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    good morning all on wet and windy morning on the is hammering it down..def no need for sunglasses or aircon today!more need of wellies and a coat..anyway how are we doing today then folks?all good hopefully ..was at the dentists yesterday...was probably one of the most painful sessions yet..went in all smiles and chirpy...soon knocked that out of me! it involved cutting the roof of my mouth and gums,needles and very little anasthetic....not pleasant at all ...and to make matters worse ..bloody Jeremy Kyle was on telly!!so needless to say ,mouth is a tad sore today...going to give the brews a miss,but here you go kettle is on....

    morning tt are you today then?doing good?gin and tonic?wow now we are going back to the days of the Raj in India! a very British thing..and as for mixers..hah..I dont like gin,and to my recall have only drunk it once..that was when me and another jock shared a bottle in the Falklands..and the mixer?powdered lime..the stuff that the forces give you in the tropics to prevent scurvy!!yum yum ...not..Ive been on that gardens is ace..have moved my little bougainvillea into the kitchen,I think there is too much draught when I open the conservatory door...hope your day was well....

    hiya Sam how are you today then?all good I hope there is a lidar database of Britain,some parts obviously not as good as others,..the way I look for places..
    maps...old roads names of villages towns,ruins nearby...contours in the ground for height.
    archeaology reports
    treasure reports
    google villages surrounding areas
    metal detecting websites ..for any digging done in that area
    and finally is permission available

    in hot weather a lot of people drink hot drinks..supposed to cool you down?

    hiya pie ...coupla tall boys every mornin?at one stage I guess I eould have thought thats a good start to the day...loooooong are you doing...any more jobs lined up?

    hiya pauly...firstly well done on not going to the may have felt hacked off at the time,but betcha feel better today hangover feelin crap etc?as for the positive...what do you want to do ,what would you like to do,what can you do..what interests have you got? why not put something up here ..lets see if we can get something together out of all our brain cellz..:thumbsup:

    hiya ppqp are you today then?sounds like yesterday was pretty much like a catalogue of disasters!!have you figured out the phone yet?hope today goes better.

    hiya det ...couple of days without any injury?wow ..doing well there mate..hows the job front looking ..have you heard any more?

    hiya are you today then?hows things on the ranch as they say..glad they made you laff...

    hi construction..?a mere 105 degrees ..eek..time for a brew...took my first red tomato off this morning...

    hiya sk hows you today then?

    right peeps goodly by for the noo..

    and in the meantime....employee of the choose....

    Interesting - Timeline | Facebook
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    sounds like a terrible day in the chair Mick. Take an easy day today, all projects can wait till tomorrow! I sure hope you're coming to an end to these visits.

    looks like a rather unsettled week coming on weather wise.... storms every day, we need the rain, can do without the ferocity of it all. Off to look at another transit this afternoon. I need something lighter for my old back. The robotic I got works but with the motors, it is heavy as blazes. We'll see... all about $$$ or rather the lack of.

    be well good friends, gotta dash
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Good grief, Mick! That dentist visit sounds like a horror flick, and stormy weather to boot? I prescribe for you a pajama day. And ice cream.

      Sam, I have no idea what you're looking to buy, but hope you find a good one. Transit? Robotics? Color me mystified.

      Completely lost my temper yesterday at a health service provider for my dad. I'm extraordinarily angry at her for unnecessarily (in my view) causing an upheaval for him. Worse is the regret I feel for reacting immaturely, like the drinking me. Haven't had an episode like this since kicking AL to the curb. I'm sick over my behavior, and for exacerbating the problem rather than solving it. Bad Pie.


        Sometimes we reach our limits, Pie, and it sounds like that is what happened to you. It doesn't have to mean any more than that, right? And it doesn't mean you're going to go back to old behaviors. It's hard when the actions of others mess up our vision of how it should be, especially when it hurts someone we care about. Please don't beat yourself up about it. xx, NS


          MAE ALL....Much better start to my day.

          Mick...Ouch!! Man you are a trooper. Take it easy today and I like Pi's idea of PJ's and Ice Cream.

          Sam...Good luck with the transit search. I hear you about the $.

          Bad Pi osteroops: Geeze it's really disappointing to find out you're not perfect. :biglaugh: Take your own advice and pull out that Ice Cream.

          NS...good advice for Pi. No beating oneself up, we did enough of that already.

