anyway how are yizall?goodly I hope...the rain is making an appearance here again today...the rabbits have got their rain shelter up ....had a bit of a long blurb on the army thread this morning
that pic was taken yesterday ..pre rain...note the tunnel into the greenbox them another hidey hole
anyways I digress.....onwards with the brew we shall go....
mornin Sam...yep there are such things as parallel parking you havent found your windowed transit yet??? get one of these instead..the car that is not the geeky overfawning salesman!!
hiya pie..... started painting security bars. eek where do you live ?in a jail?

hiya pauly ...hows you ?been reading your posts over on the army ..good stuff ..nope meant 43 degs..which in real money is somewhere around 115 your parking idea..keep going till someone leaves!!you have a good day doing anything weekend?
hiya lav..brew hows you today the? all good?yes computers are a main integral part of life nowadays...not like when we were was an abacus....only kiddin!any storms gone thru your way yet?
hiya tt..hows you today then...should be around friday night rollin into the weekend for you now I it still as cold..?my nephew now lives in Australia...he whats aped yesterday..he hasnt been there that long...moaning ..its only 13 degrees not impressed with the temp work anything,also missing his mates..but he ha been told to hang on for the summer is ace...his best friend lives in NZ...Ive a funny feeling thats his next to admit I quit like you ..the biggie ,endex witchita,whatever ..there were no maybe one day...odats or anything....think maybe that made a bit harder than it could have been..I also wrote crap for hours and hours when the drinking monster tried to have a go..till in the end it wa a case of Im sick of writing crap,so in order to stop ..I need to conquer the drink thotz..there were no other choices..thats the one I gave stop for a brew ,watch telly or anything.. ..impressed flyby,running getting organised ..all action words within the first 11!:congratulatory:
did you get your free windows?personally Im lookin for a door..have you anything sorted for the weekend?or as it comes?whatever you do have a good one.
hiya nora c hows you today then?all good?still buzzin because you have done so good..yeeeeees!!how are things otherwise?still much the same this end ...have a great day you deserve it.
right good people tis time to draw a close...I would draw one but I dont know what they look like!!have a great weekend.