today then?like Pie I did not know King wrote anything other than horror will check it the moment Im reading Vince Flynn..Ive read all the Jack Reacher books......if you use your kindle a lot...have a look at the website type in who you want and see if it comes up..if you are intersted give me a shout and I will do a step by step guide to downloading and changing the format for kindle..its a long process but easy..hope all is well on the home front.

    Lav..large brew here ..sounds like you need it ..what was the lumber stop for..(go on ...wood!!!!)is today as busy?got another plant to match the pink one climbing in the conservatory ...
    20160720_070649 (1).jpg

    hiya 3.142...hows things in pieland?all good ..?hope so..

    hiya pauly..hey well done on the pound shop !as for the mighta said ..I would have sent this pair across hope all is ok with you about instead of rying to re-create old times create new good times to file in the memory dont hafta be bad,def not sad ...but just a wee bit mad!!

    hiya are you today then?happy haircut..did you get one?I prefer to keep mine short..especially in this weather..oh yeh and the wind ,rain heat cold etc..much cleaning up after the party?
    pulled the first of my turnips turnip ,potatoes and something today...hope you have a good day


    hiya sk ok?

    hiya Sam out veying yesterday?have you heard of lidar?do you use it?I use the data for plotting settlements for detecting etc......

    right peeps going to go now big shout to you all...have a great day ..youve earned it
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    thanks for the morning brew, Mick. I always appreciate how much thoughtfulness you put into your posts.

    feeling a little brain fried this morning. Slept in till 8! Long day, yesterdiddy and in the evening after a shower I ended up having to take a cold bath, couldn't get cooled off, we have no AC. Pauly, I don't see how in the world you stand it. 112ยบ is hot, humidity or not!

    TT, glad to see you, hope all is well with you. Nora, don't be a stranger, "step" in any time.

    well, off to shake out the cobwebs. I hope everyone's Sunday is a pleasant one.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Morning Mick and Friends. Got a table reserved for us inside. First round (of coffee) is on me.


        Mae everybody, Pie,thanks for booking us,is it bad that I zoomed in on "steaks" at 6:40 am? Haha,I have food issues I think, Mick,pretty plant,Sam,hope you're finally cooled off,had to buy a new toilet for the upstairs bathroom cuz it was getting gross! The hard water here builds up over time and it's impossible to get them clean,plus it started having that"old toilet" smell,bleck,I never use that bathroom so I only barely noticed, I feel like doing absolutely nothing today like the Bruno Mars song,so I won't,much love to all
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Great post Mick, your posts always make me smile. I am also reading Vince Flynn, "Kill Shot".

          I am currently living in an appt. until my house sells and I so miss gardening. I think our summer starts today. Between the rass being at saturation point because they are still running the sprinklers ?? my dog Peggy has fungus issues. Vet wants to sell me expensive ointment and liquid flush. I looked up the natural way, apple cider vinegar and water in a squeeze bottle, flushed out her paws and presto, no more licking her paws, will do it again today.

          Hello to everyone else.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Happy Sunday. Thanks for letting me pop in here instead of lurking.
            I'll have to check out the book recommendations. I might actually get back to the last Stephen King book today. Feeling lazy today too, Pauly.

            Mick - I'll check out that book site. I'll give a shout out if I need help.

            Have a great day everyone.

            PS - thanks for telling me to 'step' in Sam. lol
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Morning everyone its Monday here but I thought to avoid confusion I would post on this thread. A big thanks for the welcome (and the cushion PQ). We had a spot of snow on Sunday and it was very cold - but it didn't settle. Today is a tough one for me work wise so I better get my skates on soon.
              Catch you later!


                MAE ALL...very late check in for me. It was 66F at 5am this morning so headed over to water the garden before it got any hotter. No complaints as I compare my temps to Pauly's! Vegas is cooking.

                Mick...glad you survived the chop house visit. Another dentist tomorrow :egad: Nice turnip, do you or Julie do a lot of canning? Hair cut accomplished today, couldn't be bothered yesterday.

       to admit I'm so grateful to have AC. We don't usually have to deal with this heat, must be something to this climate change! Keep safe while dealing with your temps.

                Pi...thanks for the coffee. Got to admit I zeroed in on "steak" same as Pauly. LOL

                Pauly...and there's the positive in renting. I don't have to deal with "toilet" issues. Other than early garden watering and a hair cut I was in the same mood as you. Did absolutely nothing after that.

                SK...good job on doing it your way. How did we ever survive without google.

                Nora...I thought that was pretty clever of Sam too. LOL Hope you had a great day too.

                TT...snow :egad: Not the "S" word. It'll be here before I know it. Thanks for not confusing us. LOL That did bring back memories of all your posting's before.

                Too hot to BBQ tonight so off to make a spinach salad. Shout out to everyone else....:smile:PPQP


                  Glad you're here, Nora. Means we won't have to track you down for your big milestone coming up!

                  Greetings to SK, and TT as well.

                  Pauly, I thought for sure you'd zoom in on the flowers at the top of the stairs because it looks like a bougainvillea!


                    Pie,food is always the first thing I notice haha,PQ,too hot to bbq here too but I made hubs grill chicken!poor guy
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Good evening Abbers,

                      Another bedtime check in for me, ha ha!
                      Today was just as busy but no storms to deal with, thank goodness. The electric company still has trucks running around trying to fix all the damage from yesterday.
                      The family managed to get here for dinner (except for my son who is at work). Grilled turkey burgers & zucchini - pretty good.

                      Mick, that's a very pretty flower, I love red blooms
                      What do you do with your turnips, mash them?
                      I haven't grown them since the 70's, believe it or not?

                      Sam, I could not cope without the AC. I don't know how you manage. Take it easy in this disgusting heat. Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 99 degrees & with the humidity it will feel like 106 or something, ugh.

                      Pie, I noticed the flowers first, ha ha!!!

                      Pauly, a new toilet is so exciting!! LOL
                      We have fairly hard water here that will leave stains on things too.

                      SK, glad you found a natural way to help your doggie. I have put out some crazy money for one of my dogs the past few months for medications that she ends up having problems tolerating anyway.

                      Hi there Nora & TT, glad to have you both here.

                      PQ, with all this heat here I've begun fantasizing about snow, just a little!!

                      Hey Det, hope you are home safe from your desert adventure.

                      Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        My cousin's daughter in Indiana posted a selfie of her standing outside. Her glasses were fogged up from the humidity!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15