          Well, hopefully today will run a lot smoother. Booked Friday off so looking forward to an extra long weekend.
          Have a Tremendous Tuesday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


            Mae everybody, Mick all I can say is ouch! Felt like a bitch on wheels last night why? Tired of it really, Pie,I hate overreacting it feels out of control and I don't like that feeling take PPQP's advice not much else going on with me, just grouchy, much love to all have a great Tuesday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Good Tuesday afternoon Abbers

              Still hot & humid after yesterday's huge storm. Where the hell is the coldfront from Canada that usually brings us some cooler weather???? Ha ha

              Mick, sorry about the dental torture. What are they trying to accomplish? I have to wonder if it's something that could have been done in the hospital, under general anesthesia in just one trip? Hope you feel better soon!

              Sam, last evening's thunder storm went on for at least an hour & a half with a giant light show & tons of rain. Crazy! I hope you can find lighter weight 'senior citizen' tools for work, LOL, just kidding. I don't have the energy to do heavy lifting anymore myself - been there & done that.

              Pie, deep breaths, OK?
              You are human & permitted to lose your sh*t once in a while, we all do.
              Is this someone who can be replaced so you are comfortable with your dad's caretakers?
              Safety for the patient & peace of mind for the family are vital :hug:

              Hi there NS, PQ & pauly.
              I hope we all have a peaceful AF day!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Morning all - actually Wednesday morning. That sounds lot a lot of dental work Mick. Lav - here in NZ, dental work, even that which involves general anesthetic is always down out of hospital (unless its an ER emergency) - so maybe the UK is the same? Not quite the same, we have no free or subsidized dental care for adults, and private medical insurance usually does not cover it either. So many many people just dont see the dentist.
                Pie - as PQ says, dont beat yourself up. Pauly - yes, we have these bad days - yesterday was a bit of a doozy for me as I had a major technical glitch in front of a huge group of people, and then I lost the car key (found again), came home to find water leaking through the roof, and we have an infestation of flies from somewhere (dead vermin?). But my daughter came home with a wee pressie for me -some lovely bath smells and a big hug (I dont think she had an ulterior reason!) Thats a treat I will look forward to using.
                Sounds hot where you are Sam. We always seem to be complaining about our weather.
                Well it may be freezing but the sun is coming up over the ocean now and its gorgeous - and thats a good sign isn't it.
                Hi there NS as well, and all others peeking in.


                  Hidy ho ABernoodles near and far!

                  Mick, glad you survived the oral torture session. Even more glad to hear about the first ripe tomato. Mine are still tiny and green.
                  Last time i went to the dentist I told him I didn't have insurance and he cut me a huge cash-pay discount. He did a great job and it was 80 bucks total. Reminds me that I need a new mouthguard for kickboxing..really don't need any extra unnecessary dental work

                  Pie, I'm sure he's heard worse from other stressed-out family members! hang in there. And did you HAVE to mention icecream when I'm doing so good. ack!

                  Lav, hope you get that cold front soon.

                  on the job front... the two jobs I really don't care for want to hire me asap, and the one I'm really hoping for is conspicuously silent! arg. Being positive here....

                  The wild horses must have known I was heading their way with camera so they were nowhere to be seen. I did happen upon this lil fella on evening walk with Dx last night though

                  very interesting to note i've still had no AL cravings at all. No idea why and I'm almost nervous as this is seeming too easy. Keeping my guard up for the bastard, that's for sure. Complacency has got me before.

                  well, off to tend to the huge tri-tip BBQ which smells amazing.

                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    OMG...they just announced on the news that the Ontario Government is now going to let Canada Post deliver AL using an app on your phone and spending a minimum of $50. All of us who WERE isolated drinkers never have to go outside again.

                    Love the pic seems to always be the way we get what we don't want and don't get what we want. Hang in there. Of course there's always the "other" saying "It's always easier to get a job when you have a job." LOL We'll all be checking up on your complacency. :checkin:

                    TT...your day sounds like my Monday! At least you got a pressie out of it. Hope your Wednesday is better.

                    Lav...we appear to have lost our Cold Front, sorry. Severe thunderstorm just issued for Calgary. Don't worry, next year is a La Nina year, colder than expected temps as opposed to this year's El Nino. Careful what you wish for. LOL

                    Pauly....there you go. Just admit you're grouchy and move on. I hear there's ice cream around.

                    Pork chops, potatoes and corn not going to cook themselves so must be off. Have a peaceful evening all.....:smile:PPQP


                      PPQ, sounds like a great comfort food meal plan

                      Found the wild horseys but they were too far off to photo. Did manage a bird and a duck tho!
             I guess that's two birds...

                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

